Referee Bowl...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was an embarrassment for the league, a rip off for fans and players alike, and just a damn shame when players that good have to deal with refs that bad.

Two out right over turned calls, the Harrison TD was awful close, 3 piss poor personal foul calls on the Cards on the Steelers first drive of the second half, James Harrison faked the ref into a critical hold on the Cards next to last drive, an iffy call on the safety, a total non call on two men holding on the Holmes TD, the Holmes TD, from the down field angle, looks like his right foot is on top of his left, not on the turf meaning no TD and the last play, Warner's arm was clearly going forward which means, with the stupid helmet penalty, one more shot for the Cards from the Steelers 35.

Just a mess of a game.

In any event, congrats Steelers. :buddies:


Nothing to see here
That was an embarrassment for the league, a rip off for fans and players alike, and just a damn shame when players that good have to deal with refs that bad.

Two out right over turned calls, the Harrison TD was awful close, 3 piss poor personal foul calls on the Cards on the Steelers first drive of the second half, James Harrison faked the ref into a critical hold on the Cards next to last drive, an iffy call on the safety, a total non call on two men holding on the Holmes TD, the Holmes TD, from the down field angle, looks like his right foot is on top of his left, not on the turf meaning no TD and the last play, Warner's arm was clearly going forward which means, with the stupid helmet penalty, one more shot for the Cards from the Steelers 35.

Just a mess of a game.

In any event, congrats Steelers. :buddies:

I agreed with the over-turns, but it was pathetic that they did look at the supposed warner fumble at the end..that was total bs..lot of iffy calls the whole game. Irritating that they take 5 minutes to look at the Steelers last TD but don't even look at the Warner incomplete pass...Whats up with that??
Congratulations Pittsburgh! That was a great game to watch.

I've always had a great deal of respect for Tomlin, and he is one of my favorite personalities in football. However, I have to say that I lost a lot of respect for him in the late stages of this game. His decision to leave Harrison in the game was classless - there's just no way around that. I still think he's a great coach, just don't have as much respect for his character.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agreed with the over-turns, but it was pathetic that they did look at the supposed warner fumble at the end..that was total bs..lot of iffy calls the whole game. Irritating that they take 5 minutes to look at the Steelers last TD but don't even look at the Warner incomplete pass...Whats up with that??

You wait, by midnight there will be 20 videos on Youtube showing the down field shot of Holmes feet. As for Warner, it's not even worth a review; he was clearly moving forward. I think when they'd flagged Harrison (who shoulda been tossed for the PF on the punt) for taking off his helmet I think they wanted nothing more than to get out of there. If Fitzgerald gets a chance on the last play because of yet another poor call...

Just a horribly managed game.


I agree 500% THAT should have been reviewed. I was rooting for Pittsburgh but after the refs' bad calls, I started feeling bad for Arizona and rooting for them - at best THAT last pass/fumble SHOULD have been reviewed - at least review the crap.... that was just blatant and dumb. WTF????? At least review it, don't be so damn obvious :cussing: And here I was rooting for Pittsburgh even :lol:


Active Member
Is there anything you losers don't whine about?

We don't whine without reason. If you could watch this game and 100% without a doubt say that the steelers deserved it you obviously know NOTHING about football. This was one of the worst superbowls I have ever watched from an official standpoint. The sad part is as soon as they showed who was officiating I knew it would be. The head official is one of the worst in the NFL. Pittsburgs players didnt even know if they should celebrate at the end which tells me they knew it was wrong.


This. ------------------>
We don't whine without reason. If you could watch this game and 100% without a doubt say that the steelers deserved it you obviously know NOTHING about football. This was one of the worst superbowls I have ever watched from an official standpoint. The sad part is as soon as they showed who was officiating I knew it would be. The head official is one of the worst in the NFL. Pittsburgs players didnt even know if they should celebrate at the end which tells me they knew it was wrong.


Like the Redskins have any recollection of winning Super Bowls.

Shut up.


Holmes definitely had a touchdown. There was a camera angle that showed his right foot tapping and dragging in the endzone.


Active Member
How's that whole Redskins sucking thing working out for you?

Hey I'll still be a redskins fan win or lose. Born and raised. I can see how much you LOVE the steelers. Your avatar and all. :killingme
Did you go buy your flag for the car yesterday or last week? We just love yall bandwagon fans.


This. ------------------>
Hey I'll still be a redskins fan win or lose. Born and raised. I can see how much you LOVE the steelers. Your avatar and all. :killingme
Did you go buy your flag for the car yesterday or last week? We just love yall bandwagon fans.

My avatar has nothing to do with your lame football team. Skins suck, and will always suck. My avatar will not change that. Not will it change the fact that the Steelers have won their 6th Super Bowl.

Nor will it change the fact that the Arizona Cardinals are better than the Redskins.