R There Limits To What Can B Joked About on this Board?


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
K_Jo said:
R There Limits To What ... 10-16-2006 06:59 PM I am not slotted

I, too, am not slotted. Are we supposed to let everyone know, or just each other? :eyebrow:


New Member
Fat Momma said:
I dunno Mikey, to me it depends....Who knows, look at the ASHAI thread..someone started and the guy found out and came in here....

What if one of the family members were told about this or worse yet her kid gets a whiff of it and comes in here to see what is going on because someone told him.

I agree with Q. some things should be left alone JMO
What if, what if, what if..... How old is her kid (who she abandoned)?? Isn't he being supervised? I won't deal in "what if's".

I answered Nicole in the other thread when she mentioned "what if" someone told the family. That's the person she needs to direct her anger at, not a bunch of strangers she's never met. :shrug:

And Ken is dead on..... it is being discussed quite a bit by people not in here. I've heard and discussed it with them myself.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
The difference is that people would stop talking when a family member came in the room. Here, the comments are out there for the whole world to see at their leisure.

I got blasted for saying "mean" things, but I re-read my comments and didn't think they were mean at all. My shot at Nicole might have been mean, but I think she's lying when she says she knew the woman, and is doing that high school thing where some kid dies in a car crash and all of a sudden he has 6,000 best friends.

It's news. We're going to talk about it. :shrug:
But that's only if you knew the family or if they made it clear to those talking about it that they were the family would that happen. Then common sense says that those talking would silence themselves. I can only imagine what the woman's child/children will endure once they get back in school.
K_Jo said:
R There Limits To What ... 10-16-2006 06:59 PM I am not slotted

I, too, am not slotted. Are we supposed to let everyone know, or just each other? :eyebrow:
If you are not slotted... where does C_Jo insert tab 'A'...:eyebrow:


New Member
Of course things like this are going to be discussed. I'm referring to making jokes about it and making fun of the person it happened to. It's just wrong.


New Member
ponchie said:
Of course things like this are going to be discussed. I'm referring to making jokes about it and making fun of the person it happened to. It's just wrong.
Well welcome to somd.com forums....... brace yourself. You probably won't last. :yay:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
ponchie said:
Of course things like this are going to be discussed. I'm referring to making jokes about it and making fun of the person it happened to. It's just wrong.
If you don't have a sick sense of humor, you probably won't like it here.


New Member
RoseRed said:
I don't like you.
Ok kiddies, back on track..... Lookey what I found!! :biggrin:
Fat Momma said:
Trust me no one is afraid to speak their minds in here. You just do not like what most people are telling you. Who are you to judge them or us?
There ya go Qurious, a great answer from another tread!!! :yahoo:

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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Ok kiddies, back on track..... Lookey what I found!! :biggrin:
There ya go Quirous, a great answer from another tread!!! :yahoo:


K_Ho knows I lubs her. :lmao: