Question for the Men!


New Member
When you meet a girl and hit it off, is there a reason why you would stop talking to them? I believe in the "it is what it is" theory, but I don't get it, why talk to her for like 2 weeks then disappear? Curious thats all!

Ladies if you have any idea of what I'm talking about, can any of you relate?

Scenario is: I had met this guy, told him I just wanted to hang out be friends, I'm not talking about an FTF either..Just wanted someone to chill with and hang out with, do things with kinda thing..He talked to me for like everyday for 2 weeks, I never once called him texted him nothing(didn't have to try)..Then all of a sudden he disappeared? Stopped calling, stopped talking, texting everything. So I was curious and I called him, he didn't have much to say, so I let it go.

What causes this? Did he lose interest in me as a person? :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
Ladies if you have any idea of what I'm talking about, can any of you relate?
I can relate because I've been on both the giving and receiving end of this.

It's all exciting when it's new, but when you get to know that person a little better, you realize you're really not that into them. It's just not clicking for some reason.

It's nothing personal and nothing wrong with you. Just not the right ass for your seat.


New Member
Sounds to me that he was looking for more than you were ready to give (not just sex either). After a few weeks he probably thought it was a lost cause. Finally, he probably met someone new.

Sorry, it is just the way it goes sometimes. I do know how you feel and it is frustrating. Good luck.


New Member
jackers said:
Sounds to me that he was looking for more than you were ready to give (not just sex either). After a few weeks he probably thought it was a lost cause. Finally, he probably met someone new.

Sorry, it is just the way it goes sometimes. I do know how you feel and it is frustrating. Good luck.

I don't think it was me necessarily, but I just felt like ok he's not interested because the kicker is I'm 6 months pregnant..was hesitant to go out with him in the beginning and he knew this, but he was a cool guy wouldn't mind hanging out post baby, but I was honest with him through the time we were talking, so maybe he just wasn't ready for the baby momma drama? Thats what my thought is!

But when we started talking I made it clear baby comes first and I'm not "jumping" into anything serious because I have a priority coming in September that will take up most of my time?


New Member
In all honesty, this has happened to me numerous times.

I'll start talking to a really sweet girl, and I'll really start enjoying her company. Then, suddenly, she''ll disappear off the face of the Earth.

I think it's because they realize they weren't looking for a friend. They think they do at the beginning, but then after time, they realise that someone else is willing to give them "more".

The one situation in which the girl explained to me why she stopped talking to me, she had met a guy, started dating him, and "didn't need anything else cause he made her whole". :shrug:

Glad to know I'm not the only one.


New Member
briancpest said:
In all honesty, this has happened to me numerous times.

I'll start talking to a really sweet girl, and I'll really start enjoying her company. Then, suddenly, she''ll disappear off the face of the Earth.

I think it's because they realize they weren't looking for a friend. They think they do at the beginning, but then after time, they realise that someone else is willing to give them "more".

The one situation in which the girl explained to me why she stopped talking to me, she had met a guy, started dating him, and "didn't need anything else cause he made her whole". :shrug:

Glad to know I'm not the only one.

Well you know, I don't feel that I am in the situation to date because of the pregnancy and all, but I mean just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't go out and have fun? I mean I understand it would be weird to take out a pregnant girl that you didn't inpregnate, but if he is cool with it, then I am cool with it. As long as he understands that its just friends, nothing else and if things get better after the baby gets here and I have time to spend more time with you then maybe it will evolve into something.

Like I said "it is what it is", it just has me so confused, I don't get it lol


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
I'm 6 months pregnant..
That's right - I forgot about that.

Most guys aren't going to be interested in a woman who is pregnant with another man's child. At some point the relationship will progress to the physical, and it's kind of skeevy to boink a preggo. So he probably figured the relationship isn't going to go any further and bailed.

No biggie. Just a thing.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
That's right - I forgot about that.

Most guys aren't going to be interested in a woman who is pregnant with another man's child. At some point the relationship will progress to the physical, and it's kind of skeevy to boink a preggo. So he probably figured the relationship isn't going to go any further and bailed.

