Restraining Order


Active Member
What makes the women stay beside insecurity, what others might say, embarrassment, don't want the Jones's to know, also I am staying for the kids (so willing to sacrafice ass whoopings once in a while). I don't have know where to go.

Some stay for the sympathy, too, as sick as that sounds. I had a neighbor in Waldorf who only came over to visit with some made up reason to talk when she had a good shiner to "hide" (read: show off). I thought she was asking for help, so I flat out asked her one time and she told me to mind my own business and her husband was a good man and a great provider. And she was mad the night we called the cops because he was beating the crap out of her right outside our bedroom window at about 2am. To this day, I don't know how he stayed out of jail on domestic violence. I kept my kids as far away from hers as I could once I saw that the youngest boy was starting to be a bully, too.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Some stay for the sympathy, too, as sick as that sounds. I had a neighbor in Waldorf who only came over to visit with some made up reason to talk when she had a good shiner to "hide" (read: show off). I thought she was asking for help, so I flat out asked her one time and she told me to mind my own business and her husband was a good man and a great provider. And she was mad the night we called the cops because he was beating the crap out of her right outside our bedroom window at about 2am. To this day, I don't know how he stayed out of jail on domestic violence. I kept my kids as far away from hers as I could once I saw that the youngest boy was starting to be a bully, too.

A trophy shiner.


Well-Known Member
Some stay for the sympathy, too, as sick as that sounds. I had a neighbor in Waldorf who only came over to visit with some made up reason to talk when she had a good shiner to "hide" (read: show off). I thought she was asking for help, so I flat out asked her one time and she told me to mind my own business and her husband was a good man and a great provider. And she was mad the night we called the cops because he was beating the crap out of her right outside our bedroom window at about 2am. To this day, I don't know how he stayed out of jail on domestic violence. I kept my kids as far away from hers as I could once I saw that the youngest boy was starting to be a bully, too.

Men that hit women should be tazed for about 1 hour, and then have a 4X4 rammed up their azz. Ladies if your man is whoooping your azz, a pot of hot grits should fix the problem as he is sleeping. It just might get his attention to the fact that your not taking it anymore.


Well-Known Member
If she contacts him, yes, she will be arrested and charged with violating a protective order.

If she is the petitioner and he is the respondent, then NO, she will not get in trouble for allowing him to violate the protective order. He is the only person who (by law) can violate the protective order.


Resident PIA
I have a question about a restraining order. If the person who obtained a restraining order against the father of her kids breaks this restraining order can she get in trouble? I know of a situation that I'm sure the girl will not follow the rules of the restraining order and let her boyfriend come over and see the kids. Can you get in trouble? I know she really didn't want to get a restraining order in the first place and I know she is having second thoughts about it now. Can she cancel the order?
Sorry, I'm not going to read all 7 excuse the duplication

If she has even a temproray peace bond, do not contact or whatever you call tem order she has to go to court to have it canceled.

Her permission alone means nothing. If they find him in violation he will immediately go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. She can protest all she wants, the only thing that would change would be her being put in cufffs as well.


animal luvr
i agree with granny she sure as heck must not have all her marbles if she did this if it happens again i bet the police tell her sorry about your luck you should have never cancelled the first restraining order as next time its going to be probably worse than it was this time around.


Having Fun!
She went to court and canceled it. She isn't too smart!!!!!!

Take care of those kids!! Right now NO ONE is speaking for them! Let the so-called adults deal with the consequences of their own stupid decisions. Get those kids out of there before one of them gets hurt even more than they already are!


no longer CalvertNewbie
Take care of those kids!! Right now NO ONE is speaking for them! Let the so-called adults deal with the consequences of their own stupid decisions. Get those kids out of there before one of them gets hurt even more than they already are!

Agreed. If she has no respect for herself, fine. But to keep her children in harms way? Unacceptable. CPS should be notified so the kids are taken from that home and placed someplace safe.


New Member
After having to get two peace orders, I can tell you lots of information about the process. I had to get peace orders which are only good for six months because I had never lived with my abuser, even though he was my ex-boyfriend at the time that I had to get the peace orders. He stalked me for over two and a half years after the end of our relationship just to make it difficult for me to live a life without fear (lucky me he lived exactly one mile from my house that I had lived my entire life in and I ended up having to move). My best advice for this woman and her children (after having raised his child as though she was my own) is to get rid of any man that would raise his hand towards her or her children. I have done everything in my power to protect that child that I raised and for a while that meant seperating myself from her completely because that was the only way that I could protect her from her father because my presense represented even more danger to her. If this woman is raising her hands in anger against her children or her "boyfriend" then she too deserves to have to give up care for her children until she can take parenting classes and domestic violence counseling. I have been a nanny for over three years and a babysitter for numberous years before, I have seen the damage that not protecting children or the putting the children first can do. They should not stay together "for the sake of the children" nor should they use their anger at eachother against their children.

That's what I've seen and experienced first hand. I had parents who were verbally abusive to each other and I found myself abused by a man who was several than I was in every way possible for a man to abuse a woman.