relocating to Southern maryland


New Member
Hello, my husband and I are relocating to southern Maryland in just a few weeks, he will be working at PAX. We have never even been to the area and are moving the whole way from Kansas. Can anyone tell us what live is like in S. maryland? What is the climate and culture like there? Originally I am from Pittsburgh, Pa, so I am use to cold weather but coastal living seems like it may be much different.
Also, we need housing advice! We plan to rent because he is a contract engineer and the amount of time we will be there is uncertain, so we are planning on month to month. From what we have seen, housing is very limited!
Any info and advice would be much appreciated.


check out this website

in all seriousness now Find a Place EARLY!

month to month rent without a lease is about $50 a month more where I live, expect to pay $800+ a month for a 2 bedroom, no garage.

Im from near the Pittsburgh area and must tell you this is a whole different place, it really doesn't get cold here. The culture is basically Walmart is a night out. Everybody in southern maryland is at Walmart on Friday or Saturday.


New Member
It's not nearly as bad as Heretec spells out. I just moved here from Philly a few weeks ago, also working at PAX.

It's not a clubbin' town, but there's alot more to do/see. It's very relaxed, clean, warm climate. Boating and motorcycling is big around here.

housing prices are going through the roof. This area is in the middle of a pretty big building/expansion boom.



New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
ST, shaddup! She's from Pittsburgh. She'll think it's clean! :lmao:

I'm from Philly...and I think it's clean. At least where I live and work it is. I haven't ventured to far off that path yet.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hi Jerry! :howdy: Where in Kansas are you coming from? You'll find the weather about the same - more rain than you're used to but temps are about the same. Check out the SoMd Classifieds for house rentals.

Summer is a great time to be in SoMD - boating, fishing, crabbing, lots of nice parks. Others will tell you that there are no good clubs or bars to hang out in - I disagree. I never had a problem finding a place to drink and dance.

Someone will certainly pop on and tell you the people here are standoffish and unfriendly. Read through some of their other posts and you'll see why they're having that experience. I've always thought St. Mary's folks, in general, were very friendly and welcoming.


I don't know that I would make a generalization about Southern MD culture because so many people move here from all over. That's one of the things I like about the area. I grew up in a small town in Michigan where people were generally unwelcoming of outsiders and close minded. I don't find that to be the case here, although some people will tell you differently. There are simply too many people moving here from all over, and the culture is changing even as I speak.

We don't have as much entertainment as the city, but I would not say it is boring here. Depending on what you like to do, there is plenty of stuff to do here. Without knowing more about your hobbies and interests, it's hard for me to say whether or not you can find it here.


Doin the duty for you....
hard to say..

It's hard to say if you will like it here or not, I think you either like it here or you don't. If you like the water and doing things outdoors, then you will probably love it here. If you have allergies. especially to pollen,. LOOK OUT:dead:


Re: I think you all need to open this up juuuuust a little...

Originally posted by http

You are 1 hour away from 3 airports, and plenty of Amtrak stations.[

Now, this is an exaggeration unless you live in Northern Calvert or Waldorf. I'm one of the people who loves living here, but the one HUGE disadvanatage is proximity (lack of it) to airports. It is a real pain! I know, 'cause I have to travel a lot!

I live in Wildewood, and on a good day (if I'm REALLY lucky), I can get to National or BWI in an hour and a half--and that's with NO traffic.


Football season!
Re: Re: I think you all need to open this up juuuuust a little...

Originally posted by pilot
Now, this is an exaggeration unless you live in Northern Calvert or Waldorf. I'm one of the people who loves living here, but the one HUGE disadvanatage is proximity (lack of it) to airports. It is a real pain! I know, 'cause I have to travel a lot!

I live in Wildewood, and on a good day (if I'm REALLY lucky), I can get to National or BWI in an hour and a half--and that's with NO traffic.

Yea, I lived in the same basic area and flew out of bwi three times and national twice. The best time I ever made was 1.5 hours. And considering the proximity of national to DC, you're looking at 1.5 hours to get there as well.

I also drove to SW virginia and VB many times. 3.5 hours or so to Virginia Beach, 2.5 hours to richmond\charlottesville area.

Plenty to do at the Inner Harbor of Baltimore, so there is a reason to go there. Just under 2 hours.


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: I think you all need to open this up juuuuust a little...

Originally posted by pilot
Now, this is an exaggeration unless you live in Northern Calvert or Waldorf. I'm one of the people who loves living here, but the one HUGE disadvanatage is proximity (lack of it) to airports. It is a real pain! I know, 'cause I have to travel a lot!

I live in Wildewood, and on a good day (if I'm REALLY lucky), I can get to National or BWI in an hour and a half--and that's with NO traffic.
Did you not read the rules of the road thread? Geesh, learn to speed. Takes me about around an hour to get to Ronald Reagan or to BWI. More to get to Dulles (cause I get lost):blushing:


New Member
Re: Re: Re: I think you all need to open this up juuuuust a little...

Originally posted by migtig
Did you not read the rules of the road thread? Geesh, learn to speed. Takes me about around an hour to get to Ronald Reagan or to BWI. More to get to Dulles (cause I get lost):blushing:

YOU...get lost!!?? THAT explains it!!! Weren't you the one giving me directions...BOTH times that I got lost??




aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Re: Re: I think you all need to open this up juuuuust a little...

Originally posted by Ponytail
YOU...get lost!!?? THAT explains it!!! Weren't you the one giving me directions...BOTH times that I got lost??


Nope the first time Christy gave you directions, and the second time you weren't technically lost but I thought you were, but it just turned out you didn't know where you were. No biggie.:rolleyes:


New Member
Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I appreciated the information! We are coming from Wichita KS, (to answer a few questions). As far as hobbies, we love the outdoors. Geographically, that is one thing this part of the midwest is lacking for us. We like biking, hiking, snowboarding among other things. Also, to pilot who posted, my huband is a pilot also. What is the aviation scene like there? He is not military but plans on possibly instructing in Maryland. He goes for his CFI checkride next week actually!
I was wondering if there are any decent beaches in the area? Or do you have to drive further along the coast?


New Member
There are alot of beaches here...bay beaches though. Not quite the same, but still nice.

Alot of people still drive 3 hours to other ocean beaches though.


Originally posted by Jerrycat
Thank you, everyone, for your replies. I appreciated the information! We are coming from Wichita KS, (to answer a few questions). As far as hobbies, we love the outdoors. Geographically, that is one thing this part of the midwest is lacking for us. We like biking, hiking, snowboarding among other things. Also, to pilot who posted, my huband is a pilot also. What is the aviation scene like there? He is not military but plans on possibly instructing in Maryland. He goes for his CFI checkride next week actually!
I was wondering if there are any decent beaches in the area? Or do you have to drive further along the coast?


For non-military flying, there are two options: St. Mary's County Airport and the flying club on base. There's also Chesapeake Ranch, which is a development that has its own runway. Many people who aren't even pilots seem to love living there. My development (Wildewood) is considered to be one of the nicest developments in the area, and it's within a mile of St. Mary's County Airport.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the greatest area for flying because ever since Sept. 11, there have been more and more restrictions put on general aviation. Remember, we're only about 60 miles from D.C. On the positive side, the East as a whole and Maryland in particular is beautiful to fly over--and there are lots of interesting small airports. Tell him to check out Easton, which is just across the bay. You can get a rental car right at the airport and then make a weekend trip to St. Michaels, a beautiful quaint fishing village.

As a person who grew up on the coast of Lake Michigan (famous for beautiful, isolated beaches with HUGE sand dunes), I am not thrilled with the beaches here. The scenery is beautiful, but not much sand. But Ocean City and Virginia Beach (about 4 hours away) are quite nice for a weekend trip.

BTW, if you're into biking, I believe you can get a biking map of the area.

Welcome to Southern MD!
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tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
Believe me, if you want "beach" activity, you'll want to go to Ocean City or Virginia Beach. There is not a lot of open, sandy areas on our bay and river beaches and not a lot of wave action, which means that what washes up on shore stays on shore until it is moved or disinegrates. But the Bay and its tributary rivers are great for boating and jet skis. Plenty of open space and lots of restaurants/bars to hit on the water. To me, I'll take Ocean City over Virginia Beach anyday. OC has a great reputation for being a "family" town with tons of stuff to do for families or just couples. And OC really is a little city where you can walk and access everything within a short time, not like Outer Banks or Myrtle Beach.


How bout this ####, Im going to Walmart AND Target tonight.

Oh yea your husband may want to grow a mullet


Football season!
Re: I think you all need to open this up juuuuust a little...

Originally posted by http

SOMD I agree is very clean, quiet, low in crime, low in taxes, low in cost of living and very high in immigration

Considering the geographic location, somd is not considered a low cost of living area.
low taxes? Maryland is in the top 10 in terms of most taxes, and saint marys is one of the highest taxed in the state.