REVISITED: Trump, Sex Trafficking & How It Ties To Russia Why the Deep State target both Trump and Putin


Well-Known Member

Can watch film below Liz mentioned



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Twain quote: "It's easier to fool people than to convinced them they've been fooled" is completely spot on. And it's something you can demonstrate yourself, with people you know. In fact, we've all seen it personally a zillion times.


Well-Known Member
The Twain quote: "It's easier to fool people than to convinced them they've been fooled" is completely spot on. And it's something you can demonstrate yourself, with people you know. In fact, we've all seen it personally a zillion times.
From you….


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Well-Known Member
Didn't Trump tell the Pope to make sure and wear his red shoes to the meeting?

He knew.



Well-Known Member
From you….
Unlike you and your posts, which isn't fooling anybody...Black Francis

You're a POS Democrat
With the political views of a lobotomized retard
And you live off of the taxpayers' money
The War on's the worst thing Dems did to You People...keeps you ignorant & enslaved...
But I'm sure you're ok with long as you gets yo monfly allowance
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Didn't Trump tell the Pope to make sure and wear his red shoes to the meeting?

He knew.
I hope you realize all this "villainy" you allude to reads like something out of Austin Powers, Naked Gun and Spaceballs combined.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I hope you realize all this "villainy" you allude to reads like something out of Austin Powers, Naked Gun and Spaceballs combined
LOL..indeed. I assumed the first such posts were some kind of Babylon Bee thing.....


Well-Known Member
I hope you realize all this "villainy" you allude to reads like something out of Austin Powers, Naked Gun and Spaceballs combined.
I won't answer for PJay, but I for one do.

But, would it be so outlandish to believe that our corrupt politicians would turn a blind eye to human trafficking as they pocket their profits?

Doubt can easily be raised through dismissiveness and ridicule. It's a tried and true psychological ploy and relies on belittling someone's allegations rather than investigating them, and it's very effective.

However, the more someone ridicules a thought, the more curious others will become about why the push to one opinion or another. I can already see attitudes changing about the true nature of Putin's involvement in Ukraine as more suspected pedophiles weigh in. I can't be the only one curious as to why