Question for the Men!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It is also...

SamSpade said:
That was the gist of Harry's point in "When Harry Met Sally". He knew that a MAN could not be "just friends" with a woman he found attractive, and it didn't matter if she didn't reciprocate because "it was already 'out there' ". I have to admit, it was always hard for me to be just friends with a woman I was attracted to - but what hasn't been mentioned is, it's fairly easy to be friends with a woman you're not attracted to.

...easy, for me anyway, to be friends with a woman I am attracted to who is very, VERY clear that we're JUST friends. I get to enjoy their company and not worry about anything happening because she's not interested that way or won't allow it.

As far as attraction, there is at least a little something about every single female friend of mine or Vrails that I find attractive without feeling I just gotta have this woman.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
As far as attraction, there is at least a little something about every single female friend of mine or Vrails that I find attractive without feeling I just gotta have this woman.
Of course you think my friends are attractive. If they weren't the bomb, they wouldn't be my friends. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Of course you think my friends are attractive. If they weren't the bomb, they wouldn't be my friends. :yay:'s more that your friends GET bombed and, well, everyone is irresistible with a chicken hat and nothing else on, blathering that they love everyone.



My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:'s more that your friends GET bombed and, well, everyone is irresistible with a chicken hat and nothing else on, blathering that they love everyone.


Excuse me. We also were wearing boas.


Im On 1.
Poohhunny1605 said:
That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with must be the I know I can't knock you up deal? I don't know..then again, I'm pretty sure its just the men I meet lol :buttkick:

its sad your even thinking like this.
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I have done this quite a few times, but it was never for any of the reasons listed here. It's because of the work I do, which requires me to up and leave at wierd times. Then when I get back either I have forgotten her contact info or she is w/someone else. :( Oh well.


100% Goapele Head!
terror_buster said:
I have done this quite a few times, but it was never for any of the reasons listed here. It's because of the work I do, which requires me to up and leave at wierd times. Then when I get back either I have forgotten her contact info or she is w/someone else. :( Oh well.

Life of a Superhero? :confused:

You just have to find your Lois Lane. :huggy:


Poohhunny1605 said:
Well at first when I told him I wanted him to cover just child care and nothing else he was ok with that until he found out child care will be running him about $700 a month(which I told him I wanted him to write out a money order directly to the child care provider). We had went out to dinner and discussed this and he screamed in the middle of Olive Garden about $700 and said he wasn't paying me shiat and don't expect a dime and stormed out of the restaurant.

At that point, I just called my lawyer and I'm going to let them do whatever they have to do. He is aware of the situation. I'm not here to screw anyone, I just want the child care taken care of? So, we shall see what happens

yeap, a quick trip to the court house to start garnishment .......... don't assume the good will be there ..... it already sounds like it is gone ..........

Hold His Feet to the Fire ......... it is his obligation / Moral Responsibility ( darn there is that work again )



Finishing last
vraiblonde said:
Of course you think my friends are attractive. If they weren't the bomb, they wouldn't be my friends. :yay:

Wow Vrai! I never thought of you as a shallow Hal!!

LexiGirl75 said:
You just have to find your Lois Lane.

The problem with that is she loved Superman, Not Clark!!


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Poohhunny1605 said:
That is so funny you said that, you know I have had more men hit on me and want to take me out because I am pregnant and soooooo many of them have offered just to have sex with must be the I know I can't knock you up deal? I don't know..then again, I'm pretty sure its just the men I meet lol :buttkick:

Here is my impression of Poohhunny:

"Like OMG, why dont these guys call me after 2 weeks. I just don't know what it could be. I didn't call or text....uh, well not all the time. They can't knock me up! Why don't they want to be my friend? I'm just a little pregnant! Someone please pay my daycare as the daddy yelled at me in Olive Garden" :jameo:

I think that pretty much sums this pathetic scenario...follow unexpirates advice and lock yourself in a room....and STOP REPRODUCING! (read the cat threads...then get spayed!) :smack:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
H/B/K? :bubble:

Seriously, how old are these guys? Are you putting out? What kinds of things are you talking about? You might be approaching it wrong.


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
Chain729 said:
H/B/K? :bubble:

Seriously, how old are these guys? Are you putting out? What kinds of things are you talking about? You might be approaching it wrong.

Is she putting out? She is pregnant...of course she puts out - at least once! Bioligical fact: 9 out of 10 pregnant women - HAD SEX! :lmao:
The tenth one fell asleep and have no idea how they got that way! :whistle:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
appendixqh said:

Is she putting out? She is pregnant...of course she puts out - at least once! Bioligical fact: 9 out of 10 pregnant women - HAD SEX! :lmao:
The tenth one fell asleep and have no idea how they got that way! :whistle:

If she was putting out and was half decent at it, maybe they would keep calling her :shrug:

Or maybe, she's talking less like a friend and more like a tease and when they aren't getting any, they move on. :shrug:

Or possibly, she's talking to guys that only want horizontal refreshment and when she says she's just looking for a friend, they bail :shrug:


Poohhunny1605 said:
When you meet a girl and hit it off, is there a reason why you would stop talking to them? I believe in the "it is what it is" theory, but I don't get it, why talk to her for like 2 weeks then disappear? Curious thats all!

Mind games or he found a "buddy".


In My Opinion
If you have to put out to keep him interested in you.
move on.

he should be satisfied to just be with you.

of course, once you figure out that he is satisifed to just be with you, a BJ or something now and again is always a good idea.