Redskins Rant


Agreed to some point, another 8-8 season will get him fired, alot of teams have improved recently in the NFC, Atlanta, Phoenix and watch out for San Francisco to name a few and the division the Skins are in is about the toughest even with a 10-6 or 11-5 season its possible to not make the playoffs, ask New England. I believe the Skins next year play the AFC West teams, which is the weak division in the AFC and Im not sure what division in the NFC they play, its not going to be the West cause they played them this year, hope its the North its the weaker then the South, the South is just about as strong as their division. IMO a 11-5 or 10-6 season even without a playoff spot proably wont get Zorn fired, he may even stay around another year with a 9-7 record.:shrug:

The fact that we are even discussing Zorn's survivability after season 2 speaks loudly of the problem. And it's not coaching. A coach sometimes needs 3 -4 years to rebuild a team. Forget records, allow him to rebuild and establish himself.


Nothing to see here
The fact that we are even discussing Zorn's survivability after season 2 speaks loudly of the problem. And it's not coaching. A coach sometimes needs 3 -4 years to rebuild a team. Forget records, allow him to rebuild and establish himself.

Season 2???


Well-Known Member
Help! Could somebody explain "scheme" to me? I think I understand it from a defensive perspective, i.e., 3/4 vs. 4/3 defense but how does that come into play from an offensive perspective? Is it related to routes on passing plays and blocking on running plays? Just curious.

Also, here's my "wish list" for future success by the skins:

1. O Line changes (need versatility and youth)
2. D Line changes (need push from ends and more beef up the middle)
3. Need number 2 receiver
4. Need a tight end who can stretch the field a bit more than Cooley (I
know, this is heresy but with an improved offensive line...maybe)
5. Need overall team speed in every facet of the game.
6. Still need someone with Sean Taylor's ferocity on defense. I know that
he was something special but now that the powers that be have seen it
here, wouldn't it make sense to at least seek that kind of defensive
7. Steel mills, auto manufacturing, coal mines....need more of a real blue
collar presence in the stadium and on the field. Make the Philly, New
Yawk and Dallass fans think twice about setting foot in Fedex and give
their teams something to think about when they step on the field. (see 6
8. One last thing and maybe this is related to the scheme question...if your
line is incapable of holding blocks why not go to more quick counts and
moving pockets to help buy some time for your qb?
9. last, last thing...the QB -- he has got to get rid of the ball
faster. He seems to have a fairly long windup when compared to other
NFL QBs. If that isn't changed, he will never have long term success. I
wonder if that is the mechanical reason for his high passes...

Just my 9 cents.


For starters, I'm not impressed with Jason Campbell. Granted, the offensive line hasn't been much help in protecting the pocket (I agree they need a new OL), but I just don't think he has the arm or the accuracy. We need a solid deep ball thrower, like Brunell was. Jason seems hesitant at times, which I guess that is part of why he hasn't had too many INTs, however, it also blows some good opportunities. One thing they really need to do is swing their routes farther down so they can get the first down rather than try to make it up underneath.

I think that if they are going keep Jason as starter, they need to groom Colt as backup. I think he has a lot of potential, but he needs opportunities to play.

I don't think the defense is in too bad a shape, 49ers drives notwithstanding. They gotta do better in 3rd down situations.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
The fact that we are even discussing Zorn's survivability after season 2 speaks loudly of the problem. And it's not coaching. A coach sometimes needs 3 -4 years to rebuild a team. Forget records, allow him to rebuild and establish himself.
Typical Redskins fan. HAHA

Peter Forsberg

New Member
For starters, I'm not impressed with Jason Campbell. Granted, the offensive line hasn't been much help in protecting the pocket (I agree they need a new OL), but I just don't think he has the arm or the accuracy. We need a solid deep ball thrower, like Brunell was. Jason seems hesitant at times, which I guess that is part of why he hasn't had too many INTs, however, it also blows some good opportunities. One thing they really need to do is swing their routes farther down so they can get the first down rather than try to make it up underneath.

I think that if they are going keep Jason as starter, they need to groom Colt as backup. I think he has a lot of potential, but he needs opportunities to play.

I don't think the defense is in too bad a shape, 49ers drives notwithstanding. They gotta do better in 3rd down situations.
Here is the problem with Campbell. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 foot drop Wind up to throw. Sacked!


I forgot about the 3 pumps the look to the left and look to the right then sack. So your saying Campbell is a #1 QB in the NFL?

