I completely agree with you, Ken. You, I and everyone who's read this thread know that this thing is a hazard itself. The county should pull it down for safety reasons, not to mention aesthetic ones, but all those people who put stuff there, all this woman's friends and family and everyone else who has ever put up a similar memorial would disagree. The county may take it down and put out a statement about why, but who's going to read the statement? Will it be in the local paper? When, next month? By then, all the supporters of roadside memorials will have blasted the removal of the stuff and the local elected officials or their political appointees will have come down a notch in the public esteem, at least among those who support the memorials, which I would venture to say is anyone who lost a loved one on the county roads and put up a similiar memorial. That's a lot of people, maybe not a majority, but enough people that those looking for votes have to be careful.