Roadside memorials


Football addict
nomoney said:
:confused: Do you even know what happened or are you just talking out your ass again?
The latter. However, aren't the lessons we're supposed to learn quicky forgotten. The memorials don't really bother me much, they stand as a constant reminder of how not to act or how quick it is to make a mistake on the highway. I think too many folks say "aww too bad...but she shouldn't have been on her cell phone" and then an hour later they're doing the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Yo Jackass...

sockgirl77 said:
I guess that people need to grieve in different ways. People who just think that it's an eyesore instead of a memorial have never lost a loved one in an accident. I have lost several. I did put flowers down at the cite. I didn't do the balloons and teddy bears b/c they were guys and it wouldn't seem fit. I do agree that balloons are meant for birthdays and joyous occasions. I only put flowers down at the cite until they had gravestones. Now I visit them there. To those who asked if we wanted to remember them by seeing the flowers on the road: Everytime that I pass by that certain cite on Indian Bridge Road my heart skips a beat. I don't need to flowers down to remember so I don't think that having flowers there would matter. Bad memories are there to stay. All that I am asking to those who are posting is please have a little compassion for those who have had to deal with this. You'd never understand it until you've had to go through it.
Roadside memorials 05-02-2006 02:23 PM what mushy bullshit
Check posting dates before sending red please. Oh, and I travel this road twice a day and my heart still skips a beat. :rolleyes:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Where is the most garish roadside memorial? My vote goes to the display on Flora Corner Rd, near Rt 6. I realize that it was a young fireman on his way to a call BUT there are better ways to remember him than putting up solar lights and whirlygigs.


Active Member
I just feel that it is the cemetary which is the proper place for memorials. That is their purpose....

Putting memorials on the roadsides, is not to "warn" others, or to teach a lessons to others, it is put their for the sole benefit of the loved ones left behind. Let's be honest about this....


Set Trippin
nomoney said:
Wasn't it her that made the mistake? And not him?
Yes, if I remember correctly she was applying makeup and ran the red, the fella behind her said she never even used the brake, the driver of the cement mixer had the green arrow...


Active Member
Thank you for posting that...

"Brenda Stewart, said losing her son's memorial would be "like losing our son all over again." --does anyone think this just isn't right? (Like she is "out there"?)

It made me think, that she has claimed that "space" just for herself.
The roads belong to all of us, and we all should have a say....


Routinely Derailed
My wife and I don't see any good in the roadside memorials (and certainly wouldn't want any if we were the deceased). For us most of them don't cause a reaction much different from seeing roadside garbage/trash. The more elaborate ones make me think about the waste of time and materials, not the loss of life.


Set Trippin
Who gives a crap radioedit:? If that's all yall have to worry about in life than you have it pretty damn good....