retarded CNN reporters.......


New Member
WHAT are you talking about?!?! She DID call me names hell she called me a COMMUNIST BASTARD. That rips right into my heart.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by smcdem
WHAT are you talking about?!?! She DID call me names hell she called me a COMMUNIST BASTARD. That rips right into my heart.

Yeah, you're right - you're NOT a communist! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

But to be honest - what's the big difference between a communist, and a socialist, which is what you claim to be?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
WHAT are you talking about?!?! She DID call me names
Oops - sorry about that - didn't read back far enough.

Anyway, I'm going to take her part because I agree with her politically. Just like Dems takes your part.

Plus that, since she's a conservative, she has a license to be intolerant - isn't that what you Libs always say? You, however, belong to the party of tolerance and diversity, so you must accept - nay, EMBRACE - differing viewpoints.

A teenage smackdown - woo hoo! Just watch your language, folks - remember this is a family-friendly site.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
WHAT are you talking about?!?! She DID call me names hell she called me a COMMUNIST BASTARD. That rips right into my heart.
You called her comrade. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.


New Member

:bandit: You need to move to Russia or China and leave MY country alone. Join the NRA and be somebody, you cheap bastard. Communist- Hillary Clinton Socialist- Bill Clinton



New Member
A true SOMDer lovin your guns. Watch the movie Bowling for Columbine. I love the connection that the KKK and NRA were founded for the same purpose. The first gun law ever passed (with the help of the NRA) was make it illegal for blacks to have guns.


Well-Known Member
Oops - forgot this little gem --- right out of the gate you said -

"you seem to be your common stone hearted teen Republican"

You made the bed, now lie in it.


New Member

Originally posted by smcdem
A true SOMDer lovin your guns. Watch the movie Bowling for Columbine. I love the connection that the KKK and NRA were founded for the same purpose. The first gun law ever passed (with the help of the NRA) was make it illegal for blacks to have guns.

:cheers: KKK & NRA :cheers: I love the movie "O brother, where art thou?" The KKK part was excellent. I think like black people are cool but ******S are the bad ones who shouldn't be near guns.

OOO YEA I love muh guns and so does the rest of muh family.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by smcdem
A true SOMDer lovin your guns. Watch the movie Bowling for Columbine. I love the connection that the KKK and NRA were founded for the same purpose. The first gun law ever passed (with the help of the NRA) was make it illegal for blacks to have guns.

Bowling For Columbine has ALREADY been debunked as massively untrue, bulging with falsehoods and misrepresentations. It's not even good propaganda.

Surf City Baby

New Member
this is so sad

It's so sad to watch these two kids rip each other apart. It's even sadder to watch adults rush to defend one and help tear apart another.


Am I the only person on this thread who's ever been a sincere member of "the opposition?"


Cleopatra Jones
Smcdem, How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you have Bill Clinton as your avatar? I mean come on now. My opinion isn't based on a political standpoint at all, big Bill was/is just a repulsive human being. :bubble: