romantic/intimate restaurants in calvert???


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Just curious...
I have a date tomorrow and want to know the best place to go in Calvert...

I don't want to go too high scale though... or I think she might be nervous...

So... what are the most romantic, most reasonably priced restaurants between solomon's and prince fred.


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Yes someone please help us out. Analyst and I will need to eat after our romp in his bedroom.
:confused: :confused: :confused: Is there something you're not telling me? BTW...wanna hit Casey's tonight for some cold beers? :cheers: :biggrin:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I think DiGiovanni's in Solomons is rather romantic - you can't go wrong with Italian food! CD Cafe is also very nice, but it is very small and they don't take reservations. I don't know what you consider reasonable for price, but neither one is inexpensive.


Beloved Misanthrope
Originally posted by sleuth14
... So... what are the most romantic, most reasonably priced restaurants between solomon's and prince fred.

Voûtes D'or... Nourriture Bell...


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:confused: :confused: :confused: Is there something you're not telling me? BTW...wanna hit Casey's tonight for some cold beers? :cheers: :biggrin:

Yes as a matter of fact I think I do! :biggrin:

Please refer to the "personals" thread. I've finally found my soul mate! :rolleyes:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Re: romantic/intimate restaurants in calvert???

Originally posted by Kyle
Voûtes D'or... Nourriture Bell...
:roflmao: And supersize 'em too! That will impress her. :lmao:


Beloved Misanthrope
Originally posted by kwillia
:offtopic: :rolleyes: Where is WC when you need her?
It's on topic Kwillia...

Slueth is looking for nice romantic restaraunts and Caseys might qualify. Probably not as nice as Restaurant De Contrôleurs but still...


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I've been twice (to Casey's) in the past 3 days - lots of fun. :biggrin: Maybe around 9 or so? Possibly a little earlier. :confused:

Sounds good to me. Just give a call later.


aka Mrs. Giant
Okay - here is a serious answer Sleuth....take her for a little ride down plum pt road (beside the bowling alley) until you run into North Beach. Park the car across the street from the Catholic church (Can't miss it - big parking lot) Go into Neptunes on the corner beside the catholic church. Wonderful, romantic, cozy, intimate, proper mood lighting, and ohhhh soooo goood. Prices are inexpensive to moderate to highend - all reasonable for what ya order. After dinner stroll the NB boardwalk - not as commercialized as solomons - lot quiter, very pretty - even has a little beach. Cuddle and keep warm. The boardwalk is behind the parking lot where you put your car. Come back to the car and offer her ice cream or coffee from the ice cream shop beside the parking lot where you put the car. Drive back and hold hands. Lovey dovey, romantic and good food. Good luck.


There ya go Craig, the spinster has given you the keys to success!!


New Member
Originally posted by migtig
Cuddle and keep warm. Drive back and hold hands. Lovey dovey, romantic
:barf: On the above. Instead, pick her up in your Diesel truck (rent one) with a 6-pack of beer and a package of Skoal. She's guaranteed to melt in your arms. :biggrin:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:barf: On the above. Instead, pick her up in your Diesel truck (rent one) with a 6-pack of beer and a package of Skoal. She's guaranteed to melt in your arms. :biggrin:

Trust her on this one C. That's how Sxy won my heart. :kiss:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
:barf: On the above. Instead, pick her up in your Diesel truck (rent one) with a 6-pack of beer and a package of Skoal. She's guaranteed to melt in your arms. :biggrin:
Nuttin but the best fer ya Sxy? :biggrin:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by cariblue
I'm sure he'll be a novel addition to your collection. I don't think you have a balding man in your back yard yet, do you?

:lol: Nope I don't think I do.