Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


Infinite Impetus
are you kidding me? It wasn't supposed to...it was clarification :yay:

I was giving my own definition then decided "hey, what is better? Giving your OWN definition OR researching it on a reputable source in order to give an accurate definition?"

Glad this has turned into a thread attacking me though because it is bringing out a key aspect vrai doesn't appreciate. You are assuming I'm not smart, but you do not know me now do ya? I do believe Mama Vrai just went on a little rant about saying something referring to someone/something you don't know (She was talking about her kids, as well as other people's kids...for those of you who don't remember). We really wouldn't want to make assumptions about someone's intelligence now would we? As far as I know you don't know me :shrug:


you pick out that 2 year program yet?


New Member
EXACTLY what you said was:

So please tell me how my kids aren't handling the real world, since you know so much about it and all.



Ok once again, i never said i knew your kids, and i never said that i know so much about this topic. Obviously you don't either! I'm saying kids in the real world know or at least have an idea about sex! Calling into a store and complaining about an ad you don't agree with??? Well you may as well call all the stores since sex sells (repeating myself for the 3rd time here) and its everywhere! AGAIN! If you don't like it then i suggest you sit in a closet! If you dont talk to your kids about sex then their going to find out one way or another!

I'll look for you on the Maury Show!

I'm through with this discussion because its clearly differences of opinions.


In My Opinion
Then someone's going to target fatty Big Macs because it makes their kid too fat. Oh wait, they've already done that. :duh:
you know, this was a fun thread to a point. sure there were arguments but nothing really ignorant until right here.

HOW DARE YOU speak poorly of the Big Mac, an American Icon, part of what made this country huge,, I mean, great.

how about you just climb back under that wendys rock that you snuck out from under and stop trying to desecrate a great American food source.



In My Opinion
Vrai doesn't want the government to force them to pull it down. But, other people might.

And you know we shouldn't put it past Annapolis.

the whore mongering pigs in annapolis will not stop anything offensive, now, if it was a picture of Jesus Christ feeding the hungry, I could see them stepping in to correct that travesty.


New Member
you know, this was a fun thread to a point. sure there were arguments but nothing really ignorant until right here.

HOW DARE YOU speak poorly of the Big Mac, an American Icon, part of what made this country huge,, I mean, great.

how about you just climb back under that wendys rock that you snuck out from under and stop trying to desecrate a great American food source.

I like the Big Macs, and the Super Size McDonald's fries.

Then Morgan Spurlock came out of his rock and made that documentary paving the way for McDonald's to take the Super Size option off the menu. :burning: :tantrum:


professional daydreamer


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Highlander's MPD
the whore mongering pigs in annapolis will not stop anything offensive, now, if it was a picture of Jesus Christ feeding the hungry, I could see them stepping in to correct that travesty.

I guess this is why I see society going down the toilet. When people start finding the ten commandments offensive and don't find a picture of a woman reaching for a man's package inappropriate, there is something going seriously wrong. How can 10 good rules to live by be offensive? I'm not suggesting everyone needs to be Christian. I am not a bible thumper myself and don't really care what others believe. I just will never understand why we need to expose our kids to smut and except it as OK and normal. Sure, they need to be taught about sex but that's very different from the concept of letting them learn it all from TV, internet, malls, etc. My kids are old enough that they do know what it's about, but they learned most of it from me and my wife the way we decided to teach them. We have instilled in them the value that they should not have sex until they are married. I, after all, am just trying to raise my kids the way I feel best. How can you fault me for that? We are certainly not living under a rock or in a cave as some have suggested. If you want to take your kid to Ruehl Clothing and show them the picture, that's your decision. I just know I will never step foot in there.
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I like the Big Macs, and the Super Size McDonald's fries.

Then Morgan Spurlock came out of his rock and made that documentary paving the way for McDonald's to take the Super Size option off the menu. :burning: :tantrum:
That just kills me....wth ever happened to being responsible for your own choices....if you're a fatazz then don't make it super size....better yet....don't go to McDonalds.


professional daydreamer
I guess this is why I see society going down the toilet. When people start finding the ten commandments offensive and don't find a picture of a woman reaching for a man's package inappropriate, there is something going seriously wrong. How can 10 good rules to live by be offensive? I'm not suggesting everyone needs to be Christian. I am not a bible thumper myself and don't really care what others believe. I just will never understand why we need to expose our kids to smut and except it as OK and normal. Sure, they need to be taught about sex but that's very different from the concept of letting them learn it all from TV, internet, malls, etc. My kids are old enough that they do know what it's about, but they learned most of it from me and my wife the way we decided to teach them. We have instilled in them the value that they should not have sex until they are married. I, after all, am just trying to raise my kids the way I feel best. How can you fault me for that? We are certainly not living under a rock or in a cave as some have suggested. If you want to take your kid to Ruehl Clothing and show them the picture, that's your decision. I just know I will never step foot in there.

It's my understanding that the pic is inside the store, if that's true, I don't understand what your gripe is. Don't take the kids inside the store. You don't take them to titty bars, do you? What's the difference?

You may not live in a cave or under a rock, but you sound like you're trying to find one for your kids.


New Member
It's my understanding that the pic is inside the store, if that's true, I don't understand what your gripe is. Don't take the kids inside the store. You don't take them to titty bars, do you? What's the difference?

You may not live in a cave or under a rock, but you sound like you're trying to find one for your kids.
Really. I'd have never been exposed to this evil if not for your thread. Thanks a lot, #######.


Well-Known Member
I guess this is why I see society going down the toilet. When people start finding the ten commandments offensive and don't find a picture of a woman reaching for a man's package inappropriate, there is something going seriously wrong. How can 10 good rules to live by be offensive? I'm not suggesting everyone needs to be Christian. I am not a bible thumper myself and don't really care what others believe. I just will never understand why we need to expose our kids to smut and except it as OK and normal. Sure, they need to be taught about sex but that's very different from the concept of letting them learn it all from TV, internet, malls, etc. My kids are old enough that they do know what it's about, but they learned most of it from me and my wife the way we decided to teach them. We have instilled in them the value that they should not have sex until they are married. I, after all, am just trying to raise my kids the way I feel best. How can you fault me for that? We are certainly not living under a rock or in a cave as some have suggested. If you want to take your kid to Ruehl Clothing and show them the picture, that's your decision. I just know I will never step foot in there.

interesting :coffee: here all this time I thought you were a woman.. :coffee:



Ditto. I never even heard of the store before this thread.

make that x3
I also have never found my way up to Annapolis mall...I prefer just going to the "ghetto" one seeing as its closer :lmao:


Not familiar with Ruehl clothing...but it is no worse than walking by A&F and seeing a guy showing his buttcrack..cause his pair of pants is hanging half off. I don't see the issue here. ....