Rules of the Road


  • YES

    Votes: 24 80.0%
  • YES

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters


They're out to get us
For everyone that thinks you can drive in any lane you want...

Page 59:

General Driving Rules
Keep to the Right
You should keep to the right, except when your vehicle is about to
overtake and pass another vehicle or cyclist, or to make a left turn.
On a two-lane or other narrow highway, you must grant the
approaching vehicle one-half of the paved or improved portion of
the road.

Page 61:

Lane Driving
When you are driving more slowly than the traffic flow on a highway
that has two or more lanes in your direction, you should
move to and stay in the right lane.


24/7 Single Dad
General Driving Rules
Lane Driving
When you are driving more slowly than the traffic flow on a highway
that has two or more lanes in your direction, you should
move to and stay in the right lane.

I was riding with a friend on 235 north of Hollywood, she's doing about 60 in the left lane.
Cars are zipping by her on the right and I asked if she'd ever heard "Slower traffic keep right."?
She says "I'm doing over 60 in a 55"
Me, "Slower is a relative term that has no relation to to the posted speed limit."
"But I'm already going over the legal limit"
"Is that guy that just passed you on the right going slower or faster than you?"
"Well of course he's going faster"
"Do you think that might imply you're the "slower traffic"
"Do you think I should get over?"

:cds: We no longer date


They're out to get us
I was riding with a friend on 235 north of Hollywood, she's doing about 60 in the left lane.
Cars are zipping by her on the right and I asked if she'd ever heard "Slower traffic keep right."?
She says "I'm doing over 60 in a 55"
Me, "Slower is a relative term that has no relation to to the posted speed limit."
"But I'm already going over the legal limit"
"Is that guy that just passed you on the right going slower or faster than you?"
"Well of course he's going faster"
"Do you think that might imply you're the "slower traffic"
"Do you think I should get over?"

:cds: We no longer date


She sounded pretty bright.

But that's exactly it. Ideally, people going at the speed limit would be in the left lane since nobody would speed. In reality, that's not the case. Since passing on the left is safer, slow traffic needs to move the hell over. There are so many people that are like "well I'm going 5 MPH and anyone going above that is nuts!" or 10mph over or whatever it is. Regardless of what you think is acceptable, 9 out of the other 10 drivers on the road probably disagree with you. They may think you're out of line by going above the speed limit, or they may feel higher speeds are still appropriate. That's why they stick to the simple but effective "slower traffic on the right" rule.


In My Opinion

She sounded pretty bright.

But that's exactly it. Ideally, people going at the speed limit would be in the left lane since nobody would speed. In reality, that's not the case. Since passing on the left is safer, slow traffic needs to move the hell over. There are so many people that are like "well I'm going 5 MPH and anyone going above that is nuts!" or 10mph over or whatever it is. Regardless of what you think is acceptable, 9 out of the other 10 drivers on the road probably disagree with you. They may think you're out of line by going above the speed limit, or they may feel higher speeds are still appropriate. That's why they stick to the simple but effective "slower traffic on the right" rule.
I go by the rule,
tonnage wins

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
And the lowest common demoninator for driver and machine. Meaning a half blind idiot driving a 1968 land yacht with full drum brakes and worn out suspension on bald bias ply tires will be safe at those limits.

In any case, for instance, many folks mistakenly think that yellow speed limit signs indicate legal maximum speeds. they dont, yellow speed advisory signs are just that, advisory only. Orange ones, however, are mandatory.

Two of my personal favorites are acceleration and decelleration lanes, and divided highway passthroughs. Very few folks actually understand how to use these features.

Accel/deccel lanes- These are for getting up to the traffic speed of the roadway you want to enter. You are not supposed to slowly creep out to the end of that lane and stop, then enter traffic a 20-30mph less than the trafic flow. Or, coming off the roadway, you FULLY enter the decell lane, THEN slow down for your turn. Dont slow to 20-30 less than traffic, then creep over into that lane. In both cases, dont be tentative, make these lane changes smartly, 2-3 seconds at most.

Median Passthroughs - Do not turn into the passthrough immediately, wait until you are on the far side, then turn. This prevents anyone coming from the other side into passthrough the from the opther side of the highway blocking your view on oncoming traffic.

Can we keep it simple? :lol:


I'll text it to you....that's what I do while I'm driving

I personally find this to be a crock of crap. Drink three or four beers and go to jail. Text message and you get a fine.
Bull crap.. at least the person that had a few drinks is watching the road.

So let me get this right.. Your texting, not watching what your doing and run in the back of someone, injuring them. You get a $500 ticket to boot.
But if you did the same thing whether they pulled out in front of you or not and you had a few drinks. You go to jail and will cost you a whole lot more than $500.

I'd rather be on the road with a thousand drivers blowing 0.7 or less than I would with one jackass texting.

St. Mary’s County Government

Karen Everett,
Public Information Officer


For immediate release:
July 2, 2009

For more information contact:
Karen Everett
301-475-4200 ext. 1342

St. Mary’s County Drivers Urged to Not Text Message While Driving

Drivers are reminded that text messaging while driving is against the law in the neighboring state
of Virginia effective July 1 and that the law banning texting while driving takes effect in Maryland on
October 1.

“While the law does not take effect in Maryland until October, I urge all citizens to stop texting while driving now,” said Commissioner President Francis Jack Russell.
Texting is a proven distraction for drivers and is most common among younger motorists. Texting is an increasingly popular but dangerous practice of shooting off short messages from cellphones and other electronic devices while behind the wheel. A study last year by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that about half of drivers ages 18 to 24 said they texted behind the wheel at least occasionally.
The Maryland law makes the activity a misdemeanor crime of driving while using a text messaging device to write or send a text while operating a motor vehicle in the travel portion of the roadway. A civil penalty will be imposed and a fine of not more than $500.00 can be enforced if convicted.

“Driving is a full time job; it requires full time attention,” said AAA Mid-Atlantic spokesman Lon Anderson. “Any activity that requires you to take your eyes off the road and type is not compatible with safe driving. No time is the right time to text and drive.”

For more information, contact your local Community Traffic Safety Program Coordinator Ms. Jacqueline Beckman at 301-475-4200 ext. 1850 or email
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New Member
I was riding with a friend on 235 north of Hollywood, she's doing about 60 in the left lane.
Cars are zipping by her on the right and I asked if she'd ever heard "Slower traffic keep right."?
She says "I'm doing over 60 in a 55"
Me, "Slower is a relative term that has no relation to to the posted speed limit."
"But I'm already going over the legal limit"
"Is that guy that just passed you on the right going slower or faster than you?"
"Well of course he's going faster"
"Do you think that might imply you're the "slower traffic"
"Do you think I should get over?"

:cds: We no longer date
This is a good thread.