Question for the women


New Member
:killingme I love this thread! Why must we wimmen's have to repeat the same requests over and over again. You know damn well you're going to leave your man panties on the floor, you also know your SO is going to see them, you know she is going to remark on the fact that you have probably stepped over them 3 or 4 times, but just cant seem to make the effort to pick them up and place them in the hamper. My worse 1/2 will grab a paper plate, make his own sammich, eat it, then walk the paper plate to the kitchen, past the trashcan and lay the used, dirty paperplate on the kitchen counter, knowing full well this drives me crazy:cds: I think you menfolk, actually enjoy being biatched at. Maybe you're craving the attention your mothers used to give you, maybe you enjoy being told what to do, then again, maybe you're all just slobs who dont mind wading thru a sea of dirty underwear and paperplates. :shrug: As for the restaurant thing, pick 3 different places, ask her, Honey, out of these 3, where would you least like to go?

I'll drink to that!! :cheers: You sound like my aunt who's been married 45 years. I'm guessing it's all of the above mentioned. Knowing that it makes us nuts when they do things like that, it's like they enjoy watching us get upset and then it gives them a reason to say something ridiculous like "She's such a nag. I get so tired of her bitching", blah, blah, blah!!!


Registered User
I have had that conversation with the wife more than once.
Me- "where do you want to eat?"
Wife-"I dont care"
Me- "Okay, lets go here."
Wife-"I dont want to eat there."
Me- "then lets go here"
Wife- "no, I am not in the mood for that place"
Me-"Where the hell do you want to go?" :mad:
Wife-"I dont care"
Me- :cds: "we are going home and eating sammichs!"
Wife- "I dont want that"
Me- :banghead:

ROFL My husband and I have had this conversation many times, taking turns reversing the rolls. Now days, after 14 yrs of Bliss, our conversations go like this:

Me- "Where do you want to eat?"
Husband-"I dont care"
Me- "Me either."
Husband-"What do you want to eat."
Me- "I don’t know. I’m just hungry."
Husband- "Same."
Me- "O.k. I don’t want Chinese"
Husband- "I don’t want subs."
Me- "I don't want fastfood."
Husband- "Me either"

And then we beginning stating all the things we DON’T want…leaving only things we do…which usually means the Mexican Restaurant in Leonardtown…we love their food.


Registered User
Why do you speak in code? I mean why not just say what you want? Here’s my hypothetical example: Man wakes up and gets into the shower. When he’s done he walks into the bedroom to get dressed for work. The woman is standing in the middle of the bedroom staring at a pair of underwear lying on the floor and say’s “are those yours?” Why not just say what you mean? “Pick those up” Is it a game? I mean if they aren’t his, don’t you have some explaining to do? You people could have put the navajo windtalkers out of business because none of the male troops would have any idea what was going on. :crazy:

Sorry Misfit, I was completely sidetracked by Slotpuppy's response and failed to answer your original post.

Women are raised that way. Sad, but true. They grow up listening to their mother, grandmothers, aunts, etc and this is how the children are spoken to so they learn to think and reason for themselves.


Child at grandparent’s house, runs in the door, shoes flying off the feet willynilly as the child dashes for the couch.

Grandmother: “Were you raised in a barn?”
Clueless Child: “Uhhhh no ma’am.”
Grandmother: “Then close the door!”
Clueless Child: “Yes ma’am”
Grandmother: “Are those your shoes?”
Clueless Child: “Yes ma’am.”
Grandmother: “Is THAT where they belong?”
Clueless Child: “No ma’am.”
Grandmother: “Then where do they belong?”
Clueless Child: “Uhh by the door?”

Etc etc…

It is not code. Men never age past 16. Hence the reason why women speak to them like they are children. LOL

JK JK! I couldn’t resist!!