No biggie. Just a thing.

That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with must be the I know I can't knock you up deal? I don't know..then again, I'm pretty sure its just the men I meet lol :buttkick:


New Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
Well you know, I don't feel that I am in the situation to date because of the pregnancy and all, but I mean just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't go out and have fun? I mean I understand it would be weird to take out a pregnant girl that you didn't inpregnate, but if he is cool with it, then I am cool with it. As long as he understands that its just friends, nothing else and if things get better after the baby gets here and I have time to spend more time with you then maybe it will evolve into something.

Like I said "it is what it is", it just has me so confused, I don't get it lol

I know what you mean. I mean, in my situation, I wasn't looking for anything other than friendship either. And I wasn't even pregnant.... shoot, maybe mine is just me. lol.

Hell, if I met a pregnant girl who was fun to hang out with, a good conversationist, and down to earth.... I'd jump at the chance to spend time with her. I wouldn't care if she was pregnant or not. Now that I think of it, if that IS the reason it happened in your situation, you don't need to waste the thought power on analyzing it. If he dropped you like a bad habit just because you were pregnant, you really didn't need to spend any more time with him anyhow.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
it must be the I know I can't knock you up deal?
No, it's that they're dirtbags who think you're an easy piece. Lots of guys find a wedding ring to be an aphrodisiac, too.

When I was pregnant with my kids, guys would hit on me, too, which I thought was the most piggish thing imaginable.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
briancpest said:
Hell, if I met a pregnant girl who was fun to hang out with, a good conversationist, and down to earth.... I'd jump at the chance to spend time with her.
Oh you would not :rolleyes:

It's extremely rare that a guy would spend time with a strange woman, getting to know her and building a friendship, without wanting to tear her clothes off at some point. I think we had this argument on here before - whether men and women could really be just friends. And I think the general consensus was "no".


New Member
briancpest said:
I know what you mean. I mean, in my situation, I wasn't looking for anything other than friendship either. And I wasn't even pregnant.... shoot, maybe mine is just me. lol.

Hell, if I met a pregnant girl who was fun to hang out with, a good conversationist, and down to earth.... I'd jump at the chance to spend time with her. I wouldn't care if she was pregnant or not. Now that I think of it, if that IS the reason it happened in your situation, you don't need to waste the thought power on analyzing it. If he dropped you like a bad habit just because you were pregnant, you really didn't need to spend any more time with him anyhow.

I agree, its not worth the time nor the energy to deal w/something like that. It was just a thought that I figured I would get other opinions on.

I don't know I have no baby momma or baby daddy drama at the moment and hoping that continues on lol...I don't want to cause any drama that is unwanted haha


Pitty Party
Poohhunny1605 said:
That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with must be the I know I can't knock you up deal? I don't know..then again, I'm pretty sure its just the men I meet lol :buttkick:

Go home, shut and lock the door till your child is born.

OH! OH! stop meeting "its just the men I meet"

Then get fixed! :buttkick:

It's not funny :elaine:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
No, it's that they're dirtbags who think you're an easy piece. Lots of guys find a wedding ring to be an aphrodisiac, too.

When I was pregnant with my kids, guys would hit on me, too, which I thought was the most piggish thing imaginable.

I can't say that's ever been my first reaction to seeing a pregnant woman. Or a reaction at all. I just assume when I see a pregnant woman, she's taken, and is hands-off.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh you would not :rolleyes:

It's extremely rare that a guy would spend time with a strange woman, getting to know her and building a friendship, without wanting to tear her clothes off at some point. I think we had this argument on here before - whether men and women could really be just friends. And I think the general consensus was "no".

actually, all my best friends throughout my life have been female, without the slightest sexual tension between us. Take my coworkers for example.... 9 out of 10 of them are women, and I would take a bullet for 6 out of 9 of them. :whistle:


I skimmed over this kinda quick but i think you posted that..."you never called or txt'd him"
If it was me, i would see it as that you weren't interested and that all i was doing was pizzing in the wind.