relocating to Southern maryland


Football season!
Originally posted by pilot
That's great, SmallTown. I'm glad you've found a place that has everything you need. I feel the same way about Southern MD.

Was it Vrail who said, "Different strokes for different folks"?



Football season!
Originally posted by http

Ok, fine, no problem. Enjoy yourself. Why are you trying to disuade someone from Kansas?

Since this is Fox News central, I figured I would play the part and help you guys give out all the information (not just the good) and let the people decide. If people hear both sides, and still decide to show up, great! But if they don't hear about the bad stuff, then they get there and wonder where the "paradise" everyone is talking about, well, you'll just have another person complaining and someone else you can fuss at for complaining.

Just like with LaurenG. As much as I love working here in fairfax, and it definately has so many pluses, I couldn't in good faith try to encourage her to work here without talking about the commute from MD.

That, IMHO, is the BIGGEST problem in somd (or just saint marys since I didn't live in or worry about growth in charles or calvert) is that people don't recognize the problems. If you don't see it, you can't fix it.


I had to laugh a bit here. Before you were even born, there were so many trailer parks in Fairfax right off Rt 50 (before you even get to Fairfax city), rt 236 few miles before rt 50 jct), rt 123 and few other areas. Why I said that? Because my relatives used to live there. Nowadays, you don't see much trailer parks in Fairfax co. You want to compare SOMD to Fairfax or NoVA? Gimme a break.
You haven't seen the whole picture in SOMD. When you speak of Inner Harbor, remember that there used be wharfs that got abandoned for a while before converted into "Inner Harbor" just another beautification thing for the Balto city. On another hand, Solomons Island was a busy wharf back in the old days. Solomons has just evolved into something that local people desired.
Just different stroke for different people.


Football season!
Originally posted by SeaRide
I had to laugh a bit here. Before you were even born, there were so many trailer parks in Fairfax right off Rt 50 (before you even get to Fairfax city), rt 236 few miles before rt 50 jct), rt 123 and few other areas. Why I said that? Because my relatives used to live there. Nowadays, you don't see much trailer parks in Fairfax co. You want to compare SOMD to Fairfax or NoVA? Gimme a break.

I always hesitate to say anything anymoe about this topic because people always blurt out that I'm comparing NoVa and somd. No. Others brought up the comparison.

As for the trailer parks and such. I have a picture of Tyson's Corner where there is just a county store and dirt roads. Progress is nice.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Since this is Fox News central, I figured I would play the part and help you guys give out all the information (not just the good) and let the people decide. If people hear both sides, and still decide to show up, great! But if they don't hear about the bad stuff, then they get there and wonder where the "paradise" everyone is talking about, well, you'll just have another person complaining and someone else you can fuss at for complaining.

I have no problem with someone mentioning the disadvantages of living in Southern MD (see my earlier post about lack of proximity to airports). But you're really coming across as a person with an axe to grind. That's my impression, at least. I can't speak for others.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I have a picture of Tyson's Corner where there is just a county store and dirt roads. Progress is nice.
I don't consider that "progress".


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by http
Please ST, before the next time you engage in any worthwhile intelligent conversation, would you please alert us that you are smoking crack, so I, personally do not waste my time responding?

Thanks, your friend HTTP.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


Football season!
Originally posted by http
Please ST, before the next time you engage in any worthwhile intelligent conversation, would you please alert us that you are smoking crack, so I, personally do not waste my time responding?

Thanks, your friend HTTP.

In other words, there is no way anyone from Fairfax is going to try to rank on ANYPLACE else. Let me give you a couple of truths, not opinions, truths:

1. Fairfax is the second armpit of the metro area, Silver Spring is the first, so congrats.

2. "Progress" is not living in a bario next to Julio, Maria and their 18 kids squeezed into a .1223 acre plot of land for $599,999 off of Rt. 66.

3. EVERYONE in Fairfax is trying to leave the area in droves either to SOMD or Louden. In fact, the only reason anyone still live in Fairfax is because they can't afford Arlington. No one moves TO Fairfax you big dope (sorry, I apologize for the name calling, but you seriously are).

And you said Fairfax has everything you want? We were talking about recreation right? What recreation do you have in Fairfax? The janatorial softball league in Parks where female joggers get raped nightly? The Metro? Tysons II? Hate crimes? Overcrowded Spanish speaking schools? East Coast Bloods and Crypts warfare? Weekend traffic jams? The nasy a$$ Potomac River? Oooh, here's a good one! Snipers at Home Depot! Yea, I'm moving to Fairfax! Besides Wolf Trap maybe, you have nothing but a couple of tennis courts and a farmer's market or two.

And don't get so offended, no one is comparing Fairfax to SOMD, trust me, that's not necessary. Fairfax is the most festering cold sore of the area (sorry, second only to Silver Spring/Wheaton/White Oak). Just please stop, find a Fairfax Web Site or leave this alone, you're out of your league. No one here, OR IN FAIRFAX would agree with you.

BTW, I'm curious, where are you from originally?

Yea, keep on telling yourself this, and one day even you might believe it. It is obvious by those statements you really have no clue. Jealousy and envy, wow it can be powerful and blinding.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Yea, keep on telling yourself this, and one day even you might believe it. It is obvious by those statements you really have no clue. Jealousy and envy, wow it can be powerful and blinding.

Smalltown...I swear for someone who is young you are the most closeminded person I have ever met.

How would you like it if we went to your hometown that you love and started dogging the h#ll out of it, picking apart all the bad things.

I have lived here for two years and granted there are things that are missing it for the most part is a great place to live. YOu just have to give it adjustment time. St. Mary's grows on you.


