RIGHT NOW: Dallas @ Washington


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Did I hear that right? DoWhats house in two weeks? You are just starting this so you can back out at the last minute again...

Trust me, it wasn't intentional and I do feel like a azz for having to bail, but I am happily married and intend to stay that way.:lmao:


No Longer the Kid
...and the Ravens playing at 4pm, at home, I'm gonna guess traffic was a bit...


Well, we got to Fedex around 1ish, and tailgated for a while, and then afterwards we went up to the club house bar/party, then went back out to the parking lot and made the last of the burgers and dogs in all, ended up leaving Fedex around 9:30ish I guess... so there wasn't much traffic to hit :yay: Thankfully!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Well, we got to Fedex around 1ish, and tailgated for a while, and then afterwards we went up to the club house bar/party, then went back out to the parking lot and made the last of the burgers and dogs in all, ended up leaving Fedex around 9:30ish I guess... so there wasn't much traffic to hit :yay: Thankfully!!

...day there, my man! :buddies: