Redskins Fans


New Member
i am a skins fan. i don't know about the superbowl but i think they will make the playoffs. they still have alot of holes to fill.


New Member
Big Fan Here

Peter Forsberg said:
Just wondering where are all the Redskins fans this year predicting Joe Gibbs will take them to the Superbowl?
REDSKINS will take it allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :evil: :evil: :howdy:


New Member
The Redskins will go 8-8, if luck is on their side.

Joe Gibbs will say "...great group of guys..." 129 times...give or take.

My team? The Steelers? I'm predicting 9-7. Just because I have no idea how the team will react to a brand new head coach / offense.



Can you ping me now? Good
Peter Forsberg said:
Just wondering where are all the Redskins fans this year predicting Joe Gibbs will take them to the Superbowl?

I'm thinking 10-6 this year. I think we get in via Wild Card. I believe the Eagles are actually going to win the division in a tie breaker with the Skins.

Cowboys are overated as they are every year.

Giants well they have to many holes in there team. Plus they have locker room issues they I think won't be fixed till Coughlin is gone.

The season needs to hurry up and get here! The only thing I have to look forward to at the point in the summer is my golf outings....Baseball just sucks!


New Member
BuddyLee said:

Gotta root for your team through the thick and thin.

I'm not a Redskins fan but I love that someone said this. There are far too many fair weather fans out there.

In response to someone else's comment about the Steelers (my team!), I would have said the same until watching them tonight. I know it's only preseason but they look great! Now let's just hope for an injury and stupidity free season.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Beatin' down...

Peter Forsberg said:
Just wondering where are all the Redskins fans this year predicting Joe Gibbs will take them to the Superbowl?

...laid low, scared of our own shadows, disillusioned.

We don't have 'Joe Gibbs' circa the first time around, which would have to include Bobby Beathard and Jack Kent Cooke. Unreasonably, that's what I hoped for. We have, and are coming to accept, Joe Gibbs II with NO GM and Dan Snyder.

We have Greg Williams, Al Saunders, Joe Bugal and a cast of 1,000's more coaches and quality control people and go-fers and specialists. In short, we don't really, at least I don't, have a clue of what we actually have.

I'll illustrate;

Titans; Jeff Fisher
Colts; Manning and Dungy
Pats; Brady and Belichick and 'team'
Bears: Lovie and Defense
Chargers; Marty and LT
Seahawks; Holmgren

I mean, think of any currently good team and certain identifiable characteristics come to mind as to why they do well.

Think of the old Skins; The Hogs, running the ball, good WR's, gutty QB's, mostly big armed except for Joe T, stout, kinda no name defense, solid special teams. Just good teams without a lot of super, super stars, very few high draft picks plus Joe, Bobby and Jack. At least that's the images that pop in ones head.

What are we?

Jason Campbell MIGHT be the guy at QB. He at least makes one think of Doug Williams and all the old guys who would get killed trying to get rid of it.

Portis will never be a 'Redskin'.

The line is on the edge of disaster if Samuels and Thomas are hurting all year plus a big change at left guard.

WR? Who knows? Lloyd is not a 'Redskin' but for bad reasons, unlike Portis who plays HARD but just doesn't seem to fit. Moss lost his cool at a few key times last year; very un-Redskin.

Defense? How many great defenses are built around #1' the backfield???

Special teams seems like it is OK.

In short, we don't know. The excitement of pre-seasons past is bogged down right now, at least for me, in the crushing weight of unfulfilled expectations.

I can't wait for the season to start, but, in all honesty, there's just not very many reasons to get too excited about the Skins right now.

That is very tough for me to say.

Metro said:
way better chance then those lonley saints
Saints did excellent last year, yes redskins did beat them but we made it far. And I never said I thought saints would make it to the superbowl.


New Member
I think the Saints have the best chance of going to the Superbowl this year. Fortunately, the NFC is wide open right now. A stong case can be made for almost any team (except for maybe the Vikings and the Falcons). Of the NFC East, I think as long as McNabb is healthy then the Eagles will win the division. Honestly though, I don't see him being 100% for quite some time.

The Giants are a mess. Their secondary is terrible and it looks like Strahan is going to sit out. I am not sold on Brandon Jacobs as a full time back either.

Dallas will be tough but beatable. I am really curious how the new coach plays out down there.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
They're certainly a decent bet...

jackers said:
I think the Saints have the best chance of going to the Superbowl this year. Fortunately, the NFC is wide open right now. A stong case can be made for almost any team (except for maybe the Vikings and the Falcons). Of the NFC East, I think as long as McNabb is healthy then the Eagles will win the division. Honestly though, I don't see him being 100% for quite some time.

The Giants are a mess. Their secondary is terrible and it looks like Strahan is going to sit out. I am not sold on Brandon Jacobs as a full time back either.

Dallas will be tough but beatable. I am really curious how the new coach plays out down there.

...the Saints that is. Getting to a conference championship is usually a good indicator for the coming season.


NFC West; Seattle and maybe a 49er resurgence? Arizona and the Rams are also rans, I think.

NFC South; Saint's and maybe the Panthers. Forget the Falcons and I can't get excited about the Bucs.

NFC North; The Bears and that's it.

NFC East; If this is Mannings year, maybe the D has to many questions? Dallas, anh. Philly? They gotta fall off some day. We'll (Skins) do well to go .500 in the division.

Seattle, Saints, Bears and...Giants? Maybe us and either Dallas or the 49ers as the Wild Cards?

Why not Saints and Bears again with the Bears making their second straight trip to the show?

AFC West; Chargers.

AFC South; If Manning gets hurt, the Colts are done. Jags are tough and I think the Titans are on the rise.

AFC North; Gotta like the Ravens and Cinncy maybe Pittsburgh rebounds?

AFC East; Who else? NE and the Jet's.

So, Chargers, Jags, Ravens and NE with the Jets and Titans.

Chargers and Pat's again.




Well-Known Member
:thewave: I'm a Redskin fan! The sign of a true fan is one that sticks with them through the good, the bad and the ugly! I've been a fan for as long as I can remember, when they were good. They will have their turn again, it may not be this year, it may not be this decade, but I'll still be a fan!

Here's hoping for another exciting year! GO SKINS!


New Member
SoMDGirl42 said:
:thewave: I'm a Redskin fan! The sign of a true fan is one that sticks with them through the good, the bad and the ugly! I've been a fan for as long as I can remember, when they were good. They will have their turn again, it may not be this year, it may not be this decade, but I'll still be a fan!

Here's hoping for another exciting year! GO SKINS!

You tell em'! I'm with ya!!! I went to the games last year even after I knew we didnt have a chance to make the playoffs. I cheered my team on. I will NEVER be a fair weather fan.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
We'll (Skins) do well to go .500 in the division. .

Oh ye of little faith, everything falls into place this year. 12-4 and into the playoffs.