Yesterday August 17th, the St. Mary's County Public schools had a "welcome to the 2006 - 2007 school year" at the St. Mary's College Recreation Center and it was called "All Hands On Deck" and I was invited RSVP and I went and thought it was a very nice event and the whole Rec Center was crammed overfull and all our area schools had a group there representing each school.
1) It started with the parade - "Charting a course to Excellence" by the High School Drum Lines and Flag Corps.
2) The welcoming comments given by the Chief Operating Officer.
3) Presentation of Colors by the High Schools' JROTC.
4) Pledge of Allegiance lead by the SMCPS Teacher of the Year.
5) Then the Star Spangled Banner sang by a student from Dynard Elementary school.
6) School slogan in song of "Work Hard and Be Nice" sang by the Park Hall Elementary School Chorus.
7) The Greeting comments given by the Chairman, Board of Education of SMC.
Introduced by a student from Park Hall Elementary School.
8) The Keynote Speaker was the Superintendent of Schools.
Introduced by the Student member of the Board of Education.
9) A message from Our Students - Rainbow.
10) Song "We are Family" done by Peace Pipers of Chopticon High School.
11) Video presentation of the schools and students.
12) Closing remarks by the Chief Academic Officer.
Her closing was so well done that it stole the whole show.