R There Limits To What Can B Joked About on this Board?


New Member
Geek said:
But I think voicing your honest opinions with class is the way to go.

I couldn't agree more with that, but there were a few remarks on here that were far from having "class". They were just cruel.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Thinks off limits. I'm sure there is. As far as the woman on the bridge goes, I don't care. I have no respect for people who commit suicide, it's the ultimate act of selfishness, so if they wanna off themselves, fine, but don't expect any pity.


just one of those days...
Bustem' Down said:
Thinks off limits. I'm sure there is. As far as the woman on the bridge goes, I don't care. I have no respect for people who commit suicide, it's the ultimate act of selfishness, so if they wanna off themselves, fine, but don't expect any pity.



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Staff member
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Is it any different than if that family or kid heard similar talk around town? You know people that aren't in here are talking about it, I've heard it from those I know that don't post on here speaking of it and some very off color jokes. It was a local event, tragic for sure, but of interest to many and thus the subject of much discussion.


You can't expect people NOT to comment on it. It was a very public suicide that happens every few years around here. Had a person quietly "offed" themselves at home by OD, blade, or bullet, it probably wouldn't have received this much attention on the board.

I purposely stayed out of the jumper threads, although it did come up in conversation with a few people IRL. I found it strangely amusing that those who had the least to say commented the most and degraded the thread into their own little "look at me" soapbox which offered nothing to the memory of the person or their family. If they really cared as much as they protested, common sense would've shut them up, and they'd have let it rest instead of fueling the fire with their nastiness.

Look where the thread is now. A lot of it has nothing to do with the topic...just another normal day around here.

Winn Dixie

Song of the South
Dougstermd said:
Its an awful world we live in.

i am the king of wise azz cracks but when someone has been hurt or died I will usally try to use some tact all though I have had to delete my post before because I did not realize how insensitive it was :popcorn:

:yeahthat: Problem is you just never know how someone is going to take something on the forum, usually is determined by what's happening in their lives when they log on. :howdy: I'm new here and have already had my share of apologies to make. :whistle: Ironically, seems the apologies are made to the "old" forumites and the newbies just have to bite the bullet. :lmao: All in all it's a good place to come for a laugh or to shed a tear once in a while. :howdy:


Well-Known Member
Winn Dixie said:
:yeahthat: Problem is you just never know how someone is going to take something on the forum, usually is determined by what's happening in their lives when they log on. :howdy: I'm new here and have already had my share of apologies to make. :whistle: Ironically, seems the apologies are made to the "old" forumites and the newbies just have to bite the bullet. :lmao: All in all it's a good place to come for a laugh or to shed a tear once in a while. :howdy:
The problem with shedding a tear around here is that someone will wipe it away for you with used toilet paper.

Fat Momma

Geek said:
Good point :yay: People deal with things in different ways. And I bet Mikey would help someone in need very quickly. He is disgusted by suicide and he has that right. I am all for sympathy for the family, kids and friends. But I think voicing your honest opinions with class is the way to go. You never know what will help someone. Maybe a depressed person will read Mikey's comments and change their minds or seek help because they do not want to be veiwed as a coward. Or maybe they will see sympathy and caring from Nicloe, Ken King and seek help:shrug:

That is a good point, one I really did not take into consideration, I guess if they can say what then want they so can the others....oh well this is why I did not post in the other ones.

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somd whisper

New Member
Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]

There is always going to be people that see things differently, but when it came to that thread I went in for the first few pages and that’s about it.

It was not funny and to me it was not appropriate and that is why I left because I had the choice to stay and feed into it or leave and not let it bother me.

Now on the other hand, I have had some really rude and hurtful comments sent to me via karma about my father’s passing and my husband’s death. At first it hurt, then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that these people obviously did not know my family or me and while at first their words stung they really did not mean anything in the long run. I know whom my father and my husband was and no matter what anyone else said did not change that and life goes on until these people moved on to their next victim.

I know enough to know I do not know everything or everybody and if someone wants to write stuff purely for the shock value or to hurt people then I do not have to pay attention to it. Because people like that do not have to see my point of view and more than likely they never will.

Just my two cents worth.


New Member
somd whisper said:
Now on the other hand, I have had some really rude and hurtful comments sent to me via karma about my father’s passing and my husband’s death.

Are you saying people actually sent personal rude messages to you about you father and husband dying?? Good God, what a bunch of insensitive a$$holes. I'd bet these people would NEVER say stuff like to anyone's face. Guess that's why we have public forums, so people can type what they would never dare say to someone's face.
I totally understand a public forum is for other's opinions, I was simply stating my opinion that some of the posts were cruel (the jokes, not the opinions on suicide).

somd whisper

New Member
ponchie said:
somd whisper said:
Now on the other hand, I have had some really rude and hurtful comments sent to me via karma about my father’s passing and my husband’s death.

Are you saying people actually sent personal rude messages to you about you father and husband dying?? Good God, what a bunch of insensitive a$$holes. I'd bet these people would NEVER say stuff like to anyone's face. Guess that's why we have public forums, so people can type what they would never dare say to someone's face.
I totally understand a public forum is for other's opinions, I was simply stating my opinion that some of the posts were cruel (the jokes, not the opinions on suicide).

yes, they did via karma.....unsigned...


somd whisper said:
Now on the other hand, I have had some really rude and hurtful comments sent to me via karma about my father’s passing and my husband’s death. At first it hurt, then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that these people obviously did not know my family or me and while at first their words stung they really did not mean anything in the long run. I know whom my father and my husband was and no matter what anyone else said did not change that and life goes on until these people moved on to their next victim.

That was unspeakably rude!!! I am so glad that you are able to look past it, not sure that I would be able to do the same. :huggy:


Kittie said:
You can only be responsible for yourself. If you don't like what others post, don't read it. If you want to be tactful, do so. You can't control everyone but you can control yourself. :shrug:

Sometimes I can't controll myself.

yeah the karma thing is fcuked up.

somd whisper

New Member
Daffy said:
That was unspeakably rude!!! I am so glad that you are able to look past it, not sure that I would be able to do the same. :huggy:

I have been through worse things...I guess every newbie has to go through it. I guess if I put my personal business out there I should expect good and bad responses.

But I have made many new friends here and I am not going to let the actions of the a few mess that up. :huggy:


New Member
I don't kno if I agree, but that was written rhetoric..

:popcorn: Speak ur mind...I haven't read all the postings but from ur mailing-I got the gist, In my opinion, it is important to let people be themselves!

Qurious said:
After reading the thread about the woman who jumped off the Solomon Bridge I got really disturbed. Just because someone puts it out there doesn't mean its okay to be laughed about or joked on.

I dont wanna hear the "oh its just the internet and its all fun and games/entertainment". We all know that's BS - just look in the meet and greet thread.

Some people need to have "tact" when replying to a thread...dontcha think?

After all I would assume mature adults frequent this board and not just to play out their stuck up bully teenager persona on this board with all the sarcasm and unsympathetic postings.

For the newbies that do come here and ask for advice or report a situation....HANG IN THERE. Not everyone on this board is like that.

But surely that thread was a damn shame. Anyone agree?
[/off soapbox]