New Member
I totally agree with you on this. Have you ever watched the surgery? Such a horrible thing to do to a puppy, who did not make the choice to be maimed and doesn't understand the pain and misery. Dew claws are bone...it's the same as removed a limb. Why? It certainly doesn't matter to the animal.
Ever watched a dew claw get ripped off a dog's leg because some idiot thought it would be nicer to leave them on? Ever watch a dog nearly bleed to death as a result? Ever had to pressure bandage and/or suture a dog in the field because some arrogant / ignorant ass thought they knew better than those with actual experience and knowledge and not just all chocky full of warm fuzzy emotional reaction? I doubt it.
Jackasses, yo. I'm not a 'pet' owner. I do far more with my dogs than kick them into the yard to crap every few hours. My dogs have jobs, and as distasteful as you may feel it is, I protect them. Especially from people like you. The worst thing in the world you can do to a working animal is strip them of their purpose in the name of 'animal advocacy'. It breaks their spirit. Dumbasses all.
Take your ignorance and false compassion elsewhere please, like maybe to a nice PETA sponsored pittbull slaughter at Ingrid Newkirk's multi million dollar office. Or at least to another thread.
Jeebus, mention getting a puppy and the lurking nutjobs crawl out of the woodwork, don't they?