Question for the women


New Member
Translated- "I strongly advise you to take me to the restaraunt I want to go to, but I wont tell you what that is because I enjoy watching you fail and the getting mad at you." :coffee:

"anything you want hun"

Translated- here at 7-11 you can get a regular hot dog, a 1/4 lb big bite...oh look!! cheeseburger dogs!!...taquitos!!...they have everything to satisfy your hunger & it gives you the incentive to CHOOSE A DAMN RESTAURANT NEXT TIME I ASK YOU TO!!


New Member
"anything you want hun"

Translated- here at 7-11 you can get a regular hot dog, a 1/4 lb big bite...oh look!! cheeseburger dogs!!...taquitos!!...they have everything to satisfy your hunger & it gives you the incentive to CHOOSE A DAMN RESTAURANT NEXT TIME I ASK YOU TO!!

That actually looks good to me !:buddies:
But I love junk food :coffee:

Sweet 16

Just like they can't hit the toilet if they try, I think ALL men are born without the hamper gene. I'm guessing if you installed a basketball hoop over both you'd see a major improvement in their FG%! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just like they can't hit the toilet if they try, I think ALL men are born without the hamper gene. I'm guessing if you installed a basketball hoop over both you'd see a major improvement in their FG%! :lmao:


Have you ever seen a man's wastebasket, into which he fires crumpled pieces of paper? And by "into" I mean "all around the perimeter and one or two actually make it in the can."

They still need practice on their freethrow.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is the exact opposite of the conversations Larry and I used to have. He typically had definite ideas about where he wanted to eat and he cared about it much more than I ever did. When he wanted to start trouble, he'd insist on Casa Puke-O - the ONLY restaurant out of Frederick's 10,000 that I refused to eat at.

So I think you boys are making this chit up. :razz:


I wonder if we have the same recollections of...

"The Jerry Subs Shop" evening?

Further, I wonder why I wonder.


Lem Putt
Its just like when a woman says "I dont care where we eat" but she gets mad when you pick the wrong place.

Gawd! She tells me to pick, so I start making suggestions. She says no to everything, so I ask what she wants. She says it's my choice.



Lem Putt
I think you menfolk, actually enjoy being biatched at.

Not at all. Two things are going on here:

We think differently than you do. Our priorities are different than yours, and that's how we are wired. You can either try to understand us and work with it, or you can keep bitching and wonder why nothing changes.

Second, bitching doesn't work. No different than training a dog, really. If it is all punishment with no reward the dog gets used to the punishment and it no longer works. If the only reward for complying with your wishes is not having to hear you bitch for a while, why bother? It goes both ways.


New Member
Not at all. Two things are going on here:

We think differently than you do. Our priorities are different than yours, and that's how we are wired. You can either try to understand us and work with it, or you can keep bitching and wonder why nothing changes.

Second, bitching doesn't work. No different than training a dog, really. If it is all punishment with no reward the dog gets used to the punishment and it no longer works. If the only reward for complying with your wishes is not having to hear you bitch for a while, why bother? It goes both ways.

OR maybe YOU could try and understand? Why is it the women always gotta do the compromising?


Lem Putt
This wouldn't be a problem if you learn to make the *right* suggestions.

The "right" suggestion isn't the same day to day, or even hour to hour. What was "right" yesterday is suddenly wrong today.

Here's how I deal with it now:

Call her on the way home "what would you like for dinner?"

Her: "I don't know"

Me: "Okay, brussels sprouts it is. Anything else?"

Her: "Okay, you win, here's what I want."

See, I'm the easy one. I am willing to eat any type of cuisine, and wherever we go I can find somethin I'll like. She's the opposite - she has dietary constraints and she has to be "in the mood" for different types of food. If she wants me to accept that she's picky, then she needs to accept that I cannot read her mind.


Active Member
OMFG. I am glad I chose this as my first tread to read this morning. I am laughing so hard, tears are running down my legs! Dexter the dog is looking at me like what's wrong with you? :lmao:

Me too...not that other was the 1st, just that I am dying laughing.


New Member
Bottom line here is pick up yer dayum skid marked panties and know what she likes to eat and pee IN not around the toilet.:buddies:


Lem Putt
Maybe YOU do, I don't think that's the norm. I think men force women to be "nags" as they call it. I luckily have shamed my husband into submission :yahoo:

I think that most guys and most women do put out the effort. We just notice those who don't.