Well I'm not a metrosexual, I'm a Homosexual!
Well I take less then half-n-hour to get ready to go to work or the club, or wherever. Most of the time it takes less then that. I wash my hair, put the in the leave-in conditioner in, put some gel in it give it that James Dean look, then I shave (my face that's it) every two days, brush my teeth, use mouthwash, then throw on a nice T-shirt that fits (not one that goes down to my knees, and says big johnson), jeans that fit me (length/waist) and that shows off my ass, (I always get compliments from women who say they wish their men would have as nice of an ass as mine!, Women love grabbing a nice ass, just as much as men like grabbing a womans ass), then I put some nice shoes on (they don't even have to be namebrand, or expensive, they just have to look nice, that's it). That's all it takes to look nice or decent. I think the reason your man worried about his hair and what not so much was because he is insecure. By the way, the places I like to go out and have fun at, are the same places I like to be seen. I also still act like a man though. In my own home I pass gas, burp, or whatever, but not in public, unless I want to embarrass my sister or boyfriend. I do have a sense of humor.