Respecting parents' wishes


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I respect their wishes about foods, medicines/cold remedy types of things but things like rocking (comforting things, etc.), I'll do what I want when I'm with the kids.
That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. :clap:

I told my daughter NEVER let this baby cry ( speaking of my grandson )It hurts me to hear him cry.....she said " but didn't you let my sister & I cry when we were babies",
My reply."Yes I did, but I love him more"
Well, I'm not going to. I was just curious how it works with other people.


I think if the grandparents don't see the grandchildren very often, they should be allowed to "spoil" the kids (as long as it's not something major, like not wearing seatbelts or something :lol:). :shrug: If the grandparents are in a situation where they babysit frequently, or see the kids frequently, then they should listen to the requests of the parents when it comes to the major things. :shrug: I don't see anything wrong with grandparents having a discussion about something or suggesting new things to the parents though.

:yeahthat: We don't have any relatives in MD so our little boy doesn't get as much time with family as we'd all like. When my Mom comes from NY, she usually stays for a week. When the inlaws come from DE, they usually stay 2-3 nights. Our son doesn't need to be rocked to sleep but he loves nothing more than falling asleep in people's arms. So he may skip a few naps in his crib and sleep on Grandma's or Grandpa's chest instead. Who cares? It's great bonding for all of them and everyone's happy. His sleep patterns are a little off after they leave but it's ok. He quickly adjusts back to sleeping in his crib. I guess we're really lucky we have a good sleeper - he started sleeping through the night on Mother's Day, at 2 months old.

If Grandma was babysitting everyday, it would be more important for me to have a little more consistency. But I feel that the small amount of time they get to spend together should be enjoyed by all. I'm glad that my Mom and my inlaws have not questioned my parenting skills. I've asked for advice/ideas and that's the only time they really offered advice. My Mom was here for a few weeks when my son was born and I learned so much from her. If I had to argue with them about how to raise my son, I wouldn't ask them to visit as often.


Well-Known Member
:yeahthat: We don't have any relatives in MD so our little boy doesn't get as much time with family as we'd all like. When my Mom comes from NY, she usually stays for a week. When the inlaws come from DE, they usually stay 2-3 nights. Our son doesn't need to be rocked to sleep but he loves nothing more than falling asleep in people's arms. So he may skip a few naps in his crib and sleep on Grandma's or Grandpa's chest instead. Who cares? It's great bonding for all of them and everyone's happy. His sleep patterns are a little off after they leave but it's ok. He quickly adjusts back to sleeping in his crib. I guess we're really lucky we have a good sleeper - he started sleeping through the night on Mother's Day, at 2 months old.

If Grandma was babysitting everyday, it would be more important for me to have a little more consistency. But I feel that the small amount of time they get to spend together should be enjoyed by all. I'm glad that my Mom and my inlaws have not questioned my parenting skills. I've asked for advice/ideas and that's the only time they really offered advice. My Mom was here for a few weeks when my son was born and I learned so much from her. If I had to argue with them about how to raise my son, I wouldn't ask them to visit as often.

Hey! How'd the smoking thing go?


New Member
What about helping out in the house?? When mothers, fathers, and inlaws come do you help or wnat help from them? like Dishes, dinner, laundry folded or would u assume they sit on their butts and do absoulty nothing? I have terrible inlaws so i am courious to see how other people do it? By the way i dont want a maid just asking lol!
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Sweet and Innocent
What about helping out in the house?? When mothers, fathers, and inlaws come do you help or wnat help from them? like Dishes, dinner, laundry folded or would u assume they sit on their butts and do absoulty nothing? I have terrible inlaws so i am courious to see how other people do it? By the way i dont want a maid just asking lol!

They should help if they are staying in your house. My MIL always help when she come down to visit us for a month and it was nice to have help.
They stay at a hotel, come about twice a year and do absoutly nothing. Not even help with dinner.
If they are only coming twice a year, then it seems quite normal to me that they are coming to visit with their grandchild... not to give you a break. Can I assume they are more than willing to entertain the child while you are making dinner...:shrug:


Hey! How'd the smoking thing go?

Actually, it went really well. My Mom smokes a lot less than normal when she's here because she's so distracted by her one & only grandbaby. Plus she always has to go outside in order to smoke. She's really good about washing her hands after smoking. When we're outside with the baby, she walks pretty far away from him.

Someone had pointed out to me that we'd be changing our son's clothes so often that he wouldn't even have a chance to smell like smoke. Boy, were they right! Dumb naive me hadn't thought of that. Here I was thinking that we'd just be changing diapers and he could wear the same outfit all day for the most part. :killingme