St Bernard?
I hope you have a BIG yard, and a huge house.. seems kind of mean to try to shove a big dog like that into a small house with a small or non-existent yard.
I live in stmarys not near charles county. I have a meeting tonight with the dog obedience trainer and am going talk to her more in detail about how bruno is bahaving and see what she says to it and see what she can come up with for me to do with her since the things shes has told me to try aren't working.
How do you get a puppy to stop biting. I have tried everything under the sun and nothing seems to be working do any of you have any good techniques that work?
huntr i will not pull the dogs teeth out. NO I wanted to see if anyone else had suggestions other than what she said to do with the dog as everyone handles things differently that is why i asked
Yes the dog obedience trainer has watched bruno and I together and she said i have high pitched womans voice and she might never really listen to me and she said I need to get stern with the dog and I have Tried and bruno she thinks i am part of her pack and all gamesHe was joking. Has the trainer actually watched you interact with the dog? I would help if she made sure you were correcting the dog appropriately. Like Cesar says, it's more about training the owners.
Yes the dog obedience trainer has watched bruno and I together and she said i have high pitched womans voice and she might never really listen to me and she said I need to get stern with the dog and I have Tried and bruno she thinks i am part of her pack and all games
Yes the dog obedience trainer has watched bruno and I together and she said i have high pitched womans voice and she might never really listen to me and she said I need to get stern with the dog and I have Tried and bruno she thinks i am part of her pack and all games
I really think you need another trainer. Bruno is a happy dog. You should be training her with positive reinforcement, NOT by being stern. The method you are using is not working. Why don't you give another method a try. High pitched voice is great for SHOWING a dog what you want them to do. You don't FORCE them to do anything.
You should take group classes so she can become socialized.
I think she should be firm when Bruno bites her though. She can be firm and say, "No bite!." When Bruno calms down she can then use her happy voice to say, "Good girl!" :shrug:
I'm not trying to say yell at the dog...I'm just trying to say she needs confidence.
Right. I think Bruno is just mouthing but at this point it's getting to the rough stage because it wasn't curbed as a young puppy. She should ignore her, stop the play and give a firm "no bite." But if she's smacking at her, grabbing her mouth to hold it or giving her any kind of attention (even negative) the dog is getting what it wants -- which is interaction from JP.
Bruno does get socialized with other humans and she plays with 2 other dogs that come into the store (my stepdad owns a country store and shes the stores mascot)and plus the dog obedience trainer brings one of her puppy pitbulls with her when she comes here and the 2 of them play (he puppy I think is 7months old and bruno is 5months old). I hate yelling at the dog to tell you all the truth. I have gotten stern with her on a few occasions and need to work at it more I know. Today when I took her out this afternoon after taking some advice people gave me shes done good with not jumping and biting me while walking her she now just walks next to me and watches for when i pull a treat out of my pocket for her being a good girl. She and I have been practicing the heel command when we go out and she knows what good girls get when they listen to what mom says.
I really think you need another trainer. Bruno is a happy dog. You should be training her with positive reinforcement, NOT by being stern. The method you are using is not working. Why don't you give another method a try. High pitched voice is great for SHOWING a dog what you want them to do. You don't FORCE them to do anything.
You should take group classes so she can become socialized.