rent rates these days


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Great Treasa said:
do any of you guys remember the time when you were
able to afford to pay an apt. rent on a minimum wage job.
Yes, before I moved to Maryland. The cost of housing here is HIGH and anyone who tells you different needs to get out more. One of the realtors had a *trailer* (and not even a double-wide, just a POS trailer) listed for $200,000.

GTFOH!!!!! :eyebrow:

On minimum wage you cannot rent anything. Even if you have two roommates, you're going to be bunking in the same bedroom because your apartment will only have one.


tired and content....
When I was down in North Carolina on travel, a house down there that was for say $180,000 would easily go for about $400,000 up here. Its depressing. :ohwell:


curiouser and curiouser
GeezLouise said:
When I was down in North Carolina on travel, a house down there that was for say $180,000 would easily go for about $400,000 up here. Its depressing. :ohwell:


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:
Yes, before I moved to Maryland. The cost of housing here is HIGH and anyone who tells you different needs to get out more. One of the realtors had a *trailer* (and not even a double-wide, just a POS trailer) listed for $200,000.
I moved here from San Diego, so housing here seems cheap to me. It's all perspective.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
ServiceGuy said:
Sometimes if you go a little futher out of LP and are willing to do yardwork, you can rent a nice house for what you'd pay for a T/H 5 min from Pax

Ummm... If you haven't noticed, the cheapest housing is in The Park and L-town. I've lived in both, plus Hollywood. When I was looking for the Apartment, I looked everywhere. Seriously, I picked up a phone book and dialed every number in it asking questions. I also drove around and looked up leads that friends gave me. Consistently, the cheapest places where the The Park and L-town. Not saying that you can't find cheaper elsewhere, but that's where the majority of it is.


I am so very blessed
[grey] rent rates these days 08-21-2006 12:33 PM Not everyone can get a government job, or have time for a 2nd job.

But apparently they can have the time to post and whine about not being able to find affordable rent. Get a grip. No, get off your azz and get a decent paying job to pay for your freakin' apartment.

From 18-22, I shared an apartment with five other people. I drove a used car.
From 22-24, I shared a house with two other people. I drove a used car.
From 24-26, I shared a house with three other people. I used Metro and drove a used car
From 26-27, I lived at home with mom. I drove a new car.
From 27-30, I lived in an apartment with one other person. I continued to drive my new car, which at this point becomes a used car.
From 30-38, I bought my own house, but continued to take on roommates to help with my mortgage
Somewhere in here, I took on part-time jobs to supplement my income.
From 38-40, I lived by myself and drove a used vehicle
From 40-present, I live with my SO

You do what you gotta do to get by.

Stop whining about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BadGirl said:
Stop whining about it.
And on that note, why not take the opportunity to explore other places to live? You can be a waitress in Texas just as easily as you can in Maryland. Easier, even, because the cost of living is a lot lower.

If I wanted to share an apartment with five other people, you better believe I'd do it in New York City, NOT Lexington Park.


b*tch rocket
vraiblonde said:
And on that note, why not take the opportunity to explore other places to live? You can be a waitress in Texas just as easily as you can in Maryland. Easier, even, because the cost of living is a lot lower.

If I wanted to share an apartment with five other people, you better believe I'd do it in New York City, NOT Lexington Park.

That is a most excellent point Vrai! :yay: If you have nothing tying you to the area, get out and see knew places. Do new things. Hop on a Greyhound bus and go.


I hear ya' Teresa, I'm in the same boat sort of. I just learn to commute for several hours a day to work where the money's at and live where its a bit cheaper. You're burning the candle at both ends sometimes, but its worth it in the end and you get used to it being part of the job. If I were to move closer to where I work and where things were considered "cheap" then I'd be trading off safty and living in Annacostia or somewhere else that isn't as safe. Its not easy on a single income. All I can suggest is, if you are working for minimum wage you should look into working two jobs like I did.
Stay at one of those jobs and keep working your way up. Pretty soon, experience alone may be able to get you the higher paying jobs. :smile: Good luck and welcome to the forums!!!:smile:


[Gray] If you cant afford 900.00 for rent how can you pay a 1,000.00 a month loan????

I believe what I said was that if you are paying a high rent you may as well just buy. I should have clarified... There are some rentals in Calvert County that are easily $2200 a month. If you are paying that and plan on staying in the area.... you might as well buy.
If you can't afford 900$ a month, I would suggest looking for a cheaper place, even if it means moving. When I lived in Pa I rented a nice house for $350 a month and I drove 40 minutes to Frederick, Maryland for work.
Everyone does what they have to to survive and try to get ahead. Take a room mate, get a second job, move a little farther away... I've done it all myself.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I never understand why people stay in a place where they're not making good money and the cost of living is high. Maryland is not a state that accommodates the low income. If you make less than $60k, you can forget living some place decent. More than likely you'll be paying full price to live next door to some Section 8 crack ho.


I am so very blessed
vraiblonde said:
I never understand why people stay in a place where they're not making good money and the cost of living is high. Maryland is not a state that accommodates the low income. If you make less than $60k, you can forget living some place decent. More than likely you'll be paying full price to live next door to some Section 8 crack ho.
I make less than 60K, and my house is certainly decent. No one in my neighborhood - as far as I know - is a crack ho. 1,600 sq ft on 2 acres, 6 years old.

And I purchased and lived in this house for 1 1/2 years before Bob moved in, with me paying the entire mortgage and all the household expenses. I had nothing left over at the end of the month. :nomoney:

Purchasing a modest home on a small salary can be done. :yay:


How you like me now?
Great Treasa said:
what are your peoples opinions about the inflated rental rates in the past 3-4 years? do any of you guys remember the time when you were
able to afford to pay an apt. rent on a minimum wage job. What kind of an economy is it where people need to split the costs with a roomie just to get by. f****** outrageous.

I understand what you are asking. I was looking into rentals not too long ago and some of the places I looked at where dreadful but they were asking 1200+ for some of them.

The good thing is you can walk away but the bad thing is the next one might not be any better. My first apartment was only 420 a month that was a two bedroom 2 bath with nice living space. Went back and it is now 1400 for the same thing. We are talking about the span of a few years.

I know your pain. But hang in there. Work and do what you can and maybe you can move up or find a better paying job soon.


How you like me now?
BadGirl said:
[grey] rent rates these days 08-21-2006 12:33 PM Not everyone can get a government job, or have time for a 2nd job.

But apparently they can have the time to post and whine about not being able to find affordable rent. Get a grip. No, get off your azz and get a decent paying job to pay for your freakin' apartment.

From 18-22, I shared an apartment with five other people. I drove a used car.
From 22-24, I shared a house with two other people. I drove a used car.
From 24-26, I shared a house with three other people. I used Metro and drove a used car
From 26-27, I lived at home with mom. I drove a new car.
From 27-30, I lived in an apartment with one other person. I continued to drive my new car, which at this point becomes a used car.
From 30-38, I bought my own house, but continued to take on roommates to help with my mortgage
Somewhere in here, I took on part-time jobs to supplement my income.
From 38-40, I lived by myself and drove a used vehicle
From 40-present, I live with my SO

You do what you gotta do to get by.

Stop whining about it.

For christs sake she is not whining she is asking a freaking question. Like everyone else in here. She is right, the rentals in maryland are high compared to others.


How you like me now?
vraiblonde said:
I never understand why people stay in a place where they're not making good money and the cost of living is high. Maryland is not a state that accommodates the low income. If you make less than $60k, you can forget living some place decent. More than likely you'll be paying full price to live next door to some Section 8 crack ho.

Could have family ties that keep them in a certain area. It is hard when people are first starting out but those are the lumps that you have to take. In time you will work your way up to bigger and better things.