Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


Bookseller Lady
I guess this is why I see society going down the toilet. When people start finding the ten commandments offensive and don't find a picture of a woman reaching for a man's package inappropriate, there is something going seriously wrong. How can 10 good rules to live by be offensive? I'm not suggesting everyone needs to be Christian. I am not a bible thumper myself and don't really care what others believe. I just will never understand why we need to expose our kids to smut and except it as OK and normal. Sure, they need to be taught about sex but that's very different from the concept of letting them learn it all from TV, internet, malls, etc. My kids are old enough that they do know what it's about, but they learned most of it from me and my wife the way we decided to teach them. We have instilled in them the value that they should not have sex until they are married. I, after all, am just trying to raise my kids the way I feel best. How can you fault me for that? We are certainly not living under a rock or in a cave as some have suggested. If you want to take your kid to Ruehl Clothing and show them the picture, that's your decision. I just know I will never step foot in there.

Glad to know you think we're all bad parents for not having a total fit over this poster.

How do you get a store to change it's marketing materials? The good tried and true American way- DON'T SHOP THERE. :patriot: Vote with your feet.

I don't patronize that store or any of the others in that group because their products don't appeal to me and their marketing is clearly aimed at another demographic. If my daughter happens to see an image like that she's more likely to go "ewww" or blush. I'd reply "pretty tacky, huh? " , she'd say "yeah-pretty stupid" and then we'd stroll on down to a store with better prices, products, and atmosphere.


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Well-Known Member
Just a quick question to you more prudent parents...

Ever take your kid to a museum...? :whistle:

BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Day in pictures
I'm amazed a thread about one person not liking a poster, and asking other people who didn't like it to say something to the store's headquarters went this long and far. :lmao:

As to museums, if the picture was a woman sticking her hands down a man's pants (as opposed to just a body), I would probably find that not so great, too. Unless, you see no difference between National Geographic and Hustler. :rolleyes:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Just a quick question to you more prudish (<<--grammar corrected) parents...

Ever take your kid to a museum...? :whistle:

BBC NEWS | In Pictures | Day in pictures

Natural History, Air and Space, sure. What passes for "art" isn't worth the time of day to view it.

pcjohnnyb, it appears you get on more peoples nerves than just mine. Did you used to get the #### beat out of you a lot in school? You seem like the type that would. You need some real life experience...

You never truly add anything to the threads you post in, so on iggy you go. I will take you off from time to time to give you some red kramer.:howdy: