Relocating - Salary


If I may ...
If I may ...

Hey retard, I didn't say they don't exist. I said they don't exist IN MARYLAND. Go ahead, find it. I showed you the laws governing HOAs in Maryland, find the same for POAs. You can't just create a legal vehicle from scratch, it has to be supported in law.
Well it's obvious they do exist. One being in what used to be known as the Chesapeake Ranch Club. The bylaws and the covenants and restrictions govern the properties in the now Chesapeake Ranch Estates. Now, this Property Owners Association, may fall under the purview of the Maryland Homeowners Association Act, but when it was created in 1962, it was a Property Owners Association. And that is a fact. And since the "legal" entities known as HOA's didn't become regulated, or had any governing law, until 1987 in the State of Maryland, there were Property Owner Associations operating prior to the law being passed, in which, there are some still currently operating.


Active Member
This thread went south fast. Like minded people at each other throats over such a simplistic topic. C’mon people let’s keep it together and focus on the hemihaulers and calistress on here.
I’ve been advocating for reasonable moderation for years! This place would be like Disney world with just some standards, sadly the owner goes on attack raids in the political forum


Well-Known Member
I’ve been advocating for reasonable moderation for years! This place would be like Disney world with just some standards, sadly the owner goes on attack raids in the political forum
Color me how ever you want, but the owner typically disengages when the dialog goes over the top.


Well-Known Member
huh, please tell me more ways to stretch my budget. I’ve had my eye on this bay liner but i end up shopping at dollar general at the end of the month for groceries, what gives?
First, “what gives”, if you have to change your shopping habits by the end of the month, your financial discipline and forethought is very bad.
Dollar General is a good place to shop all month long, not just when you blow your stash on some bling or a toy.
If you are eyeing a boat, but have to skimp on groceries, maybe you can’t afford a boat? Just a thought.

Second, the not-so-transitory inflation just might have something to do with it.


If I may ...
If I may ...

I’ve been advocating for reasonable moderation for years! This place would be like Disney world with just some standards, sadly the owner goes on attack raids in the political forum
"Advocating for reasonable moderation for years"? As a member since August 7, 2021?


Well-Known Member
With all the petty squabbles, name calling, and finger pointing.. maybe the OP might reconsider their move here. Or at least coming back to this forum. Just a thought.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lol I've been watching and thinking how it all went down hill from my original post. 😂

It's usually around page 5 when all pertinent commentary has been exhausted and the squabbling begins. :jet:


If Hollywood is your husband's work base, that gives you a HYOOOOOGE area to choose from for living because Hwood is centrally located. Plus it's easier for you to find a job within a reasonable drive. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by your options.


happy to be living
Having recently gone to several yard sales in the Wildewood community, if I had to move to SMC, I'd look for a home there. The houses are not on top of each other and most are pretty private, all I saw appear to be well maintained, people seem friendly, low speed limits and plenty of room to walk, jog, bike.


It's usually around page 5 when all pertinent commentary has been exhausted and the squabbling begins. :jet:


If Hollywood is your husband's work base, that gives you a HYOOOOOGE area to choose from for living because Hwood is centrally located. Plus it's easier for you to find a job within a reasonable drive. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by your options.
Thank you. We are going up tomorrow to scout the area. I'm excited to see everything. Just hoping we can find a place for 3 dogs and 3 cars. Lol


Well-Known Member
Having recently gone to several yard sales in the Wildewood community, if I had to move to SMC, I'd look for a home there. The houses are not on top of each other and most are pretty private, all I saw appear to be well maintained, people seem friendly, low speed limits and plenty of room to walk, jog, bike.
I had a coworker that was pretty snooty about living in Wildwood, then one day we discovered the sex offender map, wildwood had more sex offenders than Great Mills Road. We teased her pretty bad about that.


Well-Known Member
Just learned something, it did seem to me we have more than our share.
