Redskins 2008...


Football addict
i know i was at atleast two games where i heard the sickening sound of the upright being hit or watched a very makable kick be missed. ( i usually sit in the endzone)

you can be in love with suisim if you want but i personally would like to have a kicker where a 30yarder wasn't a hold your breath affair. hell even gibbs couldn't watch fieldgoal attepts at the end of the season.....

BTW, suises stats indicate that he will miss 1 in 6, thats aint all that good.
Well, for one the upright was never hit by Suisham last year. I was at every game. I'll have to post the stats on the ones he missed. Every kick can be made and every kick can be missed. Only missing 6 is damn good for an entire 16 game season.

I am not in love with Suisham though. I am merely stating facts and stats. I'm not lambasting him with baseless rumor.

Anyone can say that a team or player "sucks!". It's much harder to back it up.

Missing 1 in 6 is fairly good for a kicker being that they don't kick 6 in one game. If you were to line up and kick 6 field goals, would you make all of them? Do you expect a 'human' professional to miss one from time to time?

Fact is, there are only a handful of kickers in the league who posted better stats than Suisham last year.


New Member
Well, for one the upright was never hit by Suisham last year. I was at every game. I'll have to post the stats on the ones he missed. Every kick can be made and every kick can be missed. Only missing 6 is damn good for an entire 16 game season.

I am not in love with Suisham though. I am merely stating facts and stats. I'm not lambasting him with baseless rumor.

Anyone can say that a team or player "sucks!". It's much harder to back it up.

Missing 1 in 6 is fairly good for a kicker being that they don't kick 6 in one game. If you were to line up and kick 6 field goals, would you make all of them? Do you expect a 'human' professional to miss one from time to time?

Fact is, there are only a handful of kickers in the league who posted better stats than Suisham last year.

you go do that.....

and the fact of the matter is that usually the kicker is one of your leading scorers. if he is missing close to 20% of the time, there is a problem. Like i said, gibbs went for it more than once rather than send out suisham.

and 11 (by your account) is more than a handful.

but whatever. you can be a homer redskins fan and beleive we have the greatest everything. i am more realistic and wont be surprised when zorny and crew come up short. If they surprise me and do really well, good, i wont be bitter about spending all that money on tickets.


Football addict
you go do that.....

and the fact of the matter is that usually the kicker is one of your leading scorers. if he is missing close to 20% of the time, there is a problem. Like i said, gibbs went for it more than once rather than send out suisham.

and 11 (by your account) is more than a handful.

but whatever. you can be a homer redskins fan and beleive we have the greatest everything. i am more realistic and wont be surprised when zorny and crew come up short. If they surprise me and do really well, good, i wont be bitter about spending all that money on tickets.

Again, I'm not being a homer I'm just stating the facts and stats, which you have yet to disprove.

I'm not gonna' believe some random fan that saw two games up close. Most kickers average less than 83% especially if they kick more than 30 kicks, which most don't. 11 kickers is a handful in this league compared to how many actually played last season. Put it this way, would you rather have another kicker who is worse because that's what you're gonna get.


New Member
Again, I'm not being a homer I'm just stating the facts and stats, which you have yet to disprove.

I'm not gonna' believe some random fan that saw two games up close. Most kickers average less than 83% especially if they kick more than 30 kicks, which most don't. 11 kickers is a handful in this league compared to how many actually played last season. Put it this way, would you rather have another kicker who is worse because that's what you're gonna get.
first off, i have been a redskins fan longer than you have been alive, and I saw more than two games last year, but at at least two of them i saw important misses.

no, i would like to have a kicker, an O line, and a secondary that are all better, not to mention a real coach and owner (but thats asking a lot)


Football addict
NFL Stats: by Player Position

Out of 34 kickers he is tied for 5th for number of kicks made.

He made every kick from 20-29 yards. You supposed gimmie's.

He only missed two the whole season from 30-39.

He only missed three the whole season from 40-49.

He also tried two kicks from 50+ where he was 1 for 2.

So, name a free-agent kicker who can do better. I'm waiting.


New Member
Is that supposed to impress me or something?

Do you have some historical insight into this particular subject (Suisham)?

just saying i have earned my right to be skeptical of this years team.

BTW, what are you predicitng for the skins record this year?


Football addict
just saying i have earned my right to be skeptical of this years team.

BTW, what are you predicitng for the skins record this year?
I could see us pulling a 5-11 or a 10-6. It's not so much the players as it is the new coach and the system he's trying to implement. If the players take into it then we'll be fine, if not then...yeah.

I like 9-7. I don't think we're any worse off than last year. We were in all of our games last season with the exception of the Patriots game. We'll find out a lot more tonight though. This year I wouldn't be surprised with anything though because I don't know what to expect from Zorn and this system.


New Member
I could see us pulling a 5-11 or a 10-6. It's not so much the players as it is the new coach and the system he's trying to implement. If the players take into it then we'll be fine, if not then...yeah.

I like 9-7. I don't think we're any worse off than last year. We were in all of our games last season with the exception of the Patriots game. We'll find out a lot more tonight though. This year I wouldn't be surprised with anything though because I don't know what to expect from Zorn and this system.


i am only slightly more skeptical. I think if zorn makes it work it will be a miracle, but i am still hopeful. Otherwise those cold azzed december home games are gonna suck, well all but the food and beers anyway.:buddies:


Football addict

i am only slightly more skeptical. I think if zorn makes it work it will be a miracle, but i am still hopeful. Otherwise those cold azzed december home games are gonna suck, well all but the food and beers anyway.:buddies:
Even if it is a long season at least football is back. We'll have some highlights and its not the end of the world.:smile:


Jason Cambell sucks..

i dont think he is smart enough to be a starter.

WTF.. 4th and 13 less than a minute. He throws 5 yard checkdown.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

The Nationals are in Atlanta tonight. :coffee: about that new punter, huh? We really addressed that pressing need, didn't we?


PS: Can you get the Skins tickets? They could use some time away from this looming catastrophe.


Nothing to see here about that new punter, huh? We really addressed that pressing need, didn't we?


PS: Can you get the Skins tickets? They could use some time away from this looming catastrophe.

Maybe we can arrange for JC to be shipped down to single A. Saw nothing new from him last night, his mind is made up on most plays of where he wants to throw the ball..Saw very few instances(when he had time) of where he checked down to his 2nd,3rd or 4th receiver. His first completion, his eyes never left Moss or El from the time of the snap until he threw it. The book is out on him, blitz the hell out of him and he panics.