The Preacher!
Ken King said:

You are too freaking funny, slick. To imply Merlin99's suggestion as anything worthy of causing them trouble is humorous.

Well I did say that I do have a sense of humor.
Ken King said:
But it is nice to notice that you are going to fix the school problem that has already been fixed by those currently governing. As you have said money is there, schools are being renovated or built new. It's planned to continue well into the next decade. And yet you hold this as one of your major campaign issues, you want to fight an already won battle and you're fighting on the side that won.

I really do agree that the County has been doing a great job of accommodating the growth and the Board of Education is doing great too. We have the best system and best of personel in those positions. My problem is that they are forced into accommodating the reckless and excessive growth and the County is enabling that destructive political policy of out-of-control growth to continue.
I want to stop putting this senseless pressure onto our local gov and stop forcing the schools to accommodate the reckless growth and help the police and the jail overcrowding too by stopping the growth that is overloading our entire infrastructure.
I like the Board of Education and I love our schools and so I want us to stop trashing our system with the out-of-control destructive growth.
Now that McKay is getting out of the County Commissioners then I expect that to improve very much too.
I say that if we like what we have then lets stop destroying it with needless growth.
Ken King said:
Do you care to tell us how many new schools are planned on being built?

I do know that we have new schools in the plans but we still have excessive growth coming in far to fast. With the 84 school trailers for classrooms then we already have enough students to completely fill a big new school if it were built instantaniously. The brand new G.W. Carver Elementary school just now opened is crammed full on the first day and we still have all 84 Relocatable school trailers and bringing in more trailers to handle more and more reckless growth.
If we like our schools then we need to stop dumping the growth onto the schools. When I get elected that process of protecting our infrastructure will begin.