REVISITED: Trump, Sex Trafficking & How It Ties To Russia Why the Deep State target both Trump and Putin


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I won't answer for PJay, but I for one do.

But, would it be so outlandish to believe that our corrupt politicians would turn a blind eye to human trafficking as they pocket their profits?

Doubt can easily be raised through dismissiveness and ridicule. It's a tried and true psychological ploy and relies on belittling someone's allegations rather than investigating them, and it's very effective.

However, the more someone ridicules a thought, the more curious others will become about why the push to one opinion or another. I can already see attitudes changing about the true nature of Putin's involvement in Ukraine as more suspected pedophiles weigh in. I can't be the only one curious as to why
I'm a firm believer in the simplest explanations are usually the correct ones.

Putin is an ####### not some avenging angel come to slay the Ukrainian Sodomites and Demons.

Similarly the Ukrainians aren't some Angelic, Utopian Population of Virtues being preyed upon by Vladimir Satan.


PREMO Member
How many times has something been suggested, and the masses scoff and snark about tinfoil hats, and it turns out to be true?

Trump - They Tapped my Wires

I will say for most things;

Hanlon’s Razor: Never Attribute to Malice That Which is Adequately Explained by Stupidity​

there is no grand cabal .. just like minded people working towards the same goal


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
The amazing thing is, it all took place in front us. This explains what it all meant.

World Leaders Working Together. Just amazing..

The Plan

The Proof

There will be more told and explained when the time is right. Everyone will be very happy.

Will share short version of the above video too. The longer video above explains a lot more. I enjoyed both.

Patriots are still working hard and risking all.. please keep them in your thoughts and Prayers.


Well-Known Member
Question asked:
"Do you stand with Trump, Putin, and the Worldwide Alliance against the Cabal?

Or do you stand with Soros, Clinton, Abramovic and the child-trafficking servants that worship Satan?

Obvious who I stand with.


Well-Known Member
Question asked:
"Do you stand with Trump, Putin, and the Worldwide Alliance against the Cabal?

Or do you stand with Soros, Clinton, Abramovic and the child-trafficking servants that worship Satan?

Obvious who I stand with.

Seek help.


Well-Known Member
Clinton-Backed Haiti Pastor Indicted on Child Sex Charges.
