New Member
Touche!!!!The Man said:
Touche!!!!The Man said:
just.me said:Hey, MM is the one who jumped in here and started being nasty.....Kudos to all who can express their opinion without resorting to insults!!! Thanks, vrai and Ker......I gave both of you positive feedback.....
vraiblonde said:Okay, so some musician expresses their opinion and it's all fine and dandy. But when I express my opinion that they are full of ####, that's somehow wrong??? Why is it that Green Day can blast our President and America in general, but people like me get a rash of #### when we blast them back???
"Freedom of speech and expression...only if we agree with Green Day and the rest of the Leftists", is more like it.
You have weird ideas of what "free speech" means. It only means that you can express yourself - not that everyone has to listen and respect your opinion. Nobody is stopping these "artists" from expressing themselves - we're merely disagreeing with them. You're teetering on the brink of fascism, there, my friend.
MMDad said:Too bad these posts don't have time stamps so we can see that you snapped at Vrai before I snapped at you. I guess U-2 and Rage against the machine made you honest, too.
SAHRAB said:haha good catch
The Man said:
Pickles.SAHRAB said:Pickles
MMDad said:Too bad these posts don't have time stamps so we can see that you snapped at Vrai before I snapped at you. I guess U-2 and Rage against the machine made you honest, too.
vraiblonde said:Pickles.
Since I seem to be repeating everything you say today![]()
vraiblonde said:You're teetering on the brink of fascism, there, my friend.
No. You said (and I quote):Kerad said:So...my post saying that musicians are as entitled to express their beliefs as the rest of us makes me a fascist???
Green Day sings to their audience, "rednecks in cowboy hats" sing to theirs. It's literally that simple and nobody is silencing anyone, unless you count how the Left-wing media makes a big deal out of some kennedy like R. Kelly and totally ignores the aforementioned "rednecks".Also a bit interesting how Green Day or A Perfect Circle get blasted by, ahem... "patriotic Americans" for what they sing about, but whenever some redneck in a cowboy hat needs to sell some albums, their social commentary is a welcome addition to the country music airwaves.
I like to party f-cking hard
I like my rock and roll the same
Don't give a f-ck if I burn out
Don't give a f-ck if I fade away
So back to the Motor-League with me
Before I'm forced to face the wrath of a well-heeled buying public
Who live vicariously through
Tortured-artist college-rock and floor-punching macho pabulum
Back to the Motor League I go
Once thought I drew a lucky hand
Turned out to be a live grenade
Oh my god!
Holy sh-t!
Play-acting "anarchists" and Mommy's-little-skinheads,
Death-threats and sycophants and wieners drunk on straight-edge.
F-ck off
Who cares?
I'd rather highlight Trip-Tiks than listen to your bullsh-t.
F-ck off
Who cares- about your stupid scenes, your sh-tty zines, the straw-men you build up to burn?
It never ceases to amaze
And as I'm suffering your perfection it reminds me of my own race
To redress my own sad history of:
Mouthed feet
Eaten hats
Teated bulls
Amish phone-books
Drunken brawls
But what have we here?
15 years later it still reeks of swill and Chickenshit Conformists
With their fists in the air
Like-father, like-son "rebels" bloated on korn, eminems and bizkits.
Lord, hear our prayer:
Take back your Amy Grant mosh-crews and fair-weather politics.
Blow-dry my hair and stick me on a ten-speed.
Back to the Motor League
Back to the Motor League
Back to the Motor League
I guess life is just a popularity contest
Success, the ability to perform within a framework of obedience
Just ask the candy-coated Joy-Cam rock-bands
selling shoes for venture-capitalists,
silencing competing messages,
Rounding off the jagged edges
Propagandhi - Back to the motor league
this displeasure with many of the more political bands which they feel are hypocritical for selling out to the very thing they are against: coporate america (green day would be an example, i guess... although the statement was a bit more pointed towards anti-flag and a handfull of other bands)I f-ckin’ love that one rock video where that f-cking jack-ass mohawked millionaire prances around by far the worst sausage party on earth, where by mere chance he’s caught on film shaking hands with an incredibly diverse collection of patriotic skins. I like the message it sends: With a Rebel™ yell, Just Do Exactly What You’re Told. One million douche bags can’t be wrong? “When did punk rock become so safe?” You’ll excuse me if I laugh in your face as I itemize your receipts and PowerPoint your balance sheets. I hear this year’s Vans Warped Tour is “going green!” I guess they heard that money grows on trees. Hope they ship all those sh-tty bands overseas like they did the factories. Music’s power to describe, compel, renew … It’s all a distant second to the offers you can’t refuse. Anyone remember when we used to believe that music was a sacred place and not some f-cking bank machine? Not something you just bought and sold? How could we have been so naïve? Well, I think when all is said and done, just cuz we were young doesn’t mean we were wrong. And I’ll rock back and forth on this two-bit hobbyhorse ‘til she splinters and gives way. I’ll tend the flowers by her grave. And whisper her name. If anyone out there understands can I please see a show of hands just so I know I’m not insane? Ever get the feeling you been played? Well, that’s rock for sustainable capitalism and you know, we may face a scorched and lifeless earth, but they’re accountable to their shareholders first. That’s how the world works.
Propagandhi "Rock For Sustainable Capitalism"
They're full of ####. They'd sell out in a second if some record producer waved a multi-million dollar contract in their face.Spoiled said:this displeasure with many of the more political bands which they feel are hypocritical for selling out to the very thing they are against: coporate america
oddly enough, i think they have probably had the chance, they give the majority of the money they bring in to charity they live modest lives... they are a pretty big band and the made their own canadian label. they make their living through the bandvraiblonde said:They're full of ####. They'd sell out in a second if some record producer waved a multi-million dollar contract in their face.
But it IS funny to hear pop bands with their corporate shillery singing about how "anti-establishment" they are.![]()
vraiblonde said:No. You said (and I quote):
Green Day sings to their audience, "rednecks in cowboy hats" sing to theirs. It's literally that simple and nobody is silencing anyone, unless you count how the Left-wing media makes a big deal out of some kennedy like R. Kelly and totally ignores the aforementioned "rednecks".
Green Day blasts America in general, Red-Staters in particular (which is the majority of Americans). That makes them unpatriotic. Why get upset if someone actually calls them what they are?
Um....Republicans have the White House, the House and the Senate. What part of this isn't coming together for you?Kerad said:As for the majority of Americans being red staters, I don't really believe that...
From dictionary.com:Kerad said:If GreenDay blasts the right wing, wouldn't that make them VERY partiotic to the left wingers?
i love my country (so much i plan on joining the marines), however i feel change is needed and i dont particularly care for the current people in power... am i not a patriot? (im not attacking you, i am asking... i have talked to people that say its not possible to love the country but not support the president)vraiblonde said:From dictionary.com:
adj : inspired by love for your country
I would have to say that "American Idiot" and "Holiday" aren't particularly patriotic. I'm just not feeling the love.![]()
vraiblonde said:Um....Republicans have the White House, the House and the Senate. What part of this isn't coming together for you?![]()