Question for the men...


professional daydreamer
Christy said:
That's because any smilie to fit my personality would be X rated. :bawl:

I can see the Zyban is causing hallucinations. You should call your doc in the morning, hon. :poorbaby:


Super Genius
pixiegirl said:
Damn, I need to find a man to agree to these terms.... I can be subservant as long as I get to go shopping. :diva: Hey yxelot, you ready to take the plunge?
Hmmm, I think maybe we need to get to know each other a little better first. For example, do you know how to spell my name? :razz: :kiss: :lol:


Better Late Than Never

This is my first post on your friendly message board so I thought I would jump in on the tail end of and interesting question. I did not read the previous replies so as not to be biased.

First off, many people who post on dating service boards do so more out of curiosity and many do no have the nerve to follow through beyond e-mail exchanges. There is something to be said about this insecure sort of person but that is a different subject. Regardless, not all apparant rejections are based on the likes or dislikes of a given photo.

In my mind if someone is looking to meet another person via an on-line dating service than it is in their best interest to be as honest as possible as eventually you run the risk of having to meet your mystery date and the out come may be upleasant if you have purposfully decieved someone. Truth be know, there is someone out there waiting for all of us and it is a combination of patience, persistence and a bunch of luck if we stumble onto the right match.

I speak the obvious when I state that there is a big difference between an intimate relationship versus a strong friendship with the opposite sex. My friendships are not based on a ladies weight, age, looks, financial resources, social standing, education or any other discriminators that take away from her values as a person but rather how she treats me as a friend. She could weigh 300 pounds and if we clicked as friends it would be and honest and true friendship.

On the other hand, in order to want to go beyond friendships to a more intimate realationship, I as a person (just my opinion) have to be attracted to a lady and that is defined by much more than weight alone. I could very easily be attracted to a lady that was extreamly short, very tall, who has toes that look like they grew from a potato, hair that flew everywhere (but was clean), wore clothing that was loud and miss matched, worked in a sardine packing factory, or even grew up in Southern MD (smile). On the other hand I would normally not seek out an intimate relationship with a really heavy lady. However, a friendship with a heavy person could eventually develop into an intimate realationship.

last but certainly not least is how do you define the description of "rather large". It is one thing to weigh 175 pounds when your body frame and age dictates 130 but if your over 200 pounds and climbing steady than we move from the "chubby" and "Plump" category to something of greater significance.
If someone passes instant juedgement on someone just because they are a bit over weight than shame on them and your friend should thank him for the favor. On the other hand if she is only in her mid 30's and a bit over weight than for her own good will and benefit and not for someone on EHarmony, maybe she needs to make an attempt to fit into a size or two smaller. As I have aged I have NOT put on considerable weight but it certainly has shifted and repositioned itself a bit. Last I looked I have not made the cover of any ladies magazines but I am comfortable with who I am and what I am as a person. I would encourage your friend to bring forth the positive elements she has to offer which I assume are many and to establish a small goal to improve on the least significant aspect of her life that seems to have unfortunately the greatest impact to her self esteem and happiness.

Thanks for the opportunity and this was different as I normally post on a Potomac River Message Board where the subject matter is much different. Any ladies (Large or small) want to go fishing?


PS: Good luck to your friend.


24/7 Single Dad
I can't believe how you women are beating up on Sleuth. We all know how things work. The woman says I want Italian for dinner, so the guy decides which Italian resturant they go to. If he drives to a chinese resturant, no nookie.
She says I can't decide which shade of yellow to paint the wall, he can't tell the difference so he picks one. If he gets blue paint, no nookie.

Now let's hear from all the women that are saying no way in hell am I ever submissive that have never been on their knees naked in front of a man. :razz:


New Member
aps45819 said:
Now let's hear from all the women that are saying no way in hell am I ever submissive that have never been on their knees naked in front of a man. :razz:

Did you read my personal ad on Eharmony?:bawl:

Let's see. After more than a few drinkies tonight I feel compelled to make a serious comment on this topic..

I happen to be a fairly big girl.. I don't hide the fact that I'm not model skinny to anyone.. I have never dated an ugly man.. Or anyone I felt was beneath me. I don't think my wieght is any more a problem than a guy with a small pecker does. He still gets in there and gives it his all!! I know i'm a great kisser and a great :gossip: So, all you guys who think that only skinny chicks are quality.. :razz: You don't know what you're missing.

As far as looking at a big girl and seeing someone who doesn't care, or is too lazy to take care of themselves.. That is not always the case..I have plenty of muscle, I don't eat all damn day.. I work every day. I can go out and work with the best of men in heat hauling lumber or whatever.I cot my own grass which is mostly hill (and it sucks). I am far from lazy. I have had three pregnancies and two illnesses. I drink too much and even though I get exersice i'm still chubby. I happen to think that if someone wants me.. They will take me as I am.. Fat comes and goes.. But true beauty is something that never fades. This fat girl has never been turned down or stood up. I always get my man.


Cleopatra Jones
ylexot said:
Hmmm, I think maybe we need to get to know each other a little better first. For example, do you know how to spell my name? :razz: :kiss: :lol:

:duh: I can't even spell words written in English. :lol: The important thing is I know how to pronounce it. There will be no mishaps. :love:


aka Mrs. Giant
fttrsbeerwench said:
This fat girl has never been turned down or stood up. I always get my man.
I don't think you are fat nor chubby. You got all the curves in all the right places. :really: As for build and muscle, I would much rather have you have my back in a brawl than most the men I know. JMO. Plus I know it's true you always get your man, while I who am size wise smaller than you, can sleep in a man's bed and still not get any. :ohwell:

I :love: you - you are a goddess no matter what.