I'm not sure if you participated an an earlier thread about the Eucharist, so I'm going to, very briefly, make a couple of points.
~At the Passover, which was cited by Dondi, the blood of the lamb had to be sprinkled on the doors, but the Jews also had to eat the lamb to be protected from the Angel of Death. I think we all recognize that "passover" to be the "type" for the true passover, which is that we will not die as a result of the Lamb of God.
~The manna from Heaven was miraculous food that fed the Israelites during their sojourn in the desert. Jesus is the true bread from Heaven, and it was the "bread" He picked up from the Passover table, not the lamb. This life is our "sojourn", and He is the Lamb and the Bread that nourishes us.
~The OT Passover and manna, while miraculous, prophesied the greater miracle which was to come. Certainly a prophecy cannot be more miraculous than it's fulfillment, so the new passover Christ instituted at the Last Supper cannot be lesser than what came before. Christ's resurrection was one of those miracles, obviously. But, it is not an either/or proposition, it is both.
To that in bold (emphasis mine), Jesus re-iterates 4 times in John 6 that the "bread" is His Body. If it had been symbolic, as you suggest, no disciples would have left on account of the "hard" teaching. The misunderstanding would have been cleared up.
2A, you say you've not seen evidence of early Christians believing in the True Presence, yet I've given you three (and there are more). Can you find me writings that say clearly it is a symbol?
I don't get what you read into the passages you didn't quote. John 6 is not about the last supper. I have read and understand John 6 to mean that we must have Jesus within us in our very being. As has been said, we are what we eat, so we must eat spiritually of Jesus, be one with Him in mind and Spirit.
Like I said, the difference on this issue is one of the issues for the Reformation. So, we disagree.
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