Question for the men...


New Member
morganj614 said:
There has to be an emotional bond as well as a physical attraction. If you don't find someone as pleasing to the eye as to the brain then it is hopeless. Even though, there are instances where the mental thing makes the physical thing not as important.
I have to say she needed to put her picture right out there. I would be very wary of someone who sees what I look like but won't let me see them. That would seem like they were hiding something.
The E-Harmony commercials make it sound like they hook people up on all levels of compatibility and she needs to get her picture and herself out there.
Well put!!! :clap:


Football season!
CityGrl said:
I agree...I've used the dating websites (including eHarmony) and feel the only way to utilize those sites fully is to put your "whole self" out there and not hold anything back. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time and your $$$.
should I give you those nudie pics for you to put on your profile :popcorn:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Very good comments from Otter, Mig, Brownjunk, & Morgan. :yay:

I am too chicken to join one of those or put my picture out. But then again, I am not really looking to become unsingle again. I suppose the right guy will show up eventually. :biggrin:


Time for a nap
RoseRed said:
Very good comments from Otter, Mig, Brownjunk, & Morgan. :yay:

I am too chicken to join one of those or put my picture out. But then again, I am not really looking to become unsingle again. I suppose the right guy will show up eventually. :biggrin:

Would highly recommend eHarmony just because it's not a meat market...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
CityGrl said:
Would highly recommend eHarmony just because it's not a meat market...
Thanks I'll keep that in mind. I am not hard to look at, but I seem to attract some real weirdos. :ohwell:


Time for a nap
RoseRed said:
Thanks I'll keep that in mind. I am not hard to look at, but I seem to attract some real weirdos. :ohwell:

I've been there...


Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: :love: for ST....

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
There are guys out there that won't settle for anything less then drop-dead gorgeous and then there are others seeking a woman three-foot tall, a flat head, pistol-grip ears and fold-back teeth. The spectrum is wide open and like with most things good you stumble into them when you aren’t really looking. eHarmony might hook her up or she might meet someone via a different means, who knows. But as said if the guy knocked off communications after seeing her picture he wasn’t what she was wanting to begin with.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I guess I am picky too. If I can't see myself with the guy, why bother. I don't want to go on a date with someone I am not attracted to, just to go out on a date. To me, that seems like using someone.

I have friends to go hang out with or I go out on my own.


New Member
Other ways to meet people...Join a wine club if that is an interest. Go to a sports bar to watch your favorite team. There are dance lessons, card groups, book clubs, coffee shops, car clubs, boating...all kinds of ways to meet people. One time I put an ad out just to ride(motorcycles)...I got tons of responses and lots of new friends that I rode with.
I have met lots of guys that are just friends and someone to listen to music with or just talk to. I have met so many people here, men and women and I am having a great time. What about a local forum?


24/7 Single Dad
RoseRed said:
I suppose the right guy will show up eventually. :biggrin:
RoseRed said:
Thanks I'll keep that in mind. I am not hard to look at, but I seem to attract some real weirdos. :ohwell:
:bawl: nebbermind

As far as your friend goes, her putting all her info is probably the best policy. Tell her to use a recent photo. I went on a internet date once and the woman had used a 10 year old photo. Figured if she couldn't be honest about her appearance, she wold not be honest in other areas.
Different guys are attracted to different body types. some guy like those that provide shade and some like those that have to run around in the rain to get wet. Tell her to be herself and she'll find somebody that is attracted to her as she is.


CityGrl said:
Am I way off here? :confused: Are guys really only focused on looks? Maybe I'm too naive...

Yes they are. All guys. Every damned one of them.
There's not a single exception.

Just like how all women are focused on is the bulge in the guys pants.

I'm talking about the bulge in the back - i.e. the wallet.