Rhuel Clothing in Annapolis Mall


High Octane

I am writing this to all of you hoping that you find this as offensive as I do. There is a photo in a store called Ruehl in Annapolis Mall. This photo depicts a male and female facing each other with their clothes askew. The guy has his pants unzipped and the girls has her hand down his pants. I find this very unacceptable to be in a store that a child of any age could walk in. The guy in the store tried to suggest that the store was for people over 21. This is a clothes store, not a porn store, what are they trying to sell? A friend of mine is on a mission to get this photo out of the store, and is asking that we all call this store to lodge a complaint. The guy in the store said that unless there were a lot of complaints, they would take no notice, and the photo would stay. I hope you can take a few minutes to call the store to get this photo removed. Thanks for your help.

Scroll over to the right on the link below until you see the photo. This is what your kids will see at the Annapolis Mall if they walk by Ruehls.


The Assistant Manager Leslie at Rhuel@ 410-897-1944 said the poster will remain and said the Manager will not remove the poster, she said all complaints should be directed to corporate @ (888) 856-4480.

Westfield Annapolis Mall management can be reached at Westfield Just call the number listed or click on "contact us"

You sound like a very immature person without children. If you had young children, you would know what I'm talking about. it's not about offending "YOU."

I think you need to make up your mind then......

children or no children what does it matter? Does that make me any less intelligent?

I seriously doubt that kids would even notice that a girl has her hand PARTIALLY in the guys jeans. There are far worse things to see in the mall, that are much more obvious. There are much worse scenes in TV commercials, magazine ads, tv shows, movies, billboards to be worried about this picture. Sorry i sound so immature.... you sound like someone who is horrified by the sight of male/female interaction and are scared your kids might find out about SEX!


I think you need to make up your mind then......

children or no children what does it matter? Does that make me any less intelligent?

I seriously doubt that kids would even notice that a girl has her hand PARTIALLY in the guys jeans. There are far more worse things to see in the mall, that are much more obvious. There are much worse scenes in TV commercials, magazine ads, tv shows, movies, billboards to be worried about this picture. Sorry i sound so immature.... you sound like someone who is horrified by the sight of male/female interaction and are scared your kids might find out about SEX!


that kind of behavior is what makes kids rebel and get pregnant at 15.....


Bookseller Lady
is that any worse than the huge posters of lingerie clad women at Victoria's Secret? It doesnt offend me.

would it make you feel better if it were two people of the same sex?

There are worse things than that to see in the mall.....

Abercrombie and Fitch :whistle:

I doubt the store manager had the authority to take the poster down, and probably would have been in trouble for removing it. Stuff like that comes down from corporate honchos that don't have to deal with angry customers face to face.


Highlander's MPD
Do your kids watch tv?

Because I would put money down that they have already seen a LOT worse

Well, yes they do but we are doing our best as parents to make sure they aren't exposed to the smut everyday. At least I know my 14 year old isn't having sex. If you really think it's ok to let your young kids watch whatever they want and it's OK to expose them to pictures of women putting their hands down a guy's pants, then you really shouldn't have kids. Come on, people. In today's world, it's very common to hear about 12-14 year old kids having sex. Sometimes it's with teachers. Where do you think this problem is being generated? Media, maybe? If you are a parent you have to raise your kids the best way possible.


Well-Known Member
It's offensive. It's not pornographic, and therefore will probably not be removed. There are worse things, but that doesn't make this not bad itself (that kind of logic would make brutal rape/murder combos the only thing punishable by law).

Speaking of law, I didn't hear anyone but Vrai call for legal action, just consumers being consumers and writing the corporate office of the store. Sounds like reasonable action by the suggester. Not a law protecting children policing what "may" be offensive to some, but a call for like minded people to contact the store's owner. (you know, along the lines of "if you don't like it don't go there". But, tell the store WHY you won't go there)

If you don't find it offensive, DON'T contact the store. Why attack the person who finds it offensive? They're not asking you to change your shopping, your laws, your views. The call was for people who agree to do something.


If you have children seeing pictures of people touching each other that way, how do you teach them that it is NOT OK for someone to touch you there???? Think about it folks, its just not right to have a picture like that when there is a chance of children viewing it.


Abercrombie and Fitch :whistle:

I doubt the store manager had the authority to take the poster down, and probably would have been in trouble for removing it. Stuff like that comes down from corporate honchos that don't have to deal with angry customers face to face.

Same stores.....different names on the clothes...Hollister too. For the ten people who find it offensive, there are ten thousand who couldn't care less...
No worse than these Calvin Klein ads sprayed all over Macy's and Dillard's :shrug:


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There are so many other ways to have a family day together with your children, I would just stay away from the Mall, shop other places, and plan other activities with the children. That's what I do.


professional daydreamer
There are so many other ways to have a family day together with your children, I would just stay away from the Mall, shop other places, and plan other activities with the children. That's what I do.

:yay: Wal Mart is kid friendly.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
If you have children seeing pictures of people touching each other that way, how do you teach them that it is NOT OK for someone to touch you there???? Think about it folks, its just not right to have a picture like that when there is a chance of children viewing it.

Good touch, bad touch :ohwell: