One of the dumb excuses Martha’s Vineyard locals used to justify why the 51 illegal immigrants couldn’t stay on their idyllic little island was that is just no work for them, what with the summer rush over and everything. For example, Charles Rus, music director at St. Andrew’s, the episcopal church in Edgartown where the illegal immigrants were temporarily housed, flatly told the Epoch Times there were no jobs on the island for the migrants, so. Buh bye.
But the Epoch Times did a little digging — a very little digging, it didn’t take much — and found jobs all over the place, in scads and buckets. For instance, there are over 50 help wanted ads in classified section of the Vineyard Gazette alone, including jobs for laborers, custodians, landscapers, bakers, cooks, dishwashers, technicians, library assistant, and several retail positions.
Epoch’s reporters also called the Martha’s Vineyard YMCA and discovered several more open positions, including housekeepers, “ice arena” workers, and a front desk administrator. The YMCA shares a building with a local charity, Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, which itself needs a “bilingual” administrative assistant.
Although the Community Services charity almost certainly receives state and/or federal funding, Epoch couldn’t find anyone in the generously-appointed offices when the reporter went by to ask about the job opening.
Even more appalling, Epoch’s reporter discovered that the island’s local supermarket chain, Stop & Shop, has empty worker dormitories — where the summer overflow workers live during the busy summer tourist season. Obviously the immigrants could have been housed there — and Stop & Shop is even hiring for several open positions right now.
Martha’s Vineyard is one of eight “sanctuary cities” in Massachusetts and — up till about 10 minutes ago — regularly “celebrated diversity.”
Not any more, apparently.
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