Recovering what could be lost.


New Member
I am new here. I am going through a rough time. I have been married for over three years now with a little one. My wife wants to leave. I think we both should work it out and stick to it. The marriage has been good. No abuse, alcoholism, or cheating. Why leave now? All marriages go through a tough time. Why give up?


professional daydreamer
Miawip said:
I am new here. I am going through a rough time. I have been married for over three years now with a little one. My wife wants to leave. I think we both should work it out and stick to it. The marriage has been good. No abuse, alcoholism, or cheating. Why leave now? All marriages go through a tough time. Why give up?

Why does she want to leave?


New Member
Miawip said:
I am new here. I am going through a rough time. I have been married for over three years now with a little one. My wife wants to leave. I think we both should work it out and stick to it. The marriage has been good. No abuse, alcoholism, or cheating. Why leave now? All marriages go through a tough time. Why give up?
Here you go, I think this thread will help you out! :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Ask what it will look like after...

Are you prepared for the disruption? Legal bills?
Missing work? Depression? Severed ties with extended family?

There are ways to sort out problems but I have found the number one difficulty is willingness to talk out all the irritations--they simply pile up.
Sorry, no easy answer!


New Member
Take a vacation and leave the kid with a sitter. Try and connect as a couple. Don't forget to make her laugh :yay:


New Member
Geek said:
Take a vacation and leave the kid with a sitter. Try and connect as a couple. Don't forget to make her laugh :yay:

Well Crap....

I was getting ready to post...


What was the last nice thing you did for your wife?

Maybe it is time to dump the kids off and go somewhere together. You could be in a rut. Ask her if she'd like to go away for a vacation.


Miawip said:
I am new here. I am going through a rough time. I have been married for over three years now with a little one. My wife wants to leave. I think we both should work it out and stick to it. The marriage has been good. No abuse, alcoholism, or cheating. Why leave now? All marriages go through a tough time. Why give up?

We're so nice to newcomers. :ohwell: Can I offer a suggestion? You sound hurt and this forum will not make you feel better. If you need to talk - PM me, I'm a good listener and I currently don't have anything work related to do.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Miawip said:
I am new here. I am going through a rough time. I have been married for over three years now with a little one. My wife wants to leave. I think we both should work it out and stick to it. The marriage has been good. No abuse, alcoholism, or cheating. Why leave now? All marriages go through a tough time. Why give up?

What are your ages?



someone sent me red on this tread. Since my post are deleted can you delete the reds?



100% Goapele Head!
Where's Morgan? She's the expert on marriages, I'm not because I haven't been married. She said all I am good for is holding the tray of cheese. :ohwell: