REVISITED: Trump, Sex Trafficking & How It Ties To Russia Why the Deep State target both Trump and Putin


Well-Known Member
Hopefully soon. Read August 1, 2022 but seeing will be believing. Not sure yet where/how we'll be able to watch.



Well-Known Member
Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, an independent investigative journalist and a documentary film producer best known for her relentless work exposing sex trafficking. Mary O’Neill is the Executive Director and finance manager of America’s Future, Inc. Mary begins the conversation explaining what her organization does. Liz then breaks down how the elite want to normalize child tracking and pedophilia. The conspiracy is now the truth and the elite are panicking because the world is catching on to what they wanted. The world is fighting back because they went after the children. Hollywood, corrupt politicians, fake news all silent on the subject, tells you everything you need to know.

Mary O’Neill is General Flynn's sister

The Elite Wanted A Pedo World, They Never Expected It To Be Exposed​

Liz Crokin

Americas Future


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I find it interesting that much of this is right in front of our faces, these pedogroomers post about it on social media right in the open....and yet so many choose not to believe them when they tell us who they are. Instead, they scoff at and mock the people who DO take them at their word.


I honestly don't understand this.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the rambling of a lunatic to me.
I have no doubt of the pedophilia, that is old news, but cannibalism? Come on now.
Post # 27 Have you watched? Maybe need a refresher?

President Donald J. Trump said he had it all... remember? Part of the reason our Military are in control..people are doing horrific things. Crimes against humanity!

People need to watch this to see what President Trump did for us and the World.

When President Trump visits the Pope pay close will have to pause the screen to read what the red shoes mean.
"Red Shoes=Child Sacrifice & Made From Human Leather Plus Signify Cannibalism.

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