Redskins Rant


Excellent post..probably the first post where I've ever totally agreed with you. :lol:

The above portion I quoted is THE problem. No doubt Snyder would like the Skins to be a winning team but he doesn't have the ability or desire to stand aside and allow that to happen. The organization is making money and in the end, that's really all that matters to him...well, that and keeping his house from falling into the Potomac. :lol:

Oh come on. I've been saying most of this all season long and was beat up by Larry, Buddy, Otter and others for it. The only thing Larry left out of his post was we can expect mediocrity from the Skins as long as Snyder is in the picture.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Figure of speech...

Firgure... of... speech.

...if it is a figure of speech then it can't be very hard to find a better word because, as Americans, we have lots and lots of words.

As far as me finally 'admitting' Jason wasn't up to the task, a great many people felt the same about Eli most of last season. Campbell would BE better with the Giants O and D lines and skill players, maybe even good enough to win it all. Eli still isn't great. He's on a great team and that makes him better. He ROSE to the challenge last year, rose to the level of his team, not pulled his team up.

Campbell is not good enough to pull this team up a la Brady, Peyton, Rivers, Brees, Elway, Marino. Those guys are/were still not good enough to go all the way absent the other few keys; D and O line, consistent, good coaching.

Campbell deserved the season to find out. If the team has a GREAT draft next year and maybe a solid FA or two AND Thomas and Kelly step up AND Zorn stays AND Portis gets traded for some picks to help make that draft great, Campbell is probably good enough to make a few plays, a la Eli.

The name Theisman, Williams and Rypien ring any bells?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Lord knows you're proof of that. :lmao:

...that makes me an authority. :lol:

Words matter. Words mean things.

You were not attacked. You were challenged and argued with. An attack can be verbal or the written word. You were not verbally attacked or attacked with words. You were crushed and annihilated and pummeled into submission by better argument.



...that makes me an authority. :lol:

Words matter. Words mean things.

You were not attacked. You were challenged and argued with. An attack can be verbal or the written word. You were not verbally attacked or attacked with words. You were crushed and annihilated and pummeled into submission by better argument.


It will take years of therapy and cuddling love for me to recover. :ohwell:

Admit it. You're just coming around to what I knew long ago.

Admit it... :smack:

Admit it... :smack:

Admit it... :smack:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

It will take years of therapy and cuddling love for me to recover. :ohwell:

Admit it. You're just coming around to what I knew long ago.

Admit it... :smack:

Admit it... :smack:

Admit it... :smack:'re coming to the wrong place for therapy. I don't cuddle nor coddle jazz players. :lol:

I will say that your answer is correct which is to say I agree with you, Campbell ain't the guy, but how you got to your answer is not correct, or, at least, I disagree with your work and I will also say that if you know not think, KNOW, a player is NFL caliber or not long before most, you are in the wrong business. :buddies:

How's that for a Christmas present?


Pixelated're coming to the wrong place for therapy. I don't cuddle nor coddle jazz players. :lol:

IF I needed therapy, I certainly wouldn't come here. And, if I did, it wouldn't be from you. :geek: You're a wise and wordy debater, but you'd make a lousy psychologist. :wink:

I will say that your answer is correct which is to say I agree with you, Campbell ain't the guy, but how you got to your answer is not correct, or, at least, I disagree with your work and I will also say that if you know not think, KNOW, a player is NFL caliber or not long before most, you are in the wrong business. :buddies:

How's that for a Christmas present?

I don't recall saying Campbell isn't NFL caliber. He's certainly not SB caliber at this point. And he's not leadership caliber; which a QB needs to be. I think he has some confidence issues to resolve to get there. He may never get there. But at the expense of the Skins? I think he's been given that shot and now it's Colt's turn.

What's annoying is the Skins will stay with Campbell. I don’t know if pressure from Snyder will make that happen but I have my suspicions.
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Football addict
I forgot about the 3 pumps the look to the left and look to the right then sack. So your saying Campbell is a #1 QB in the NFL?
When protected as noted by the 6-2 start and wins over the Iggles, Cowboys, Cardinals, and Saints. Some of the most potent offenses this season.

When there is no protection you lose to the Bungles.


Football addict
Campbell deserved the season to find out. If the team has a GREAT draft next year and maybe a solid FA or two AND Thomas and Kelly step up AND Zorn stays AND Portis gets traded for some picks to help make that draft great, Campbell is probably good enough to make a few plays, a la Eli.
I think they'll finally address the O-line this off-season. Hopefully they'll sign Gross and draft a few guys.

Campbell has next season. Let's hope he has a solid foundation around him that won't crumble at mid-season.