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Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cariblue
So whadda' ya' call a guy that falls somewhere in between retro and metro?
:dead: If he falls in between the metro.


Originally posted by migtig
Never said I was a guy nor a retrosexual, said I am more of a retrosexual than most guys I know. :neener: Which means, that a lot of guys I know are metrosexuals - or worse. :ohwell:
Why do you "know" them if they are all wussified?

Edited because of my tumor
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But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by Tonio
That's a guy who covers himself in motor oil before cruising for women.

or one who blows the competition away


Originally posted by migtig

Has this touched some kind of cord with you or something? I am sorry if I in any way insulted your male ego or pride. :huggy:
No and you couldn't. Just gigging you but you got all puffed up so I will abandon it.


New Member
Cave dwellers

This is a pity and a sham. Ya know, there is a thing called bigotry. It is a shame that the rest of the world is evolving and smib-ville is so off track. Ya know, I change my own oil, I can replace an engine, I will kill a deer, bear, beaver and have no problem with it. I like my worn out jeans and t-shirts. I listen to country music, even though I promote for a super-club. I do know how to tie several ties, because, working in the government, I attend different events, and ettiqutte and protocal dictate the "fashion." I'll fart and belch with the best of them. Hell, I even call my friends "fag" even though I am one. Haven't we learned the difference between reality and tv? Not all of us fags are nelly queens that know the difference between Moet and Boonsfarm. And ya know, if ya are gonna rag on men, why not southern md women? I mean, when are the women gonna learn that acid wash jeans, bleached hair and black eye-liner is soooooo '80's? And when for heaven's sake are the going to change that stupid haircut that they have had since high school? You may not like the "men" you see on TV, but I know a lot of people sure could use them. And there are plenty of guys in so md that could use a dose of the Fab 5......And some women really should watch "What not to Wear!":dance:


New Member
Where I came

Oh, back to Lexington Park? I enjoy watching all of you, it is my daily dose of laughter. And I am a republican. Go figure. I think instead of lithium ya'll need a dose of extacy, with a bump of K to go along.........:dance:


Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: Where I came

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
Oh, back to Lexington Park? I enjoy watching all of you, it is my daily dose of laughter. And I am a republican. Go figure. I think instead of lithium ya'll need a does of extacy, with a bump of K to go along.........:dance:
No thanks. I'm not a club kid drug addict. More for you I guess.


Re: Where I came

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
Oh, back to Lexington Park? I enjoy watching all of you, it is my daily dose of laughter. And I am a republican. Go figure. I think instead of lithium ya'll need a dose of extacy, with a bump of K to go along.........:dance:

Dude your just achin to start a flame war ain't ya?


New Member
Don't do them

Oh, I don't do drugs, ruins the brain. Besides, I saw what the 60's did to people...I don't wanna end up like that.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Re: Don't do them

Originally posted by Aimhigh2000
Oh, I don't do drugs, ruins the brain. Besides, I saw what the 60's did to people...I don't wanna end up like that.
Too late sweetie.


New Member
Flame war?

Well, I am not sure what that is, but if you need me too, I can certainly try. Back in 60 mins.....I have to go to lunch at the Old Ebbitt grille. :crazy: