Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter WHOSE kids it was directed at. Unless you know the particular kids you're dogging, STFU. And there's no call for anyone to be dogging ANYONE'S kids, OR anyone's parenting skills.

Okay, so now you know JEN'S kids and what they are and aren't exposed to???

Anything else you want to reveal about other peoples' kids that you don't even know?

Are you serious?

I believe you really are :lol:

Ok, I want you to start going out to restaurants, stores, ect and REALLY pay attention to where people's hands are (couples in particular) and things like that. Kids are VERY observant (I feel confident you know this since you raised some of your own). If there is something "out of the ordinary", they will usually notice it. If you legitimately think that 9/10 kids over the age of, i'd say easily 5, haven't seen worse than this...then you are quite closed minded to the issue (wouldn't be the first time vrai :wink:).

I'd rather have a kid watch porn (nothing too hardcore...I mean, lets be realistic...it is an example) than some of the gratuitous violence they see on tv, but what are you going to do? Different standards for different people.


maybe so, but, you think there would be issues if you spotted your daughter walking around the mall with her hand in her boyfriends pants?

I don't get into debates about how one parents, I don't have children. My opinion was I applauded people who took responsiblity for being a positive influence in their life, I just thought there were bigger fights to be fought.

And I don't really walk around the mall with my hands in my pants...I mean I would but I'm always carrying like fifteen bags of NY&Co...:lmao:


High Octane
so instead of speaking out against it they should just ignore it and go on their way regardless of how much it assaults their sensibilities?

Sorry, bubba, you're not going to get me to agree that it's bad to be judgmental. In fact, I think people should BE a little more discriminate and call things what they are instead of this hippie "I'm okay, you're okay" bullcrap.

Im not saying people shouldnt be judgemental.... but sometimes people take that a little overboard with what their being judgemental about....such as a poster in a store that is no worse than any other advertisement in the same mall....let alone the real people in the same mall.


Well-Known Member
That's the #2 bull#### line:

"You're so closed minded!"

Right behind "I feel sorry for your kids!"


:shrug: you've proven it time and time again.

I don't have much to go by besides your posts. Maybe sometime we'll have a truly intellectual conversation, but as of now all i've seen on your part are posts saying "my view is right and I need no explanation because I'm just going to childishly pick out parts of your posts to attack instead of discussing the issue at hand".

Did I miss something?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
but sometimes people take that a little overboard with what their being judgemental about....such as a poster in a store that is no worse than any other advertisement in the same mall....

What do you care? Is it going to kill you if some stranger on the internet finds something offensive? And is it going to kill you if they get the company to stop printing ads like that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't have much to go by besides your posts. Maybe sometime we'll have a truly intellectual conversation, but as of now all i've seen on your part are posts saying "my view is right and I need no explanation because I'm just going to childishly pick out parts of your posts to attack instead of discussing the issue at hand".

You're right. I NEVER have anything of substance to say. All I EVER do is attack ad hominem.

Unlike you, of course, who is such a fountain of wisdom and enlightening observations.



Well-Known Member
What do you care? Is it going to kill you if some stranger on the internet finds something offensive? And is it going to kill you if they get the company to stop printing ads like that?


You are RIDICULOUSLY hilarious how much you flip-flop as well.

You go from being on the side saying you don't want the gubermint to make decisions to appease the whiners and then you say it is OK if the whiners force a company to change to fit their conservative views on something.


High Octane
What do you care? Is it going to kill you if some stranger on the internet finds something offensive? And is it going to kill you if they get the company to stop printing ads like that?

I dont care! I read the original post, and replied with my OPINION as the OP asked. She decided she didnt want my opinion and replied in a derogatory way...thus I replied back. I do find it rather silly to complain about something trivial as a poster in a store thats in a mall full of the same or worse.

i was replying to yourself and bcp in terms of the comments on people being judgemental...and my alleged attempt to make others believe its bad. That was not my intent at all, and i explained my stance on the matter to avoid any further confusion.


Lem Putt
Unlike you, of course, who is such a fountain of wisdom and enlightening observations.
Remember when you were 18 and knew absolutely everything? Doesn't it just take you back to be exposed to such a genius?

I just don't know how I survived the first 42 years of my life without Johnny boy to enlighten me on the right way to think. It's great to have his wisdom now though, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Remember when you were 18 and knew absolutely everything? Doesn't it just take you back to be exposed to such a genius?

I just don't know how I survived the first 42 years of my life without Johnny boy to enlighten me on the right way to think. It's great to have his wisdom now though, don't you think?

YW :buddies:


Lem Putt

You are RIDICULOUSLY hilarious how much you flip-flop as well.

You go from being on the side saying you don't want the gubermint to make decisions to appease the whiners and then you say it is OK if the whiners force a company to change to fit their conservative views on something.
Do you actually read what you post? Your post shows that she is 100% consistent.

The people have a right to ask the company to remove the material. The government has no right to force them.

How much clearer can it be?


New Member
What do you care? Is it going to kill you if some stranger on the internet finds something offensive? And is it going to kill you if they get the company to stop printing ads like that?
When does it stop, Vrai?

Next up, they'll have to stop making violent video games because someone's unhappy there's a violent or mature scene in an "M" rated videogame. Oh wait, that's happened already. :duh:

Then someone's going to target fatty Big Macs because it makes their kid too fat. Oh wait, they've already done that. :duh:

Then they're going to protest the NASCAR Winston Cup Series and try tto force Winston out as the sponsor and have a better, more ethical company sponsor the series. Wait, been there done that.

The hell with it, tear the evil offensive sign down. :burning: We don't need free speech! :sarcasm:

It's a friggin' sign INSIDE an adult/young adult clothing store. Jesus God people, GET OVER IT! :rolleyes:

I'm sure the REDRUM (krama) is flowing in now. :jet:


High Octane
Rhuel Clothing in... 02-21-2008 02:03 PM You're strange

thanks, i like it that way....


New Member
Do you actually read what you post? Your post shows that she is 100% consistent.

The people have a right to ask the company to remove the material. The government has no right to force them.

How much clearer can it be?
Vrai doesn't want the government to force them to pull it down. But, other people might.

And you know we shouldn't put it past Annapolis.



Well-Known Member
Do you actually read what you post? Your post shows that she is 100% consistent.

The people have a right to ask the company to remove the material. The government has no right to force them.

How much clearer can it be?

its still an establishment conforming to the beliefs of people wanting to keep their world a perfect, sheltered bubble :shrug:


New Member

You are RIDICULOUSLY hilarious how much you flip-flop as well.

You go from being on the side saying you don't want the gubermint to make decisions to appease the whiners and then you say it is OK if the whiners force a company to change to fit their conservative views on something.
WTH? :confused:

First of all, a conservative would not want the government to force the signs down. We believe in free speech.

Second of all, Vrai doesn't want Annapolis to come tear these signs down.

Do you have any idea what you are saying? Vrai's been 100% consistent.


Well-Known Member
WTH? :confused:

First of all, a conservative would not want the government to force the signs down. We believe in free speech.

Second of all, Vrai doesn't want Annapolis to come tear these signs down.

Do you have any idea what you are saying? Vrai's been 100% consistent.


"conservative" isn't always referring to political stance k?

Conservative as I intended it means...
Definitions of conservative on the Web:

resistant to change
opposed to liberal reforms
cautious: avoiding excess; "a conservative estimate"
button-down: unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-grey world of business"- Newsweek
a person who has conservative ideas or opinions
bourgeois: conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class; "a bourgeois mentality"

someone who wants the world to be bland and boring because anything "wild and crazy" is offensive.


Infinite Impetus

"conservative" isn't always referring to political stance k?

Conservative as I intended it means...

someone who wants the world to be bland and boring because anything "wild and crazy" is offensive.

You are not smart.. pulling defs from google doesn't even make you appear to be smart. Clock out and go home for the day will ya?


Well-Known Member
You are not smart.. pulling defs from google doesn't even make you appear to be smart. Clock out and go home for the day will ya?

are you kidding me? It wasn't supposed to...it was clarification :yay:

I was giving my own definition then decided "hey, what is better? Giving your OWN definition OR researching it on a reputable source in order to give an accurate definition?"

Glad this has turned into a thread attacking me though because it is bringing out a key aspect vrai doesn't appreciate. You are assuming I'm not smart, but you do not know me now do ya? I do believe Mama Vrai just went on a little rant about saying something referring to someone/something you don't know (She was talking about her kids, as well as other people's kids...for those of you who don't remember). We really wouldn't want to make assumptions about someone's intelligence now would we? As far as I know you don't know me :shrug: