R There Limits To What Can B Joked About on this Board?


Im On 1.
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.
That's sweet of you but, considering we get newbies on here every day, I think they already know that.


New Member
Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]
In your subject, you could have also substituted the number '2' for the word 'To'.


Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]

Its an awful world we live in.

i am the king of wise azz cracks but when someone has been hurt or died I will usally try to use some tact all though I have had to delete my post before because I did not realize how insensitive it was :popcorn:

Fat Momma

Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]

Q…I have to agree with you…..I tried to stay out of those threads after I read some of the posts in there.

It is a shame that newbies or people that do not fit in the clicks here are bombarded or accused of being an MPD. Most of the newbies though are IMO a old timer trying to stir things up as a MPD.

I look at it this way…even you and I have had words but in the end we both know that we have a right to our opinions but at least we were not out and saying things that someone else could be hurt by. That family to me has suffered enough and still have a ways to go so I hope that they find support in other family members friends and God.

This post has got to be one of the best ones you have ever made.

Fat Momma

Dougstermd said:
Its an awful world we live in.

i am the king of wise azz cracks but when someone has been hurt or died I will usally try to use some tact all though I have had to delete my post before because I did not realize how insensitive it was :popcorn:

You know Dougster that was very kind of you to do that.


New Member
Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]
Why start a thread in the survey forum if you don't wanna hear the answers??

I totally disagree. It is the internet and it is all fun and games to me. Just like the TV or radio, if you don't like what you see or hear, turn the damn thing off. Anybody that takes this seriously needs professional help IMO. :eyebrow:

Fat Momma

Mikeinsmd said:
Why start a thread in the survey forum if you don't wanna hear the answers??

I totally disagree. It is the internet and it is all fun and games to me. Just like the TV or radio, if you don't like what you see or hear, turn the damn thing off. Anybody that takes this seriously needs professional help IMO. :eyebrow:

I dunno Mikey, to me it depends....Who knows, look at the ASHAI thread..someone started and the guy found out and came in here....

What if one of the family members were told about this or worse yet her kid gets a whiff of it and comes in here to see what is going on because someone told him.

I agree with Q. some things should be left alone JMO


New Member
Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS -

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

I'm a newbie and I agree. The internet can be for jokes and fun, etc., but not when it comes to making fun of others misfortunes and tragedies. I was disgusted with all the smart a$$, "witty" cracks about the man missing (and still missing) and now the awlful comments about the woman who committed suicide. It appears to me that the ones making the comments have never suffered from depression. It is an illness that one cannot help. Hopefully, it never hits any of you or you may be eating your wisecrack, mean comments.

Fat Momma

ponchie said:
Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS -

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

I'm a newbie and I agree. The internet can be for jokes and fun, etc., but not when it comes to making fun of others misfortunes and tragedies. I was disgusted with all the smart a$$, "witty" cracks about the man missing (and still missing) and now the awlful comments about the woman who committed suicide. It appears to me that the ones making the comments have never suffered from depression. It is an illness that one cannot help. Hopefully, it never hits any of you or you may be eating your wisecrack, mean comments.

welcome.... :howdy: well I have to go...I signed up for a workout class to go with my new diet....see you

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Fat Momma said:
I dunno Mikey, to me it depends....Who knows, look at the ASHAI thread..someone started and the guy found out and came in here....

What if one of the family members were told about this or worse yet her kid gets a whiff of it and comes in here to see what is going on because someone told him.

I agree with Q. some things should be left alone JMO
Is it any different than if that family or kid heard similar talk around town? You know people that aren't in here are talking about it, I've heard it from those I know that don't post on here speaking of it and some very off color jokes. It was a local event, tragic for sure, but of interest to many and thus the subject of much discussion.

Fat Momma

Ken King said:
Is it any different than if that family or kid heard similar talk around town? You know people that aren't in here are talking about it, I've heard it from those I know that don't post on here speaking of it and some very off color jokes. It was a local event, tragic for sure, but of interest to many and thus the subject of much discussion.

excellent points but I still think two wrongs don't make it right....but thats what my heart tells me....other people listen to what is right for them and if they think it is okay to make fun of someone killing themself or tragedy then there is nothing I can say to change their minds.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
R There Limits 2 What Can B Joked About on this Board?

Got one: No jokes about my cankles.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Is it any different than if that family or kid heard similar talk around town?
The difference is that people would stop talking when a family member came in the room. Here, the comments are out there for the whole world to see at their leisure.

I got blasted for saying "mean" things, but I re-read my comments and didn't think they were mean at all. My shot at Nicole might have been mean, but I think she's lying when she says she knew the woman, and is doing that high school thing where some kid dies in a car crash and all of a sudden he has 6,000 best friends.

It's news. We're going to talk about it. :shrug:

Fat Momma

vraiblonde said:
The difference is that people would stop talking when a family member came in the room. Here, the comments are out there for the whole world to see at their leisure.


God what a wonderful point....and that is true.