Question for the women


Well-Known Member
I have had that conversation with the wife more than once.
Me- "where do you want to eat?"
Wife-"I dont care"
Me- "Okay, lets go here."
Wife-"I dont want to eat there."
Me- "then lets go here"
Wife- "no, I am not in the mood for that place"
Me-"Where the hell do you want to go?" :mad:
Wife-"I dont care"
Me- :cds: "we are going home and eating sammichs!"
Wife- "I dont want that"
Me- :banghead:

And you wonder why you have carpal tunnel...


Lawful neutral
I do not speak in code. However, if your lazy ass would have put your panties in the dirty clothes then you would not have this thread to post. :smile:

I...I mean he did! I'm sure it was an accident. It's 5:00am and dark...floor underwear is the least of his concerns. Navigating that minefield of a bedroom to get to the toilet and push down morning wood so he doesn’t pee on the magazine rack again is first on the list.


Well-Known Member
I...I mean he did! I'm sure it was an accident. It's 5:00am and dark...floor underwear is the least of his concerns. Navigating that minefield of a bedroom to get to the toilet and push down morning wood so he doesn’t pee on the magazine rack again is first on the list.

I know single men that go through that every morning and still manage to get their panties in the dirty clothes...


Would THIS face lie?
I jus kick all mine under the bed and pull em out once a week, turn em inside out and good to go for another week.. After 2 weeks I will take them to the laundry room.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have had that conversation with the wife more than once.
Me- "where do you want to eat?"
Wife-"I dont care"
Me- "Okay, lets go here."
Wife-"I dont want to eat there."
Me- "then lets go here"
Wife- "no, I am not in the mood for that place"
Me-"Where the hell do you want to go?" :mad:
Wife-"I dont care"
Me- :cds: "we are going home and eating sammichs!"
Wife- "I dont want that"
Me- :banghead:

This is the exact opposite of the conversations Larry and I used to have. He typically had definite ideas about where he wanted to eat and he cared about it much more than I ever did. When he wanted to start trouble, he'd insist on Casa Puke-O - the ONLY restaurant out of Frederick's 10,000 that I refused to eat at.

So I think you boys are making this chit up. :razz:


PREMO Member
We put them there for the woman to bend over, then BANG, BANG and BANG.

Then we will pick them up.


happy to be living
OMFG. I am glad I chose this as my first tread to read this morning. I am laughing so hard, tears are running down my legs! Dexter the dog is looking at me like what's wrong with you? :lmao:


Well-Known Member
:killingme I love this thread! Why must we wimmen's have to repeat the same requests over and over again. You know damn well you're going to leave your man panties on the floor, you also know your SO is going to see them, you know she is going to remark on the fact that you have probably stepped over them 3 or 4 times, but just cant seem to make the effort to pick them up and place them in the hamper. My worse 1/2 will grab a paper plate, make his own sammich, eat it, then walk the paper plate to the kitchen, past the trashcan and lay the used, dirty paperplate on the kitchen counter, knowing full well this drives me crazy:cds: I think you menfolk, actually enjoy being biatched at. Maybe you're craving the attention your mothers used to give you, maybe you enjoy being told what to do, then again, maybe you're all just slobs who dont mind wading thru a sea of dirty underwear and paperplates. :shrug: As for the restaurant thing, pick 3 different places, ask her, Honey, out of these 3, where would you least like to go?


:killingme I love this thread! Why must we wimmen's have to repeat the same requests over and over again. You know damn well you're going to leave your man panties on the floor, you also know your SO is going to see them, you know she is going to remark on the fact that you have probably stepped over them 3 or 4 times, but just cant seem to make the effort to pick them up and place them in the hamper. My worse 1/2 will grab a paper plate, make his own sammich, eat it, then walk the paper plate to the kitchen, past the trashcan and lay the used, dirty paperplate on the kitchen counter, knowing full well this drives me crazy:cds: I think you menfolk, actually enjoy being biatched at. Maybe you're craving the attention your mothers used to give you, maybe you enjoy being told what to do, then again, maybe you're all just slobs who dont mind wading thru a sea of dirty underwear and paperplates. :shrug: As for the restaurant thing, pick 3 different places, ask her, Honey, out of these 3, where would you least like to go?

I'll have you know I do most of the cleaning in our house, and I will pick her dishes up and take them to the sink and throw her trash out. :drama:

As for the undies on the floor, if mine are on the floor, then hers are too. :smoochy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think you menfolk, actually enjoy being biatched at.

I have always thought that. When you are clear with them what will incur your wrath, and they continue to do it anyway, that is an indicator. It takes 1 second to put dirty clothes in the hamper instead of throwing them on the floor. Failure to make that teeny tiny effort means that they want you to bitch at them.

And I am happy to give mens what they want. :dye: