Redskins/Cow#### game tread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...may as well get it started. :buddies:

It's gonna be cold and windy tonight, though with lessening winds. Classic football weather. All things considered, we should be able to stop their running game but, we really NEED to and that makes it, as usual, come down to how our secondary plays. Romo is gonna need to throw and make some plays. Maybe it's windy enough to help us?

Advantage Skins.

On the other side, think Alfred Morris and our O line, ground and pound. Robert is, obviously, gonna factor in running, knee or not. So, Morris, options, screens, quick hitters to a bunch of WR's who have all been playing well and in sync regardless of who is behind center. Advantage Skins.

Special teams: I would not want to need a FG at the end. No advantage for anyone, there. Both kickers are solid. A big play on a punt, as always, could be critical.

Gotta like how this stacks up for us but, it is the NFL and they know what they need to do just as well as us.

Mi, mi, mi, mi....*cough*....hmmmmmm...ready? Begin!



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Roger Gotohell hates the skins because his buddy Mara on Long Island has to play them twice a year. That being said, if there is no sort of pep talk from the commish's office to the refs then we should be ok. HTTR!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Roger Gotohell hates the skins because his buddy Mara on Long Island has to play them twice a year. That being said, if there is no sort of pep talk from the commish's office to the refs then we should be ok. HTTR!

The entire league used to hate the Skins when the greatest owner, ever, ran the show; Jack Kent Cooke. :buddies:

I LOVED it when he got the trophies and was just himself. You could FEEL the gnashing of teeth.



In My Opinion
The entire league used to hate the Skins when the greatest owner, ever, ran the show; Jack Kent Cooke. :buddies:

I LOVED it when he got the trophies and was just himself. You could FEEL the gnashing of teeth.


I always hated the skins because the fans were so obnoxious, Never understood the whole theory of "we"
I had no idea that so many people I worked with, even though they were fat slobs, played for the skins, We did this We beat so and so We We We,,
Look hoglashias, YOU did nothing, you sat on your fat ass shoving chips and dip into that over sized pie-hole while THEY played the game.

besides, I hate DC, so I have to Hate the team that is linked to DC..
Not that I really care about any other team either (and their fans seem to have this we problem too)


mama to two
Could not believe they missed that delay. The snap was a full second late, not even close.

This is why I don't watch sports, as a rule. I have enough in my life that makes me kookoo! :lol: My hub is watching with his dad and brother in Benedict. I do hope they win for y'all's sake. Go, Redskins!