Hardly. I've ranted about Campbell's indecisiveness almost endlessly on here and got attacked by Larry, Buddy, and Otter routinely for it. Way back in October there was this discussion about Campbell:

#4, Jason has just flat out reached the next level of NFL qb play.

And Campbell has what? The guy is going to get killed because he is so indecisive. He needs to get rid of the ball quicker. There's a difference between patience and indecisiveness.

The discussion went on between Buddy (and others) and me. No one wanted to believe the Skins, way back early in the season, were showing signs of disarray.

Then Larry finally admits this:

Jason takes way too long to make up his mind and has fallen back into last years habit of not even checking down quick enough AND he just isn't accurate enough.

It took Larry almost an entire season to see what I was seeing from the beginning. In fact I saw it last season. I think Buddy is still in denial about Campbell.
Last edited:


Nothing to see here
Attacked??? Damn, someone having an opinion different from you is attacking you?? come on...:rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Someone got paid to GM and coach the Detroit Lions.

The Patriots didn't become 'The Patriots' until Drew Bledsoe got hurt.

The Falcons are owned by a guy who made his money in hardware and his playoff team was in tatters after their super super star got arrested shortly before last season, '07, started.

The new Dolphins GM may be better as a GM than he ever was as a coach and he was a great coach.

The Bucs LOST to the Raiders with the playoffs on the line.

The Texans just finished their second consecutive 8-8 season.

The Peytons quietly went 9-0 after starting 3-4 and just may be the best team in the AFC. By a good bit.

Brett wasn't quite good enough to get the Jets in the playoffs. The Packers weren't nearly good enough without him.

The Seahawks say goodbye to a guy who took them to the Superbowl but didn't win it, but did win it with another team.

The best team in the NFL has a head coach everyone thinks is not as good as he is even though he was 12-4 in an expansion teams second year of existence.

Point being, this isn't easy and there is no ONE WAY. However, there are a few basic characteristics of winning teams that we simply don't have.

Marty was, by far, the best coach we've had since Snyder took over and this includes Gibbs II. He got fired after one season in favor of a college coach that did not want the job. Our current coach was hired about a year ago to be an offensive coordinator. For the first time.

Our 'leader', and owners favorite, is a RB and Superbowl teams are no longer lead by running backs. They rarely ever were. Our 'second' leader and owners second favorite is a dead guy.

Consistently winning teams are built from the lines, both O and D, outward, and we are built, on the defensive side, from the backfield forward and all over the place on the O side.

Super star qb's don't win with bad or even mediocre D and/or O lines.

Consistently winning teams consistently find good young players through the draft. This equals depth and this equals, obviously, youth, which is critical in a profession where the average career lasts 4 years. The game consumes people. It just does.

A number of people on this board could do as well or better than the Redskins have in free agency. A Monkey with a dartboard and THE checkbook could do as well. Or better.


Good coach who stays around.
Quarterback is the leader.
Consistently good, not necessarily great, but good, drafts with lots of picks.

Sound unfamiliar? I cringe when I recall that before this season started the Bengals were stupid enough to not stick us with 85 and cripple our draft for the next couple of years. It's laughable how Zorn got the job. Our lines both need to be rebuilt from scratch. Jason Campbell is not the team leader.

The good news is this is NOT the ONLY way it CAN be done. The bad news is this is NOT the ONLY way it CAN be done and any other way is way more crap shoot and luck than building a consistent winner with the basics.

I think staying with Zorn is critical. I think ditching Jason is critical. I think trading Portis is critical. I think getting draft picks is critical.

Snyder likely isn't selling. That doesn't prohibit him from learning by sticking with a good coach, staying out of team chemistry with the owners pet business and getting a GM who is better than average at drafting and picking FA's.

I have no hope of any of this happening to a significant degree because the Redskins are Snyder's toy and he bought them to play with it and people's basic nature doesn't much change.

FWIW, the last new coach to start 8-8 for the Skins went on to a pretty good run. The bad part is the other guy started bad and finished strong. Not the other way around. Gibbs also had a great GM and an owner who wanted trophies, not to fiddle with draft picks and be pals with super stars.


My Sweetest Boy
I have no hope of any of this happening to a significant degree because the Redskins are Snyder's toy and he bought them to play with it and people's basic nature doesn't much change.

Excellent post..probably the first post where I've ever totally agreed with you. :lol:

The above portion I quoted is THE problem. No doubt Snyder would like the Skins to be a winning team but he doesn't have the ability or desire to stand aside and allow that to happen. The organization is making money and in the end, that's really all that matters to him...well, that and keeping his house from falling into the Potomac. :lol: