R There Limits To What Can B Joked About on this Board?


professional daydreamer
Mikeinsmd said:
How do you copy and paste your karma page in a post so it looks like a picture?

I never admit to not knowing how to do something on the forums. People will make fun of me.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I had a tragedy once, and people here made jokes about it. So? :shrug:

I never make jokes about you and yours. Even when R tried to convince me to let her dye Bug's hair this weekend... :lmao:


professional daydreamer
RoseRed said:
I never make jokes about you and yours. Even when R tried to convince me to let her dye Bug's hair this weekend... :lmao:

She didn't!

...speaking of R...she isn't feeling well.


But wait, there's more...
Mikeinsmd said:
How do you copy and paste your karma page in a post so it looks like a picture?

Print Screen

Can someone direct me to the thread/comments in question, please?

Fat Momma

Mikeinsmd said:
Ok kiddies, back on track..... Lookey what I found!! :biggrin:
There ya go Qurious, a great answer from another tread!!! :yahoo:


You took that out of context. What a shame you felt the need to do that to try and prove a point?????


I remember my "Horror" when I first became a Paramedic. The things my co- workers said.... the jokes they told.... all astounded me. I remember hating them all.


One day, I woke up and had seen so much blood and guts... I told a joke.

All of us live with so much pain, it's only natural that we laugh at the unlaughable. The alternative is agony.

Bleeding hearts bleed because they have lot lived through enough terror yet.

A suicide is nothing the masses are going to grieve. Reading this post you understand that.

Suicide, while committed by the depressed is selfish. No one will deny that. Hell! We've all wanted to take a dive from time to time but we are still here.


New Member
Kain99 said:
I remember my "Horror" when I first became a Paramedic. The things my co- workers said.... the jokes they told.... all astounded me. I remember hating them all.


One day, I woke up and had seen so much blood and guts... I told a joke.

All of us live with so much pain, it's only natural that we laugh at the unlaughable. The alternative is agony.

Bleeding hearts bleed because they have lot lived through enough terror yet.

A suicide is nothing the masses are going to grieve. Reading this post you understand that.

Suicide, while committed by the depressed is selfish. No one will deny that. Hell! We've all wanted to take a dive from time to time but we are still here.

Good point :yay: People deal with things in different ways. And I bet Mikey would help someone in need very quickly. He is disgusted by suicide and he has that right. I am all for sympathy for the family, kids and friends. But I think voicing your honest opinions with class is the way to go. You never know what will help someone. Maybe a depressed person will read Mikey's comments and change their minds or seek help because they do not want to be veiwed as a coward. Or maybe they will see sympathy and caring from Nicloe, Ken King and seek help:shrug: