Respecting parents' wishes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Or "demands" might be more appropriate.

Most of us managed to get our kids from infancy to adulthood without killing them, right?

So here's a story about my daughter, which isn't all that, but the idea is to discuss grandparents vs. parents and when we Dodie types get to wave Mommy away and enjoy our grandchildren.

When I was visiting my daughter and her family, which includes 6 month old Riggs (aka CUTEST BABY EVER!), she put him down for night-night and he was fussing a bit. So I picked him up and headed for the rocking chair. She stopped me and said, "Oh no - we don't rock him."

WTH?? I said he was too young to bawl himself to sleep like that, and he needed some soothing to settle him in. She said the pediatrician and all her crazy Mommy books say not to rock them because it makes them spoiled and then they'll never learn to sleep on their own.

I replied that I rocked her and her brother most nights until they were around 8 or 9 months old, and they learned to sleep on their own just fine. And what the hell's the point of having a baby if you can't rock them???

She said, "BLAH!"

I retorted, "BLAH"

Anyway, it ended with me saying that this is my grandson and I'll rock him if I want and there's not a damn thing she can do about it.

This was not a fight, but more of a discussion - nobody was angry. Bebe Daddy stayed out of it because he and she have already had this conversation, with him being pro-rocking and thinking her ped and the books are nutty. (I didn't know this until after I put my foot down.)

After seeing that rocking is so much more pleasant that listening to a crying baby getting all worked up, she's taken to giving him a few minutes of bonding before bedtime. :biggrin:

Anyway, the point is - where do you draw the line? When do you abide by Mommy and Dad's rules, and when do you tell them to beat it and let you tend your grandchild?

BTW, this was prompted by the Great Cereal Debate where someone's MIL gave the baby rice cereal against the express wishes of the Hyper-Mommy.


Well-Known Member
I think if the grandparents don't see the grandchildren very often, they should be allowed to "spoil" the kids (as long as it's not something major, like not wearing seatbelts or something :lol:). :shrug: If the grandparents are in a situation where they babysit frequently, or see the kids frequently, then they should listen to the requests of the parents when it comes to the major things. :shrug: I don't see anything wrong with grandparents having a discussion about something or suggesting new things to the parents though.


My Sweetest Boy
I respect their wishes about foods, medicines/cold remedy types of things but things like rocking (comforting things, etc.), I'll do what I want when I'm with the kids.

Interesting..most kids were rocked back in the day. I find there are tons more non-rocked, over-induldged spoiled brats running around these days. Probably maladjusted from having to comfort themselves.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Infants and kids are ROUTINE oriented, some more than others, and for some grandma type to start coming in and messing up routines is just plain wrong. It's like telling the grand kids that potato chips are a vegetable; it causes long term, recurring issues.

If Riggs is used to falling asleep on his own yet gets shaken out of that routine because a Dodie wants to rock him to sleep and then momma has to battle to over come his new desire to be rocked, momma is going to remember Dodie. Every day. :evil:

If, on the other hand, Riggs goes right back to momma's routine, no harm, no foul.

As a side note; Bebe daddy seems to be progressing along nicely, adroitly avoiding getting on the wrong side of a Dodie intent on ruling the world. One baby at a time.



Salt Life
Anyway, the point is - where do you draw the line? When do you abide by Mommy and Dad's rules, and when do you tell them to beat it and let you tend your grandchild?

No clue! When my daughter was younger I pretty much let my mom do whatever she wanted since she'd birthed and raised 4 kids. She knew better than me.

I will say that my daughter was sleeping through the night just shy of 3 months old. I slept through the night starting at 2 weeks old.


..if momma ain't happy...
You go, Vrai!

IMO, food is a kinda touchy area. Mom and dad have to take that baby, and it's possibly upset tummy and it's future diaper, home to deal with. Really ought to do what baby is used to in this area.

But rocking, cuddling, reading to, tickling, roling on the floor with - sorry, I don't care what bebe mommy's opinion is, those things are happening when I'm with baby.

I have three sons, no daughters, and (involved) daddies seem to be much more laid back about what happens with baby. So, we may more often that not run into MIL&Son vs Mommy.

My DIL thinks girls should not have Barbie dolls, promotes a poor self image. As baby grandaughter ages, I'm probably gonna have trouble abiding by this one!


My Sweetest Boy
My DIL thinks girls should not have Barbie dolls, promotes a poor self image. As baby grandaughter ages, I'm probably gonna have trouble abiding by this one!

Well, crap. I wish somebody would have told my mother this. I had tons of one the first year they came out. I've been going to counseling for years and Barbie wasn't mentioned one time. :biggrin:


..if momma ain't happy...
Well, crap. I wish somebody would have told my mother this. I had tons of one the first year they came out. I've been going to counseling for years and Barbie wasn't mentioned one time. :biggrin:

I think you better bring it up :howdy:


I told my daughter NEVER let this baby cry ( speaking of my grandson )It hurts me to hear him cry.....she said " but didn't you let my sister & I cry when we were babies",
My reply."Yes I did, but I love him more"
You should have seen the look on her face...
There is something totally different about those Grandbabies...and as a grandmom I just can't let that baby breaks my heart...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I agree about junk food and basic safety precautions - I'm not the Dodie who would pump them full of candy, nor am I the one who would let them scamper about the car while it's moving.

Cereal is a different story, I think. If baby is having a hard time sleeping through the night, giving them some food before bed will usually do the trick. Thank goodness my daughter feeds her kid, because I wouldn't have been able to tolerate watching my little grandson go hungry because Mommy's ped and wacky baby books say no food until they're 5 years old or whatever crazy thing they're touting these days.

If she'd said he couldn't have cereal because it upsets his tummy, I'd abide by that. If she said it was because the ped or some book author said so, I'd ignore her.


New Member
I thank God that my mother was there when my daughter was born. I would have been lost without her. I did not follow everything she said to do, but I can tell you she knew a lot more than I did. She raised 5 kids and I had raised none.
We lived with her when my daughter was born, and I am grateful for the things that she has done for me. Now that my daughter is 14, my mother has gone behind my back with certain things that I feel was wrong. I have learned to argue with my mother about these things without being disrespectful.


..if momma ain't happy...
My reply."Yes I did, but I love him more"

That's where I am, and why is that?

I adored my boys, but these grandbabies are so special.

I think it must be that whole night time thing. The first time my son visited with 2 toddlers, when I heard them crying in the night (yes, after I had rocked them to sleep), I got this really stupid grin on my face (couldn't see it, but it sure felt stupid), and kept thinking "I don't have to get up, I DON'T HAVE TO GET UP!"

It was exhilarating, I think I spent the rest of that visit with that stupid grin on my face.


And what the hell's the point of having a baby if you can't rock them???


DIL is :crazy: What does she think happened in during the baby's time in the womb??? There was lots of rocking! How the hell does one spoil a newborn? I'm not a fan of the Ferber method (letting them cry it out) it solves nothing.


New Member
When we are at there house they do what they want. They know how i want to raise me kids. I know they would never harm my kids. Unless i think it is something that would create a problem when we get back to our house then i tell them. My kids loved being rocked to sleep. My son was well is a boob! I always had to lay him on my boob and rocked him to sleep.


Happy Camper
And what the hell's the point of having a baby if you can't rock them???

No rock??? What crock!!! I rocked mine all the time, and when I wasn't rocking them one of their Grandmothers or Great Grandmother rocked them. They both slept through the night early, and never had any trouble falling asleep. They also managed somehow to grow up to young adults and not have any lingering adjustment problems. Sometimes the "child rearing" books are just plain stupid!!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The Ferber method has its time, trouble is deciding when that time is. I let our little one cry it out a bit more often now (8 mos) especially if he's been asleep for a little while. But for putting him down for the night it's all a routine and we stick to it by the letter. Anything after 2hrs of sleeping then it's time for a bottle and a rocking chair.