Question for the Men!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
So why wouldn't Pooh and Brian go on a date?

Brian? You said you wouldn't mind.

well, i think Pooh made it clear she wasn't interested in dating.

but, if she was ever interested in just hanging out, I'd spend time with her.

Always looking for someone to go to the movies with. I always feel weird going alone..... lol.
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New Member
unixpirate said:
Go home, shut and lock the door till your child is born.

OH! OH! stop meeting "its just the men I meet"

Then get fixed! :buttkick:

It's not funny :elaine:

Doc won't fix me this is my first child..

Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have to become a hermit? Just because someone wanted to take me out on a date while pregnant doesn't mean anything? I am young and single, so if I'm pregnant and take care of what I need to take care of what difference does it make?


New Member
(((echo))) said:
I skimmed over this kinda quick but i think you posted that..."you never called or txt'd him"
If it was me, i would see it as that you weren't interested and that all i was doing was pizzing in the wind.

What I meant by that was during that time, I never had to try...he always beat me to it


Poohhunny1605 said:
What I meant by that was during that time, I never had to try...he always beat me to it
yeah, i caught that also...but you fail to realize that a relationship wether just friends or otherwise requires effort on both parts.
reverse the situation, you were calling and txting a guy.....but he never puts forth the effort to call or txt you. Wouldn't you feel as if it was all "1 sided"
It could be something else entirely, i'm just giving my $.2


Pitty Party
Poohhunny1605 said:
Doc won't fix me this is my 3rd child..

Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have to become a hermit? Just because someone wanted to take me out on a date while pregnant doesn't mean anything? I am young and single, so if I'm pregnant and take care of what I need to take care of what difference does it make?

Sockie's MPD :whistle:


24/7 Single Dad
Poohhunny1605 said:
As long as he understands that its just friends, nothing else and if things get better after the baby gets here and I have time to spend more time with you then maybe it will evolve into something.
Obviously your first kid :lol:
You're not going to have time to sleep for the next year, much less time to get to know somebody


Pitty Party
aps45819 said:
Obviously your first kid :lol:
You're not going to have time to sleep for the next year, much less time to get to know somebody

Yeah obviously the first "child". "Kid" is a baby goat". You have one.

First year :confused: They are yours forever.

No time to get to know someone, you made a commitment :buttkick:

I see nothing funny :eyebrow:
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Poohhunny1605 said:
That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with must be the I know I can't knock you up deal? I don't know..then again, I'm pretty sure its just the men I meet lol :buttkick:

ok I just cannot read any further before commenting.

I know I cannot knock you up weather you were preggers or not but pregant women are a real turn on to some guys especially cause they seem hornier all the time plus the way those aerolas get reqally dark...

post baby is even more fun when they are lactating all over the place during sex. :drool:


Pitty Party
Dougstermd said:
ok I just cannot read any further before commenting.

I know I cannot knock you up weather you were preggers or not but pregant women are a real turn on to some guys especially cause they seem hornier all the time plus the way those aerolas get reqally dark...

post baby is even more fun when they are lactating all over the place during sex. :drool:

Knocking you up with the weather as it is and being hornier all the time looking at those dark aerolas lactating all over the place during sex has totally turned me off :ohwell:


Poohhunny1605 said:
Scenario is: I had met this guy, told him I just wanted to hang out be friends, I'm not talking about an FTF either..Just wanted someone to chill with and hang out with, do things with kinda thing..He talked to me for like everyday for 2 weeks, I never once called him texted him nothing(didn't have to try)..Then all of a sudden he disappeared? Stopped calling, stopped talking, texting everything. So I was curious and I called him, he didn't have much to say, so I let it go.

What causes this? Did he lose interest in me as a person? :shrug:

He was talking to you everyday for two weeks, calling you, texting you everyday. You never called him, texted him, nothing. I would have felt that you weren't interested and moved on. :shrug:


Should be Huntin
A few weeks ago I ran into a couple girls I went to school with at a bar. I was having a nice conversation with both of them, only 1 was cute to me. After a couple hours of talking I gave them my number and said let me know when ya'll are coming out again. It's not often I meet new people so I figure hey I just met some new friends. Well wouldn't you know someone gets me drinking some shine, jager, and Jack on top of all the beer I had drank... From what I remember the girls dragged me out dancing, and the not so good looking girl kissed me. Once that happed I went to the other side of the bar. Well for two weeks the not so good looking once called me like 5 times a day and sent tons of text messages :jameo: I tried to be nice and have a conversation but she got all psycho on me. Calling me hunny and crap like that. I made it clear I was not interested in her like that, but she still keeps bugging me. Just last night I was out at dinner with family and she starts blowing my phone up, called a few times then sent a message saying "why won't you answer the phone" Then another " I want to see you again since I have not seen you since the bar" and another "I'll cook dinner and you can stay here" :jameo:

Time to change my number :lmao:


Should be Huntin
Vince said:
He was talking to you everyday for two weeks, calling you, texting you everyday. You never called him, texted him, nothing. I would have felt that you weren't interested and moved on. :shrug:
I say that after a couple days


New Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with me.
Where are you meeting all these men that immediately ask if they can #### you? Church? :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Poohhunny1605 said:
He talked to me for like everyday for 2 weeks, I never once called him texted him nothing(didn't have to try)..Then all of a sudden he disappeared? Stopped calling, stopped talking, texting everything. So I was curious and I called him, he didn't have much to say, so I let it go.

What causes this? Did he lose interest in me as a person? :shrug:

...based on what you're saying there, perhaps after two weeks of being the one doing all the calling yet never getting a call from you, it occurred to him that you may not be interested in him, at all, even as friends?

I mean, friendship is a two way street, right? You said you 'hit it off'. Wouldn't you give a call or a text, maybe even just once, over a two week period with someone new you 'hit it off' with?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Jesus H...

Poohhunny1605 said:
That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with must be the I know I can't knock you up deal? I don't know..then again, I'm pretty sure its just the men I meet lol :buttkick:

...where the hell do you meet these clowns? Every guy I know looks at pregnant women, who are not their wife, instantly, as holy ground, as 'mom', not as a potential POA.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Speaking for my tribe...

vraiblonde said:
I think we had this argument on here before - whether men and women could really be just friends. And I think the general consensus was "no".

...we can be just friends, but, if we have a thing for her, at all, it is, at the very least, in the back of our minds.


New Member
Must be too many guys watching 'Friends' and 'Sex and the City' getting all horned up for pregnant chicks like Cynthia Nixon and Jennifer Aniston.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I mean, friendship is a two way street, right?
Right. And regardless of what Pooh says, she's acting more like this is a romantic relationship and not just a friendship.

Shoot, Fred and I don't talk for weeks at a time and nobody stresses over it. He calls and goes, "Yeah, you don't return your phone calls anymore???" and I reply, "I'm sorry - I'm a sucky friend." I call and say, "What's up with you blowing off my party the other night???" and he says, "I'm a busy man, got too many ladies wanting my time :cool:"

It would never occur to either of us to get insecure because of periods of incommunication. That only happens when you're trying to hook up.