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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
I lived in the area too way back when. Are you thinking of Hillside Drive-In? Early marriage, we went to the drive-in every weekend too. I miss that. I was an inexpensive night out. The last time I went was to see ET at the ABC. I think the rest of them had closed by then.
Yep, it was the Hillside.


Well-Known Member
and if you didnt know, there was a drive in on Central Avenue, Seat Pleasant, on the eastbound lanes... The screen was visible to traffic heading East. Well, in the early 70's they showed skin flicks....for all to see..... yeah.... so after several crashes, they fixed it!!! Well several sheets of corrugated roofing nailed to telephone poles didnt work......
All you had to do was go to the school parking lot up on the hill across the street.

It was more fun to make up your own dialogue anyway.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

There was a drive-in movies in Waldorf back in the day in the area of where Denny's is located on 301. Many a weekend night loading up the trunk of one's car to sneak in friends. Or by sneaking in by stealthy walking means without a car. Though what the drive-in lost in ticket revenue, it was definitely made up with concession sales.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just had a thought.

In the height of the 3-D movie craze of the 60s-70s, did they ever do 3-D adult films?

And if so, could you imagine the chaos at a Drive-In?



When I was out West we saw Blade and Halloween H20 double feature at a drive in, in Tuscon...saw Blair Witch and Episode I at a drive in, in Rota, Spain.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
This is really neither here nor there, but my fiancé is doing the Route 11 Yard Sale Crawl this weekend with friends. The first picture she sent me was of a drive in.
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