Football season!
Originally posted by Katie
Smalltown...I swear for someone who is young you are the most closeminded person I have ever met.

How would you like it if we went to your hometown that you love and started dogging the h#ll out of it, picking apart all the bad things.

I have lived here for two years and granted there are things that are missing it for the most part is a great place to live. YOu just have to give it adjustment time. St. Mary's grows on you.

"Grows on you" Yea, I mentioned that one before.

Funny how you people call me closed minded, when most there can't see the deficiences right under their nose (you seem to be the exception since you mention there are problems)

I'm not closed minded, I just know what I want out of life, and for me somd didn't offer that. Simple as that. But that was just us. If you like it, then that is just fine with me.


Originally posted by SmallTown
"Grows on you" Yea, I mentioned that one before.

Funny how you people call me closed minded, when most there can't see the deficiences right under their nose (you seem to be the exception since you mention there are problems)

I'm not closed minded, I just know what I want out of life, and for me somd didn't offer that. Simple as that. But that was just us. If you like it, then that is just fine with me.

We maybe able to see the dificiences right under our nose most of the time, but sometimes they are SO insignificant in the scheme of things that they don't bother us.

For example: Shoppping that is close by...yes it is a pain when you want to go shopping to drive an hour. BUT the pay off is the beautiful sunsets on the bay, or being able to have fresh seafood just caught that morning. It is all a matter of priorities and what is important to you. I have LIVED in the city before and hated it. I hated the traffic, the noise at night, the smell was the worse(like something rotting) and the smog.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ST, why do you care? You don't even live there anymore. Have you considered therapy to reduce the emotional scarring of having to live in St. Mary's County? :duh:


Football season!
Originally posted by Katie
I have LIVED in the city before and hated it. I hated the traffic, the noise at night, the smell was the worse(like something rotting) and the smog.

But there is a big difference between living in the city, and living in the areas around such as fairfax, loudon, prince william.

Sitting in my house, you would think you were in somd. Look out the back, and nothing but woods. 5 minute walk through the woods, and you're at the water. it is quiet, no smog, no bad smells. The only thing we see out back are the squirrels, deer, and birds. a 10 minute drive and I'm at a mall. If I drive 20 minutes, i'm at 3 good sized malls.
Traffic? Sure. I have a 45 minute drive to work, but that is because I live 23 miles from work, about what the amount of time people in northern saint marys and calvert spend getting to pax. The wife going to crystal city? No problem. 10 minute drive to the train station, then an easy ride into the "city"

Http mentioned no recreation in NoVa. NoVa has some of the largest park areas anywhere in the DC area, including the Prince William National park which is THE largest around DC.

So all of this (minus the mall part) is a lot like somd. So we have what we enjoyed about somd. the quiet, the woods, the parks, etc. But we have the added bonus of being 10 mins from bookstores, tons of places to eat, all kinds of recreations depending on what you are in to (contrary to what http likes to claim). I think this is where confusion takes place when people start talking about developing St. Marys. They think City. They think the eye sore called Waldorf. This doesn't have to be the case. This is what I feel smart development is all about. Integrating residential, commerical, and retail space with minimal impact on the environment.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Poor Jerrycat, She's scared half to death now. She's begging her husband to quit his job instead of moving here.

Just remember, forums like this bring the opinionated out of the woodwork.

Just remember a couple things and you'll get along fine:
1. Most of Southern Maryland is rural and what isn't is suburban at best. If you want high culture, such as museums, theater and fine dining, you have to make a special trip to the city. This is true of any rural/suburban area in the country. To people raised in rural/suburban areas, this is normal. A trip to the city is for special occasions. To city people the idea that they can't get a gourmet meal whenever the urge strikes them, makes them nuts.
2. Maryland and Southern Maryland in particular is in the South. The pace in the South is slower. People talk slowly, move slowly and change slowly. This doesn't mean they think slowly, just that they have a more relaxed attitude and don't see the point in rushing into things. Some people, especially city people want the latest in gagets, trends, fashions and fads and the Southern attitude drives them crazy.

As a result, you'll either love it or hate it here, but if you can understand why the opposite is true of others, you'll get along just fine.
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Football season!
Originally posted by cmcdanal

Just remember, forums like this bring the opinionated out of the woodwork.

It would be a lot easier if people would just admit my opinion is the right one :biggrin:

Just kidding!

I think this post hit it right on the head. Just like others have said, you either love it, or hate it. Just like the Redskins :biggrin:


Football season!
Funny. One thing people say they love about somd is the diversity. But when it comes to anywhere else, diveristy is a sin?

And not that it matters, but I never said I lived in fairfax, only worked there. And yea, it is a nasty, smelly, nasty place that is all concrete and buildings. So I guess last thursday when I went to the park behind my office and was stared at by deer while I walked along with trail, it was all fake? damn engineers, always coming up with something to fool us.


Originally posted by SmallTown
Funny. One thing people say they love about somd is the diversity. But when it comes to anywhere else, diveristy is a sin?

And not that it matters, but I never said I lived in fairfax, only worked there. And yea, it is a nasty, smelly, nasty place that is all concrete and buildings. So I guess last thursday when I went to the park behind my office and was stared at by deer while I walked along with trail, it was all fake? damn engineers, always coming up with something to fool us.

Were you nibbling on a wedge of brie as you walked along the brook where the deer and bunnies were playing?

:barf: :barf:


When I lived in New Jersey, I used to see deer constantly--far more often than I do here in Southern MD. New Jersey is also the most densely populated state in the country. Sadly, I also saw road kill on a daily basis.

There's a reason why you don't see deer that often in Southern MD.

Seeing deer is not a good sign. It means they're being pushed out of their natural habbitat, a sure symptom of overdevelopment.