
Larry Gude

Strung Out

better remember how to block or it is going to be a long day. to block? I'll be happy if they make it through the day without losing any more linemen!

I'd also be happy if COACH GIBBS would make a note; We do not, ever, no way, no how, EVER throw a screen right before the half. Ever.


Nothing to see here to block? I'll be happy if they make it through the day without losing any more linemen!

I'd also be happy if COACH GIBBS would make a note; We do not, ever, no way, no how, EVER throw a screen right before the half. Ever.

:rocketscreen: :lol:


Ya know even Otter could throw a TD pass if he had 5 minutes to stand there 10 yards from the goal line. :rolleyes: